Issue 193#

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"You're tired, replete yourself to compensate it. Or better yet, become independent of energy." Jabez halted his tracks on a building, while Neho gave a huff of breath. 'Concentrate!' He closed his eyes, concentrating on the tension of his lungs. It takes minutes for him to manage control, his sweat trickling down his cheeks revert back into his body. "I think... I'm really getting a hang of this," Neho stood upright without discomfort at all. "You will learn the rest faster and easier thanks to what you've learned," Jabez says with a smile. 

"I want you to concentrate on your vision, hearing, senses, dominate them while aah minister crucial matters," Jabez flew away at fathomless speeds. Neho was astounded by what his teacher can do, he attempted to mimic what he had done. Although nothing worked, he jumped like a normal person, his body wasn't physically at its peak of absolute power. 'He's at another level, I'll eventually reach him.' Neho thought. 

Sometime later... 

{On the rooftops}

"I hear the birds, animals, hissing gas, cigars, wow and just about everything in Germany...." Neho had been concentrating his ears for a long period of time that it extended to its capacity to another level. As a being apparated before the masked being, it was his older sister Ekaterina. "Did... he tell you where he was off to?" She asked. "No," Neho says quirked. "I mean... should I really know where that guy goes? Kinda seems invasive," He added. 

"Not that, it's because there are others like him." Ekaterina stepped to the side as there stood an albino. "I don't know if we've ever been allowed to impart information of how we perfected superpowers, especially Jabez's superpowers," Janka says to the two of them. "And do you have any idea what I'm preparing for?" Neho says bravely. "That is unless you could win in a fight against an alike, I could attest to it." She says as she snapped her fingers, another albino appeared in the scene. 

"I don't think we've ever accepted Sonders," Jagir says as he narrowed his attention at the two. "Neho, stay out of this, I'll take care of this guy," She says as she anticipated for what he was supposed to do. "The rules are simple; no superpowers," Janka says as a crimson red chalk marked a box for a boundary in the fight.  "We rely on martial arts as a basis, superpowers could drag on a fight forever," Janka says as she snapped her fingers. 

"And even if you want to use your superpowers, you just can't." She notified Ekaterina. Jagir shuffled towards Ekaterina, who knew that this was some sort of --- until a portal warped behind Janka. "That's enough! They're allowed to!" Juma says to catch their attention. Of course, Janka, and nobody could use their powers against him because it was useless. He snapped his fingers as the box dissipated into nothingness, while Ekaterina was actually thankful that things didn't go down a violent turn. 

"Suppose you've caught us, Juma, we were only having fun with them," Janka says as she teleported away with Jagir. "Pardon them for such trivialities, they're aware you have aligned forces with Jabez, and they detest our little brother." Juma dipped his foot on the solid surfaces as he walked towards the two. "Who, who are you?" Ekaterina asked. "That isn't what matters, what are we is an answerable article, alike." Juma preferred to keep his name out of line, after all, he was the most powerful alike but compared to Father, he was nothing. 

"Jabez hasn't really brought up anything about relatives," Neho stated. "He prefers to keep basic history out of the way, well, another time then? Allies of Jabez," Juma turned his back on them as he walked towards the ledge, and descended from the edge. Neho rushed to where the other was, there wasn't a trace of his presence. 

" Fine as a frog's hair split 4 ways, " Jabez and Ohne were inside a pocket dimension. "Are you always abstruse? Anyway, how is my son?" Ohne didn't understand that 'cause he wasn't from the south. "He's fast as greased lightening', that's what aah can say," Jabez replies. 

"So, once you're done, you go back to where you came from?" Ohne abruptly says. The hero mulled over this... whether if he really wants to go back to his old life, where he has a wife and family, here, he's an unknown nobody. "Aah... don't know, but at the same time, aah do... it's just, glass half full for me." There were things he couldn't continue, and that was being a superhero. 

His enemies were close to killing him, and he doesn't want Oriel to be a widow either. "It's just troubling waters," Jabez says as he headed towards the exit. "See ya, Ohne," Jabez waved before leaving. 

He returned to the streets of Berlin. 'Nobody knows my problems, neither do aah wanna depress the devil either.' Jabez thought while walking down the concrete floor. "Voila, Jabez!" A voice called out to the other, he was mulling over something so he disregarded the other. The other draws closer to our heroic protagonist, he has paused and turned his attention to the other. "Are you ignoring me?" Ekaterina says. 

"If it was a snake, it would have bitten me," Jabez replies. "Not that aah intended to, just alot of thinking today," He continues. "Let's take a walk together, Jabez," She draped an arm over his shoulder, he looked up at the other. "Thank... thank you." Jabez lifted a smile. 

They walked down the concrete sidewalks together, at this fine afternoon. 

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