Issue 45# "Am I still with these guys?"

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{Philippines, Oddity Headquarters} 

{Training room} 

"I'm already at the pinnacle of my kitsune form, don't think I'll be giving an easy win for ya." Iso sends a punch straight into Jabez's jaw, an elemental aura emanated from her being. With her other hand, she curled her fingers to form a fist, in bodacious speeds, she sends a multi-strike at him.'She punches like a monster, an angry monster. I'd compare these punches to physically Jape, that guy's got the strength that's preposterous!' Jabez was sent flying back into a wall, the wall hadn't dented or marked, due to this area being a true illusion. 'I gotta be careful, he's still recovering!' She thought she has gone a little far, once Jabez quickly kips up again. 'He's a tough cookie, maybe I shouldn't have to worry about it then!' Iso came rushing inwards his direction, jumping in mid-air, she turned into a speeding ball and coming in his direction. 

She suddenly warped into a  pocket-sized portal, Jabez outstretched his hand into her direction. Clasping his fingers together to enfold into the orb, preventing it from going anywhere. "You aren't going anywhere!" Jabez exclaimed, it's implausible how he managed to stop the other from warping into another physical dimension. Something bursts outwards from his palm, it was Iso, she performs acrobatics in remarkable grace. 'He managed to stop me from getting behind him, thru sheer will. Impressive!' The kitsune dusted herself, but knowing him, she wanted to show him all of her capabilities. 

Her tails extended unnaturally in his direction, hoping to trip the other until his unsurpassed on the fly acrobatics drifted from them, he rarely ever did this, dodge. "Sugoi!" Iso turned her head into the walls, he sheer wall crawled on them. 'He's like a spider on the walls, maybe, I could do the same with my talons!' She lunged outwards the walls, her sharp nails stick to the walls and her feet unveiled. She needed all of her talons to stick on the wall like Jabez did, it'll be harder moving, so instead of thinking of an attack. 'I hafta hurl myself into his direction! It's like his body was a toy for him to utilize.' She lunges once more into his direction, seeping her nails into his frames. 

Iso brings her legs towards his face, she began repeatedly striking his face with her feet multiple times. One Planck second, Jabez grabbed her by ankle and used his momentum to send her overhead, inwards the wall, freakishly bending his back over while doing so. "You're a fast thinker!" Jungial blurred before Jabez, quintessential energies emanated from his digits. He blasts "pure energy" into Jabez's being point-blank, the hero withstood the amount he took. As Jabez's half was thru the otherside of the building, Jungial grabbed him by the leg and whirled his being like a boneless action figure. 

"GEROOOONIMOOO!!" Jungian hurled him into Gar's direction. "Should I go easy on him? Nah, he seemed like he was doing a-okay against Iso." Gar grabbed on Jabez's wrist, dragging him like a ragdoll throughout the training room. The walls were marked by the dragging of Jabez, Jabez twists himself upwards into the being as his fists collided into his face. 'He's touching me?! And putting a number on me, I've never heard much about him. But what abroad news says about him, but I'll believe it. He's incredible!' Gar sends cosmic energies thru Jabez's abdomen, sending him straight into Iso's direction. 

"AAAND A GERMAN SUPLEX!" On the fly reflexes, Iso clipped her hands in an opposite direction of one another then slammed him overhead. Smashing him thru the floor, the three had their attention fixated on him, waiting for him to get up. Once he kips up, he throws his fists upwards behind him. "I figgered if this was some purely realistic illusion. Like an eternal kind, you wouldn't be there, and took me a while to realize where you really are!" Jabez bonked two figures behind him, stunning the two from a surprise attack. 

"It's my forte!" Jabez says once the whole room began to warp into a normal looking training center. "He's good... I thought we had him at disadvantage." Gar and Jungian had no idea Jabez was resistant to this too, they weren't prepared or actually expecting that. So it caused even full formed magic and cosmic energy beings into a stun. "But you, you're authentic." Jabez pointed his finger inwards her. "Thank you." She liked his way of having good sportsmanship. "I think I can understand why L. A really needs one superhero. " Iso walked up to the other, then she passes by the other. "Yeah, totes!" Jabez says once they had left the room. 

"You know, you aren't half bad. I thought you'd go down easily because of your condition, but truly, you're remarkable." Once the four pause before another member of the Oddity House. Jabez suddenly gets into a fighting stance "Singe! What are you doing here?!" Jabez recognized the presence, assuming it was the other. "Singe? You must mean my twin sister?" Enzo flicked her head into his direction, its exactly like her but the hair was raven, the eyes red. "Huh? Your own existence has so much consistency of Singe's." Jabez withdraws himself from continuing an action, Enzo chuckled. "I'm an apocalyptic full-forced being. I can tell you that I'm greatly different from my sister." Enzo added, keeping her concentration from her. 

Her skin was like a human, but she was just 204 inches tall. "So, who might you be?" Enzo wondered who this other was. "I'm Jabez, L.A's superhero!" Jabez replied. "Ah, I've heard quite the tales of you. I can tell, chaos has been rather frequent from where you come from, no?" Enzo placed her digits under her chin, finally getting whom this other was. "Yeah, abroad news?" Jabez pointed his digits at her like finger pistols. "Yes. News does fascinate me, for now, we shall meet another time." The figure left the being, she's mostly dressed in human clothing. 

A siren began ringing to alarm the oddities. "I.S is out on the loose!" Iso stated."Iodized Salt?" Jabez questioned, he didn't know much of the villains of the PH. "Yes, and you're invited to fight alongside us," Gar stated, so these people really wanted to welcome Jabez. 

"Lezz get us a criminal to justice!" As Jabez, Gar, Jungian, Calculus, and Isotope. Or Iso. While the rest were still trainees, except Enzo, she was definitely something else. "Heavens to Betsy!!" Jabez exclaimed. Heading into the source of crime happening. 

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