Issue 107# "Need to work faster!"

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'What progress has Jabez made?' Oriel was still on the qui vive for the very presence of Yancy, keeping her crimson brows inwards the direction of any humans. 'Ah, I already know where she would be! I should save Harold from his impending doom!' Oriel froze before the sight of the Los Angeles Times. 'A little ironic how I landed here! Doesn't bother me, if I can stop her, then that would mean a lot for Jabez!' She rushed upwards the flight of stairs, keeping the pace up. 'She's about to succeed! Just need to-- teleport!' Oriel teleported herself inside of the building, appearing before the bullet that was close to hitting Harold himself. 

"Seriously?" Oriel flicked the bullet away like it was nothing. "You're ruining my moment! YOU WENCH!" Yancy rushes towards the being. 'I have to go easy on her, otherwise, she'll get killed.' Oriel thought, wanting to be sure about it. "FOUND IT!" Jabez bursts thru the glass window, entering in the most melodramatic way. "****." Yancy really was gonna go to prison, she's surrounded by two beings much greater than herself. "Heeey, Jabez, you know, its just Yancy, chillin--" She was about to continue. 

"You're going to straight up kill a man? I don't want some alibi coming from you, I know what things you've done." Jabez pointed with his finger towards the other. "I do things for certain reasons. And those reasons wouldn't matter to you anyway," Yancy casually shrugged her shoulders, she made it sound like life meant nothing to her. "Life always has meaning!" Jabez leaped outwards the other, grabbing the other by the face with his palm, leveling her groundwards on the concrete floor. "And you never gave me yours!" Yancy whisked out a frag grenade from her pocket, pulling the pin from it as its thrown into Harold's direction. 

Oriel caught the grenade in her digits, crushing it as she prevented the explosion by merely utilizing complete arsenal powers. "Izzis wazz about? You can forget it!" Jabez cocked his brow at her statement, why hadn't she moved on. He had no feelings directed towards her, as he released the other from his grasp. Yancy had no words, but instead just utter silence it kept on herself. "Dude.." Oriel watched the police take care of Yancy, the assassination was stopped just like that. "WE DID IT!" Oriel arose her hand up for a high five, they both smack their palms together. 

"Yeah! We totally did!" Jabez lifted up a smile. "Awright, you peeps can handle your problems!" Jabez and Oriel left the building cheerfully."I'm just glad death didn't have to come swinging around. Know what I mean?" Oriel stated to the albino."Ditto!" Jabez nodded his head, as he watched Yancy being escorted towards the police car. "The thing you told Yancy was kinda downright brutal." Oriel suddenly brings up about earlier, it was true. "Well, its the truth. And there's nothing denying it." Jabez made a shrug with his shoulders. 

"Is really being a hero meaning to force people to continually live, while their minds will slowly lose a grip on reality?" Oriel actually had a point on something."Aah, never really think of things that are tad negative. Aah'm just doin' my job, that's how its for me." Jabez replies, their own perception of something is highly different for one another. "Pretty weird huh, we see things so differently but we're like two peas in a pod." Oriel was talking about their friendship level, the albino looked at the other. 

"Everyone has their own perspective, and aah respect yours." The two descended from the flight of stairs, they were talking together on a heart-to-heart level. "Dawwww, that means so much to me!" Oriel felt appreciated hearing him say that. "I'm starting to wonder, you've got true humiliation. I'm not kidding, you just do." Oriel added, telling him how much of a great friend he is. "You really changed your ways, dudette. That's what aah lac." Jabez depicted, he was actually liking the fact Oriel hadn't dropped back to her old ways. Her lethal and murderous ways, its best to keep the person alive than killing them. 

"Your southern accent is kinda what I like, you don't act the way you look. And it changes the whole concept of 'don't judge a book by its cover' and self-evidently laid out well." Oriel commented about the thing she somewhat liked about her friend. "Yeah, well, aah'm well-known for being a Southerner!" Jabez answered the other. Once they reach the concrete sidewalks, she was gonna ask if he was doing anything. "So, you up to anything heroic?" Oriel questioned, wondering what was up with Jabez. 

"I'll be doing patrols," He says with a mere shrug of his shoulders. "Somethin' up? Or you still can't find a job that could help more people?" Oriel wanted to keep her omniscience from coming out of her mouth, he keeps his gaze inwards the redhead for a few moments. "Aah really want to help more people, but nobody's accepting new employees. Its still been a conundrum on my side," Jabez depiction made her sound worried for his being. 

"But, you take care? I'll just do my job." Jabez walked away from the other, waving to the other. They managed to save the day together as friends, but in the end, Jabez hadn't gotten what he wanted most of all. An actual job, rather than this superhero job. 

"Yeah, you, uh, take care!" Oriel waved to the other, the two parted their ways from one another, but that didn't mean they're going to be away from one another. Its just he wanted to be seen as a hero in another fragmentary, a way for him to connect with the people in the city. Alack, its far from his clutches, still, that didn't mean he was going to give up. 

'Even if I can't get the job I want! This is the job I need to be L.A's superhero!' He continued his path onwards the streets. 

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