Issue 125# "The truth remains hidden."

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"And.. all this waiting, for a bestfriend to come around, wasn't ever going to happen." The vibe around the friends leveled in a terrible way, knowing someone important to them was gone. Vamos felt a little sorry for not telling them early, its hard to go on after knowing someone important was lost. "We can't do anything to what befell... we should just keep our chins up. It's the best thing we should be doing," Vamos says to them, its silence for a few moments. "Loss is a heavy subject," Iboet replied to the other, so the group was still trying to decide if going on this adventure was still worth it. 

"I know, we shouldn't mope, we're in the middle of cleaning California. " The group remained static on a circle together, Iboet added before anybody else would continue. "True," Soasa stated. "If we only had not departed it wouldn't happen.," Vamos uttered to himself, rubbing his temples, usually things are supposed to be about action. Still, this was a hefty subject for them to absorb, they can't just suddenly presume they'd be fine from it. 'But who's there to blame? Nobody, it's our paths we took. We had our own.. it just didn't last long enough.' Vamos didn't want anybody to feel like a downer, so he kept these thoughts to himself. 

"So what now? Do we just give up?" Aledran says to Vamos. "No! We don't, adventures are supposed to be fun. Let's not have it weaved from a big subject, I'm sure some monster slaying can solve this conundrum of ours." Vamos stood up proudly, its going to be hard to influence them to believe in themselves. "All right, we'll do what we can to keep our chins up then." Aledran nodded, as the two casually brushed off these emotions thanks to Vamos' words. "Yeah, let's." Iboet drew out her sword, once again the group continues onwards. "We just need to search for the source causing all these supernatural phenomena, " Vamos analyzed the desolated environment around them. 



"That took alot just to heal.." Jill arose from the concrete floor, dwelling on  he barged past a woman. "Watch where you're going!" The other exclaimed outwards Jill, he ignored it, he didn't need to waste time arguing with a human. His steps were staggered, so things in his perception were a little jittery, he paused against a wall, groping his fingers against it. 'Where am I going? Everything's too blurry.' Passing cars and people, they were all passing by him fastly. Unsure of which direction to take, he decides to follow the unobstructed path beyond him. 

People kept to themselves, not wanting to bother themselves with the other. "I need to get a hold of myself.." Jill still felt woozy, a policewoman noticed something from the distance. "Someone needs help!" Jane rushed towards the blue haired figure, she gets thru the people and grabbed a hold of the other. "Relax sir, you'll get help." The brown-haired woman carried him over her shoulder and rushed towards her car, even if this was just a little thing. SHe was willing to help out a person, she opened the passenger car door. 

And gently set him on the passenger seat, while she quickly hopped on the driver's seat. Somehow, the door was already closed, he was regaining a little bit of himself. She shrugged off the fact it was closed, she continued to drive towards the police department. 'Where am I being taken too now?' Jill's eyes were barely open, his body barely moving, his healing took up a lot of stamina. It tuckered him out real good until something like a truck was about to collide into her vehicle. 

Jill's body moves by itself, moving in remarkable grace; slipping thru the window and centering himself between the two speeding vehicles. He stopped the both of them from hitting each other with his mere palms, it wasn't him, it's his own body acting on its own free will. Jill exited her vehicle, astounded by his ability to act and prevent it from happening. "That was incredible! How did you--" Jane was about to ask until he collapsed on the concrete road, she rushed up to him quickly. 

'How did his own body move on its own? Those actions were impeccable!' She once again brought him back inside the vehicle. 'It's like my body did something, not because of something.. because of something visceral reminding me that I'm.. in someone else's shoes?' He was becoming close to figuring out what he was here for, the vehicles resumed to their usual thingmajig, as she drove to the police department. 

"How is it that fool hasn't realized something? He is incarnate of our little brother... but the clock's ticking, he won't be around for long." Josiah watched from the rooftops, yawning from the sight of what happened. People had taken clips of what befell earlier. "Jill, still, he can't be like the real McCoy. He will find out his purpose and length of existence." Josiah walked away from the rooftops, merely shrugging his shoulders. 

"Jill is nothing but an ant under me, not even learning all the things of his superpowers would suffice against the likes of I!" Josiah slowly waned away from existence, once his entire sentence was completed. He was no longer in sight, he wasn't found in sight. 



Oriel lays on her king-sized bed, holding up a picture of herself and Jabez. She turned the picture around to lay her eyes upon the handwriting of his. 'Don't you ever forget what the meaning of responsibility is!' Written by Jabez, she swings her arm back atop her bed. "Responsibility? I don't know what I'd call the exact thing I'm doing, maybe it isn't in the same picture as yours. But I'm... doing what you wanted me to do." Oriel's soulless gaze upwards her ceiling. "Everything I ever did, was for you and your city... Maintain peace." She curled into a fetal position, resting her face against her knees. 

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