Issue 44# "Jabez meets the Filipino superheroes!"

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--9:30 am-- 

{Oddity HQ}

{Living room}

"So, you're really L.A's superhero?" Calculus stares up to the albino, as Jabez was leaning against a wall, he turned his attention to the kid. "Yeah, I am, Calculus." Jabez folded his arms under his frames, wondering what did he want this time. "You mind me asking?" Calculus analyzed the other closely, wondering why he was a single hero. "What kind of superpowers do you have?" Calculus questions, wondering about what he's capable of doing. "Body Supremacy and Reality warping." Jabez replies, he quirked upon the knowledge he attained. "Why are you here?" Calculus added, something came into his mind. 

"That's the same thing I've been wondering." Jabez placed his digits under his chin, narrowing his eyes upwards the ceiling. "Ohayo!" Iso waved to the albino, he turned his attention into the other. "Yes?" Jabez cocked a brow, as she stopped before the shorter figure. She's about 200 inches tall, seeing him this up close was different from the news abroad. "Did you really send yourself to the Philippines? The Philippines is so much better than America after all!" Iso depicted to Jabez. 

"I didn't, and L.A's the one place I'm needed in. The people need me more than ever." Jabez still was wondering how he got here, he didn't involuntarily do this, no, someone must've did this to him. "Last I heard from abroad news, half of L.A hates you. Why bother protecting a place that does that to you?" Iso placed her elbow overhead Jabez's height, looking down on the being. "It doesn't matter, okay? This is life, and its qualities might be unprepossessing. But hey, I didn't ask a genie for anything!" Jabez replies, certainly having his own notion of things. 

"You might have a point." Iso moves one of her tails to trail up to his mouth."You can start fresh in the Philippines, with a family!" She says, Jabez moved her tail aside and began to trail off. "Sorry, I've got a family in L.A already. And a beautiful girlfriend and my arch-enemies are out of jail. I can't just rest here--" Iso appeared inches away from him, grabbing his shoulder. "You'd welcome yourself to a pervasive society? And you're still in the process of recovering." Her words were frankly stated, tugging tightly against his shoulders. 

"Teams? It ain't my bailiwick, Iso." Jabez turned his head over a shoulder, both were concentrated on one another. "Can you really save, L.A all by yourself? Not all things have to be done alone." Iso added, Jabez's hair slowly gestured her to let go of him. "I've never lived like you people did, but that doesn't mean you should envelop me in mollycoddling arms." Jabez had turned his head inwards the other. "If I live it, then let it alone. I don't have a problem with what you people do, but I'm not sticking here and let L.A be antagonized." Another figure thudded against Jabez, why were these people so insisting on helping him. 

"You need to take your time." Jungian placed his hand on Jabez's shoulder. "I'm healing, it's going to get there." Jabez really wanted to do his job, but if these heroes were going to pamper him, tell him what to do. Jabez slips past the other until he grabbed Jabez by the back of his clothes. 'Resorting to violence isn't pragmatic, but these people really need to understand whats happening in L.A. And secondly, they'd doubt a thing I'd say, according to the abroad news they know.' Jabez was being brought back to the living room, along with the other oddities. 

Once he's placed on a couch, sitting right next to Iso and Calculus. "Thought you'd be going somewhere? You're going to be here for awhile." Iso says with a self-congratulatory expression, while Jabez kept his back upright. "I'm piqued how you managed to train yourself to full adeptness of your own powers." A man dressed up opulently says, scanning from head to toe. ".." Jabez silently looked at the other, wondering just what the heck is it with their deal. "No need to be coy." Iso nudged against his shoulder, as he cocked his brow at the other. 

"You people are restricting me from the things I want to do, what I'm supposed to do. Why must you do this?" Jabez finally says. "That's why we must learn patience, and patience is--" Before the other would continue. "Patience is a virtue. I was a priest before." A little surprising fact from him, so he once was something like that."Its just my sense of goodness is inherent, I want the people to be safe and protected." Jabez added, his own will to protect just one city was indeed awe-inspiring. 

"We've threats to deal with in the Philippines too," Michael responds to him, (the dude that's dressed up opulently). "You want me to empathize with ya'll? Wish I could, but sympathizing and empathizing might be something I can do. Still, I've got a bigger weight to carry." If he wasn't so busy, he could've just coordinated with these folks easily, but he's got a problem to take care of. "Your condition isn't apt for the case. Your enemies are very dangerous people, we know, but if you fight them like this. It isn't safe for you." Michael talked like he knew so much about what's going on in his life. 

"I'll help ya'll then. You all got problems with crime, why don't we just bring them to justice then?" Jabez stated, his sudden change in character made Michael trust him a little more. "I'm glad we can get along. We'll let you go once you've fully recovered, Jabez." Michael added after he stood up and began walking off like a normal person. "Someone's changed in heart." Iso poked Jabez's left frame as she leaned close at him. " 'Changed in heart'? 'Scuse me, but that's just the tip of the iceberg, Iso." Jabez was actually befuddled in her response,  he actually treated Bai as a real girlfriend. 

And hate wasn't in his dictionary. "So, what should I know?" Iso added, Jabez had stood up. "I need to do something physical." Jabez searches for the training room, once he found it. The doors unfold like futuristic technology, once he stepped inside of it. An utterly absolute illusion is endowed in this scenery, narrowing his eyes its like he can perceive the reality thru it. By forcing it, until Jungian, Iso, Gar interposed in the scene. "Shall we?" Iso gets into a fighting stance, asking Jabez for a fight, while the two get prepared to fight Jabez. 

Jabez gets into a fighting stance. 

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