Issue 183# "The {Indecipherable text}"

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"{Indecipherable text}" Jabez leaped away from the two, they tailed after him in the streets. "{Questionable Dialogue?}" Galalig turned his head to Saint, he aimed himself to Jabez. "{Unknown language.}" Jabez turned to face the other as he fired projectiles of his hair, the two halted their tracks and Galalig created a barrier of shampoo, the child had a profoundly puzzled expression to why he chose that."{Redacted}" As the two felt the concrete road crack under them, spewing slabs of concrete and nail projectiles.  Galalig pushed Saint out of the way as a vine of hair entrapped his ankle. 

"{Indecipherable text}" Jabez fwooshed past Galalig, causing Galalig to be dragged against the concrete road."Too bad, Galalig, aah've become devoid of that kid's manipulation over circumstances." Jabez words were fluent and comprehensible. "Hah! Don't think I've only given him one!" Galalig knew that Jabez utilized his existence declaration to fix that problem earlier. 'He's witty, but I still had myself surprised to how he obtained 'Personal Mastery'!' Galalig teleported away, he stood next to Saint. "Saint," He rubbed his throat in annoyance as he pointed at the albino in the distance. " know what to do." He says as the child ran towards Jabez. 

Jabez prodded fingers against each other as his personal soundtrack played. "Huh?" The child halted his tracks, there was music meant for battle.   "Don't mind that, kid, it's nothing." Jabez fixes his hair magically as he rose both his hands up. They both shaped into loudspeakers, as he aimed it at the child. A tremendous screech bursts from the loudspeaker as the child stood there, trying to withstand but it causes him to kneel over and cover his ears in agony. It's so inevitable that it can affect just about anything and anyone. 

"GAH! IT HURTS MY BLOODY EARS!" Galalig was rendered powerless, there were others like him affected by it unknowingly like; Shan, Oriel, Synonymia, and the rest of AT. 'He was quicker on the draw! If I only had done this before--' His ears were beginning to bleed profusely, anger throbbing deeply in his mind. "Back at ya!" The kid suddenly arose as Jabez was hurtled back, whatever Jabez gave to them had returned to him. "Man, I should really utilize my Complete Arsenal if it weren't such a plethora of superpowers." Galalig watched the albino get thrown pretty far. 

Suddenly and right off the bat, Jabez delivers a horizontal kick on the other's head after appearing behind Galalig. "You dunderhead, aah'm the good guy aah let you run in a footle within the UK?" Jabez says as Galalig conjured angelic-like wings to hurtle him back. It fails, Jabez warped behind the child. "Time 'ta clean ya!" As the wheel of life appeared before the two, Jabez threw the child to its form. "No! You bloody bastard! I won't let ya!" Galalig shattered the 'wheel of life' itself thru brute force, he caught the child with both hands. 

"Don't fret, one little mistake and he's rendered mortal forever." There were more wheels of life appearing around them, as Galalig narrowed his eyes at the other. "You're heartless! You'd threaten my son?!" Galalig barked at him. "He isn't your son, you're just asserting that he is." Jabez used Body Supremacy to indicate if they were actually relatives, nothing, they had no relativity to one another. "SCREW YOU!" Galalig charged towards Jabez with Saint in his hands as Jabez warped into white particles and appeared behind him. 

Something bright and blinding halted the supervillain. "Even if he isn't thrown in there, the light of the samsara has removed his immortality," Jabez explained to the other. "It isn't a bright idea to give him a permanent immortality either, he's just a child." Jabez only wanted to elaborate further so that he would feel repent for what he was going to do. ".." Galalig knelt on his knees as the wheels of life disappeared instantly, while Jabez stared at the other quietly. 

"You're.... you're... BLOODY WRONG!" Galalig turned his head to face the other with a wicked mug.'Is he off his rockers?! Who'd give a  kid literal immortality? No Bueno!' Jabez maintained his distance from the other, the two vanished from the scene. "Swell, Jabez, you had one job and you just floundered it!" Jabez turned his back on the scene, not interested to dwell on that area. 

{Tessa's penhouse}

In a fancy-schmancy place, in the living room. There was the supervillain, lying lazily on her couch while using her laptop. 

"Interesting indeed, immortal kids? Sign me up for adoption!" Tessa watched it via youtube, she just had woken up in her apartment."Heh, if I could get my hands on one of them. That would mean Jabez would fixate on thwarting me." Tessa thought in advance if she had one. 'Although it's so much easier kidnapping that kid Galalig has! Screw meticulously searching for where the others may be!' She suits up and gets ready via magic. 

While in the streets. 

"I'm startin' to think we shouldn't trust Jabez, yanno, seein' his natures kinda scare me." A group of friends talked to each other about that matter. "Easy, I've known Jabez like the back of my hand! He wouldn't have traits of an absolutist!" Ashley says to them diplomatically. "Are you kidding? There have been rumors about him killing people!" They say. "Those rumors are rubbish if you don't want to believe me, then, why should care?" Ashley walked out on the group as she gone out on her own. 

"Psst," A familiar voice called out to her from the alleyway. There was a huge gaping hole, on a certain area. As she reaches the area, she instinctively turned to face the albino with widened eyes. "You wanna hang in my imaginary world?" Jabez extended his arm to her. "I.. heh, you can bet on that!" Ashley accepted his hand and was pulled in afterward. 

Way to end this issue! Was that entertaining? 

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