Issue 97#"The real power of Jabez!"

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'How am I even drowning?! I adapted to it, this is impossible! And there is nothingness beyond the surface? Did he do all of this?!' She closed her orifices, preventing any waters from entering, with her only usable hands. 'How could one hero do all of this?! Does he intend to kill me?!' Chiara's eyes were beginning to shutter on her, the water was incomprehensibly too thick for even downright potent healers to keep themselves from drowning. 'I'm beginning to lose myself..' Chiara descended gently into the bottomless lake, whilst Jabez watches from the shadows. 

Witnessing her descend from it. He swims towards the sinking figurine, he grabbed her in his arms. How come he hadn't used this against most of his enemies? It's because of it being his omnipotent level superpower, and he kept this to himself, he hadn't used it so often so that his enemies wouldn't be cognizant of his motives. He returned the lake to its normal sole function, once he reaches the surface one more time. Gently placing her on the shrubbery, her supernatural regeneration was taking care of the body of hers. "So, you thought you'd stop me like that? You think I'd submit to defeat to the likes of you?" Chiara arises once more, coughing up the watery substances dwelling on her body. 

"Why do you bother sparing me? Is it perhaps you don't want to stoop to our scoundrel like level?" Chiara was soaking wet, every fiber and ounce of herself. 'I've never believed Jabez possessed an omnipotent level superpower, had he been keeping this as his own personal secret?' Chiara sharpened her fingernails, thusly becoming her talons, she rushes towards his direction.'If so! Why doesn't he just solve his problems? Or is his qualities just too human to begin with?!' Chiara was interested in Jabez, slashing and thrashing them into Jabez's being. 

She shears thru his clothes, grinning at the sight of seeing each part of his exposed being. She put quite a number on him, he dashed indefinitely away from the other. 'She's trying to do it again! Aah caint let her do that!' Jabez held his torn outfit, this was always what the bad guys liked damaging, it's really tedious for him to always wear the same thing. "What's the matter? Didn't you have me outmatched earlier?! What happened NOW?" Chiara continued to pelt towards Jabez, hungrily. 

He executes a series of divine acrobatics to distance himself from the other's clutches, his levels of power, explosiveness, quickness, speed,  completely impossible to ever reach. "If you just hold still, things wouldn't have to be this difficult!" Chiara demanded, wanting him to stay still, he meets up against a wall. She let out a brief huff, he noticed that he only did that to tire her out. "Fine." Jabez froze his tracks, arising his foot as he delivered a kung-fu kick into her face. 

'He noticed my tiredness and used that against me?! How dare he!' Chiara skidded back from his blow, she then rushed at him. 'But that doesn't mean he's going to do it again!' She entoiled his leg in a lock and used her unoccupied hand to press against his exposed area. Leveling him on the concrete, sidewalks."Nobody to help you~" She leans into his cheek, grazing it with her tongue. 

"I'll enjoy every fiber of you!" She keeps her palm against his torso, using all her strength to prevent him from getting back up. "No, you won't!" Jabez placed her in a judo lock, both of his legs horizontally placed on her torso, whilst locking on her arm before he'd be able to do that. She forces her arm back, he then switches it around and places it in an armbar. His wrist as a usable pulley on the other's flexor, pulling it forward with his other hand. She arose her arm up, trying to outpower him. Jabez then switcharoos his placed arms, and he placed it against her wrist, one of them, then he uses the unoccupied hand to clip on his digits, intertwining them with one another.  Inducing pain in her being, she builds a grimace of pain 'cause of Jabez's lock.'Its worsening! And things aren't going my way!' Chiara added, she never suspected he was quite knowledgeable of martial arts. 

"ARGH!!" She decided to blur away from him, keeping the distance between them. 'He was fast and quick that time, I'll give him that! But this time..' Chiara held her shoulder in pain. 'She's faltered, just what I needed! I better take her out without wasting a second of it!' Jabez pelted towards the other, she widened her eyes in shock. 'Even if he's a pacifist! He still takes wide opportunities to strike!' Chiara's blood froze, the pain's still shooting thru her shoulder. 

'Aah should only deliver a whole body strike! SO that this battle will have to end faster than the last time I've with her!' Jabez impacted his fist against the being's spinal cord, hard and fast. 'Aah'd be feeling pleasure out of this! But its just too much! Like an omnipotent struck me!' Chiara was soon staggered after the attack, as Jabez watches the other collapse to the concrete tiles. 'That's taken care of, whew.. aah oughta take her to the police before she regenerates again.' Jabez grabbed the temporarily lifeless body of the other but knowing how much she went thru. 

It might take some time for recharging herself. He turned her into the police, once they had done what they needed to do. Taking her back to jail, these criminals usually bust out of prison so often. 'She's powerful, yeah! But, aah hadda take advantage of 'er. You take advantage of someone, you win. Doesn't matter how people should fight, its about protecting yourself. Its kind of rare for something like this to befall, and I don't want Oriel to go out, regress and become a murderous machine because of not doing anything!' He explained the reason why he had done that, it was to win quickly, fighting someone like that needs to. 'But what I do know, its never gonna open up like the usual, the situation.. it might change even!' He casually did the normal things a person would be doing. 

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