Issue 22#"How about no?"

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'I've gotsta blind him so that Yancy can go scot free!' Jabez leaped towards the speeding figurine, he was charging towards Yancy. "Iz there something under that bridge of yours?" Jabez toppled his shoulders, using his unoccupied hand to send an impact into his upper back. The albino placed his index finger under his nose, causing him to jerk violently back. "Yo, security guards. Evacuate the peeps in the building! All of them!" Jabez pointed at them after he deflects himself off his shoulders, they had followed his instructions. Because of the danger inside of this building, while Yancy was standing there still. 

Demogorgon slipped his digits thru the tile floors, picking up one like a disc. "Still there? I'll just hafta split ya!" Demogorgon flings the tile at unfathomable speeds inwards her, Jabez quickly dashed indefinitely before Yancy. Arising his hand up, amputating his wrist, as the tile had missed her inches away. "Are you okay?" Yancy kneeled over to the hero, wanting to help him. "Miss, standing there is dangerous! He can handle it!" Someone else dragged Yancy away from him, while he held on his amputated wrist. 

'I don't have time to wait for my own hand to regenerate, I'll have to get it now!' Jabez outstretches towards it. "Uh-uh! You aren't taking the advantage of me!" Demogorgon dragged him by the leg, he thuds against a four-inch pillar. Completely made out of stone, Jabez regained his ground. "The gloves are off now!" Jabez used his usable hand, turned himself to face him as he sends a blow straight into his cheek. 'Come on! He swiped his face to reduce damage?!' Jabez thought. 

He leaped over the being, running straight towards the stairway. 'Come on! I'm almost there!' Jabez added in his thoughts. Until Demogorgon stamped on the ground, uprooting the tiles and ground underneath. Instead of using his other hand, he bit on the fingers than was sent flying into the second floor. He flawlessly executes a barrel roll, reverting his hand back into the handless part. "I feel like a million bucks!" Until Demogorgon curb stomped him, sending him over the railings. Jabez thuds on a bench, his torso against it, while laying across it. 

Jabez gets up once more, turning his head inwards the being. "Had your supper?! WELL HERE'S YOUR DESSERT!" He pierces Jabez's mouth with his whole arm, carrying him like meat on a stick. "Now to find a civilian to kill and show you that you can't always be a hero!" He flexes his arm, grinning evilly. Powerless at a time like this, while Demogorgon searches for someone to kill. 'He's still got a physical body, I've got to pull my own hair and exert my body weight to hurtle myself away from him.' Jabez gripped on his arm, placing both of his legs against his waist. 

"What do you think you're doing?!" Demogorgon turned his head to him, sending a punch into his eye. "GEROOOONIMOO!" Jabez forced himself backwards, freeing himself of that. "You and your wits really cause me.. nothing. In fact, I've already known you would've done that!" Demogorgon watches him kip up once more."I won't let you kill an innocent life, they shouldn't be involved in this!" Jabez responded, while Demogorgon grabbed something like a palm tree. He hurls it towards a security guard's skull, it causes a head trauma due to the speed and object into it. Jabez was too late to realise that was going to happen! 

"Too late, aren't you? Your own downfall!" Demogorgon talks  egotistically towards Jabez, while Jabez was frozen in place. "I'll get him to a hospital! Don't worry!" Yancy was there again, Demogorgon turned his head to the source of voice."Isn't that the same girl you risked your neck for?" Demogorgon automagically recognised the voice. "Ixnay on life robbing!" Jabez leaped towards the highest floor, whilst shooting arteries and veins on his back. "You think a mere fall can stop DEMOGORGON?!" The villain turned his head at Jabez, pulling the arteries and veins groundwards. 

Jabez's collision to the tile floors cause an immense explosion, luckily Yancy was in a safer distance. 'I get it now! I've got to give him a head trauma, if its connected to his brain. I can cause his device to go fritz due to the lacking of ions and brain activity to work with!' Jabez had finally thought of something, covered in debris, he arises from his ground. Yancy had helped the fallen officer get up, while Demogorgon sashayed inwards them. 

"Don't worry, Colleen. Your life isn't worth keeping anyway!" Demogorgon charges inwards them,  Jabez jumped towards him. 'He's using momentum, so if I press my heels against his upper back it'll cause him to collapse instantly!' Jabez's heels tap against his upper back, causing him to bang on the ground. "WHULFF!!" Demogorgon grunted, as the two continue onwards. 'This might seem like I'll try to kill him, but I'm only doing this to deactivate whatever's in his brain. My body supremacy powers can't do anything about it, its logic breaking.' Jabez repeats the same procedure when he had the first attempt, while Demogorgon was taking his time to recuperate. 

Jabez had reached the highest floor, crashing through the glass roof. "Voila!" Jabez found an edge of a building while carrying the being over his shoulder. He pauses at the edge of it, while police were in the scene. Jabez held him by the ankle, and then he lets go of him. "YOU THINK A FALL CAN KILL ME?!" Demogorgon exclaimed loudly. 

People were gasping upon Jabez's actions. 'I've got to time this right!' Jabez waited and then he speeds his way downwards to him. "Is he saving him? Didn't he just try to kill him?" The news reporter says. Once Jabez manages to shoot arteries and veins into his heels, it causes a head trauma in Demogorgon's head. "Hurr.." Jabez had landed right beside him, suddenly people with cameras and microphones pointed at him. 

"Was your true intentions on becoming a full-time criminal?" Guy no. 1 says. 

"Uh, no. There's just something I had to do... anyways, police dudes! Yanno waddado with the baddie!" Jabez walked away from the press, so from that day forth. Yancy watched him leave the scene. People actually think Jabez was undergoing a form of psychosis, he wasn't, maybe brilliance made him different from there. He couldn't feel or act psychotic due to his emotions being purely about good character. Literally. 

It didn't matter to him if they would talk the way they wanted to. Something HAD to be done, not like they were in his shoes. 

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