Issue 52# "The Return!"

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{The Villains Bar} 

As a lone figure sat on a chair, keeping her lips stagnant as her body did. 'Its been nearly a week, is he really never going to show his pathetic face?' Tessa thought, the shadows hindered her, so she had quite enough time to get the hang of her powers. 'Has it ever occurred to him, that his city needs him? Maybe, is this how it feels like to have powers with no challenger. It feels empty.' She was imagining Jabez doing the heroic things for the people, but without him, who was there to downgrade high and mighty like? Its like a world without that chirpy albino, there couldn't be something to fill her hatred with. 

"Show your face, Jabez! I've been wanting to punch you, hurt you! WHERE ARE YOU!" She wanted to scream those words, but drawing herself attention wasn't worth it, it was like her imagination. 'Perhaps has my own sanity stayed because of being a humbugger, what's the one thing I need to do.. just to get his attention?! What is it going to take?! He can't have just given up like a maggot would! Even I know that entity's capabilities, he doesn't quit!' She arose from her chair, walking inwards the light glowering thru her windows. 

'I hate to admit it.. but what I did must've been, unjust, I'm losing my sanity. Control over my own humanity..' She froze inches away from the light, retracting from it. 'That light is Jabez.. and I'm the one in the darkness. And that light will slowly fade..' She added, her lips hadn't moved but her thoughts continued. As her door slowly swings open, she flicked her glares inwards the direction of it opening. "Howdy? You wanna join the drinkin', Tessa?" Jape stated, waiting for her response. 

The Zany figure wondered what she was doing inside here. "Sure." Tessa calmly replied, walking outwards the open door as she preceded the other. Jape shrugged his shoulders, closing the door behind him. "Things have been rather quiet, police don't wanna challenge us. People still believe and wait for Jabez's return!" Jape depicted, as he catches up with the other briefly. "Although, I did miss the thrill and challenge. Too bad he no longer is around to save the day!" Outside of this building was an entire empire, people were forced to follow the rules of Demogorgon, and his rule alone. 

And drones were keeping an eye on the people, everyone. All praising the villains as their own leaders, while Jabez as a fallen hero, never to return. Depicted in a statue form, every bit of L.A was dismal, L.A really needed their own superhero back. There was a small group of superheroes, yet not nearly enough to stand up against the might of the seven villains altogether. Demogorgon chuckled while checking his crimson cctvs, enjoying himself in this dominance over the city. It's like being treated as a god would be, as Jape and Tessa reach the bar. 

"I'm just really glad that superhero's not around to thwart us!" As the group of villains was guffawing together, of course, the one responsible for doing it was a hypocrite. "So am I! This whole, take over L.A has been quite a success for us, without that albino in the way. We might as well increase the populace of villains of heroes, right??" Singe interposed, everyone found that as a correlatable thing. "You're brilliant, but.." Omit's eyes widened for some reason, she flicked her gaze immediately behind her. "Ah, you must be hallucinating of seeing that superhero. Its been long, so its all right." Angular noticed something, cocking his brow at the other. 

"Yeah.. maybe you're right." She felt Jabez's presence coming inwards L.A. 'I can't be joking to myself, I felt him and I knew it. I better prepare a plan for Jabez, just for anticipatory, you never know if its a lie or not.' Omit stood up and waved to them, taking a bottle of wine with her. 'I might need to stop drinking, there's no way he would've figured out who sent it. Right?' Tessa thought to herself, swigging down her shot glass. 'Or he might've..  thought of his city.' Tessa added, rubbing her temples just to have full control over herself. 

Somewhere in L.A 

{Bai's Mansion}

"Baby! You're back! I missed you so much!" Bai was lifting up the albino in her hands, he waved to the family and kissed Bai on the forehead."Someone airmailed me, so I just had to go back to where I needed to be!" Jabez replies as Bai lets go of him. "L.A needs you, people have been waiting for your return. It's time you show them, that you're the hero everyone really needs." Bai slowly leans in to kiss him on the forehead as the parents watched astounded."I knew he'd come around." Biming says while the father nodded his head. "Let's show L.A you're still alive an' kickin'!" Chen arose her fist up, as Jabez crept up a smile. 'This is where I'm really needed, my city does need me. ' As the family was preparing to bring out their posters of showing that Jabez was still around to protect this city. 

Once Jabez appeared before the doors of the villains' bar, he calmly knocked on it. "I'll get it!" A waitress says, but Omit flicked herself in that direction. "Wait--" Just as the door opened, something fwooshed past the villains, now, in the center of the vicinity, something stood proud and strong. "Impossible! You're supposed to be dead!" Blackbeard drew out his gun, while the Tessa stared in disbelief. "Wait, I'll give it a go. See if he's the real Mccoy Jabez." Tessa walked inwards him, pausing meters away."I can't really think you're the authentic Jabez if you're merely going to stand there and do nothing." She says she wasn't able to discern or see that Jabez knew she had powers. 

He sends a blow straight into the center of her abdomen, causing her to spit up blood. 'It is him! And he figured out that I've powers already?!' She thought as she skids back, thudding against Severus. "Let's beat him down like a dog!" As the rest of the villains came rushing in the albino. "Packers checkers!" Jabez gets into a fighting stance, readying to fight them all once and for all. 

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