Issue 10#"Zowie! Blackbeard's first-mate 'Angular'!"

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{The Outskirts of the city} 

"I'll have ye head for such devilish things done on my captain!" Angular sends a blow across Jabez's jaw, that kind of blow he gave was absolutely tremendous. "Wazzah matter? Can't beat me? Of course, you couldn't!" Jabez's opponent grabbed him by the tie, slamming him groundwards on the concrete ground. Jabez's head is sticking in the concrete floor, the being sends a kick straight into Jabez's abdomen to send him flying inwards a mailbox. Luckily the mailbox hadn't dented, Jabez defying physics, he gets back up. The alike fired his arteries and veins inwards his torso, it sticks itself on his torso. 

"You think you can grab me like that?" Angular pulled on his arteries and veins inwards, using his unoccupied hand as he grabbed on Jabez's face, leveling him downwards the ground. It cracks under Jabez, this guy's overpowering me for sure. 'When did Blackbeard ever have a guy like this, all I can recollect is that Blackbeard couldn't put up much of a fight other than having a weapon in his sleeves.' Jabez needed to outwit this guy somehow, he isn't paying attention to my legs, best take that as an advantage. 

Jabez raises his leg upwards, hoping to hit him except its countered by his knee. 'He wasn't even looking!' Jabez's being sinks into the concrete ground, taking his distance from him. 'This guy's dangerous, but if its one thing I know. Every fighter has a flaw, this guy is a fighting machine, its like he knows literally everything.' Jabez gets into a fighting stance, maybe he needed to befuddle him. His eyes steady on Jabez, the white haired hero rushes inwards him concentrating to a maximum point. 

Thoughts won't hold Jabez back, in nanoseconds he gets the picture how he'll dodge and attack. 'Got ya! You won't win!' Jabez fakes hurtling a punch up close, quickly grabbing him thoroughly on the back as he levels him downwards. 'Did he adapt? Or is it something else..' As he's drawn on the ground, Jabez rolled on the other side to topple him. "Voila!" Jabez sends a punch, again its countered and blocked.  Angular raises his leg under Jabez, then hurling him with his single leg inwards a balloon. 

Instead of passing by it, his posterior is actually sticking to it. "Wow!" The kid looked up at Jabez in amazement, Jabez made a gleeful expression inwards the kid. As Jabez lunges himself inwards the being, this guy, another feat of implausible things. Jabez spun like a speeding object, its countered by Angular grasping his skull and hurling him into a fire hydrant, there was noiseless and unharmed. 

Jabez wanted to reduce less destruction in a city, how is Jabez going to touch this guy. The Alike comes inwards him, they began to trade kicks countering each others legs. 'Swell! I still can't touch this guy!' Jabez attempted to send a right hook, Angular grabbed his hand and delivered another blow across his cheek. "Listen here, you're outta your league, I suggest capitulating." Angular replied, is he trying to scare me? 

It isn't going to work. "NEVER!!" Jabez's sheer will called strength, managing to land a blow onto his face  then grabbing his neck as he leveled him groundwards. Sending a flurry of claw strikes, punches, left and right hooks. 'Its like his strength and speed changed...' Angular kicked him with both legs on his torso, sending him flying into a building. 'But it doesn't matter, it was just a flux.' The fighter jumped upwards to where Jabez was, he had landed atop the body of Jabez. 

At least that's what he thinks. "Now, you'll suffer-- a counterfeit?!" He grabbed it, it collapses like a suit. The orifices gave it away, while Jabez was behind him, hindering himself from behind seen by dangling from the edge of the building. Leaping onto the brutish figure, legs clinging on him as he pulled him into a blood choke. "Alright, you've got transcendent fighting skills. Luck isn't even a thing for you, I getcha, but you're still human, that's where your flaw is. Your lungs require oxygen to breath, and I'm nullifying you of that, what will you do?" Jabez looked over his shoulder whilst overpowering him this time, Jabez was quite clever. 

"This." Angular leaped unnaturally, spinning like a marble as he deflects himself against many buildings. Hoping to get his mitts off his throat, Jabez's grip had loosened once he was entangled in an unbelievable number of hands. "Give up! You're robust, I can tell, but you're beatable." Jabez never expected this, an opponent that possessed the powers to dominate him at an unfathomable scale. "NNNYAA!!" Jabez summons his strength to the summit, breaking free of the hands itself as he dashes indefinitely inwards Angular. 

This guy was one of Blackbeard's crew, how in the heck did that guy even manage to do that? 

"Give up? Sorry, it ain't in my lexicon." Jabez and Angular stood atop a billboard, Jabez hurled a punch into his solar plexus, throat, ulnar nerves, radial nerves, temples and clavicle. He utilized his own speed to change, and the strength change to add more withering damage. "Even with enhanced concentration, he knew where to hit me!" He stumbles back, reaching the edge of the billboard. "Just finish me!" Before he'd fall of the edge, Jabez grabbed him by the torso. Dragging him away from the edge, Jabez wasn't the kind to murder someone on the spot like that. 

"Kill you, and call it a day? I don't think that'll transpire, you had way more capabilities than I did. But there's always one way to stop a foe," Sure Jabez knew that he'd win because this guy never suspected his strength like that. "And that's bringing them to justice, murder is never the solution, life matters and it always will!" Jabez searches for the L.A police station, once he reaches destination he had left the guy entoiled in arteries and veins next to their door. One of the policemen inspected what was outside, and its someone. 

'I'm faltered and battered, there's no way to fight back. That Jabez guy managed to beat a guy with 'Absolute Unarmed Combat' to think I'd be surprised by what he can do. Bah! I'll get him next time!' Angular was being escorted into prison, while Jabez on the other hand had been giving high fives to kids. "Zowie, kids are full of vim!" Jabez had finished giving them high fives, despite his tough fights. 

Its a matter of difference, he knew he was human so to a point where he'd be exhausted and a point of defeat is plausible. "Curses! He isn't dead, that ruins my day!" Tessa had been watching the whole thing go down, well, her expectations versus reality was different.  "Heigh-ho! Wassat?" Jabez pauses his tracks, landing his eyes into a comic book store. It had posters featuring himself including!

"Fanatics eh, well, I'll just continue my day." Jabez lets the structure alone, not having any solicitude inwards it, he had many things to take care of than that. Until he heard a sound of a screaming woman, man, crime is like an unending thing. 

'That's my cue!' Jabez rushes inwards the source of sound.

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