Issue 155# "A price to pay."

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{The Court} 


"So, what does out witness have to say? Anything to defend himself?" The judge thudded his wooden mallet against the thingmabobber. "I'm afraid he doesn't have anything to say, knowing his crimes were just done explicitly thru rage. It's not that bad if you did that out of that." Omit stood in the center of the court whilst people had downplayed the ever-present hero in this room. 'Aah did nothing! But, if aah sayd that, it'd charge me as guilty. Aah'll just hafta keep my yams shut!' Jabez had no lawyer to defend himself against this, whilst his girlfriend sat right next to him. 

"I'll do everything to make it right, I know deep down that you wouldn't have done something like this." Oriel held sorrow in her eyes, how could such a thing happen to him. "Although, he can't die. EVER. How about this, I suggest that he works under the corporation that upholds a title for containing *special people* so that he can make up for the crimes he did. Yanno, serve as their security guard." Omit casually says mercilessly whilst Oriel had aggression towards the other, this rage throbbed in her heart immensely. She kept her lips unmoved, it'd do much more if she threatens Omit, she was entitled as L.A's superhero, Jabez, not so much anymore. 

'Jabez is a hero! Not some security guard? Does she really plan on humiliating him?' Oriel thought whilst Omit snickered lowly. "Does anybody in the court agree with what Omit has to say?" Then literally, everyone rose their hands up to the exact thing Omit stated. "Pack your bags, Jabez, you're going to Canada! You'll be in good hands. Don'tcha worry." Omit proudly passed by the couple, while Oriel held deep hatred towards that woman. "You'll pay! I swear it!" She hissed at her, only to find herself ignored by the other easily. 'We shall see who's the one falling.' Omit was praised as a hero as she left the building, people discerning her presence greatly. 

'This is your toil Jabez! No longer will you fester the supervillains of today!' Omit thought proudly to herself, looking inwards the statue representing her as the hero. Its quite odd how she got a statue while he didn't get one from doing all these hard things for people, yet he gets nothing in return it. Whilst Jabez was being dragged by policemen outside of the building, making sure he wasn't going to try an escape, he could easily escape from the likes of mortals. Howbeit, he wasn't willing to break the law at all. 

"This has to be a mistake! Ani would do nothing to hurt L.A!" Chun and Chen ran in the scene, hoping to stop the policemen from going on. Yet other policemen prevented them from ever closing in on the albino, dread-filled  eyes. "Ani! We'll do whatever we can for you!" They bellowed so that they can draw his attention. Before the cuffed hero entered the car, he slightly glanced over a shoulder and crept a mellow smile. "Aah'm sure you can, aah believe inya." Jabez returned to the opened car door, slipping into it as the policemen had left the scene. 

The police car drove out to, leaving nothing but newspaper and gasoline behind its trails. 'What's it really going to take when I can hit a nerve on him? Will it be forever?! Just how tough is his spirit? Tough as his hide?' Omit's continual observation had remained on him via absolute sight, she hadn't taken her eyes off him. 'He's been run out of business as a hero! I took him out of place! When will he learn to change?! Nothing has worked on him! Does he believe in retaliation like this? When he's already lost?' Omit watched the other, while it remained unbeknownst to the albino entirely. 

"Police officer, watch out for the--!" Inside of the police car, Jabez attempted to warn the police officer. They were about to hit the gasoline truck, whilst they had laughed about it. Presuming it was an alibi for escape, once they flicked their eyes towards the sight of it. They crashed into it, the explosion was potent enough to kill the drivers of those inside the cars. Spewing out from the fiery explosion, wheels, ingots, salvage. It looked like a wreckage of nothing to remain in it, yet there wasn't a body. The smell of kerosene lifting into the breeze, it could be smelled for just a short period of time. 

Its because the only true hero would save them, the gasoline driver, policemen had no scrapes or signs of damage on them. They were distanced from the destruction itself, they turned their heads, bopped them even, to find the albino. No footsteps or faint noises to adumbrate his presence. "How about we just.. don't consider him as a criminal? I'm really suspecting the actions done yesternight wasn't him. Yanno?" The police officer's partner suggested, he decided to just agree. "Yeah, he's the hero. But what's two police officers like us going to do? To yanno, help him regain his prominence as a hero?" He responded in repent. 

{Sixth Street Viaduct} 

Like a bridge of Paris, except its shorter with supporters holding it up. Curved like upper railings, gaping sections to unveil the orange skies. "You won't be getting retaliation, you're seen as the criminal of your own streets. Your own CITY, you should leave and forget this place. Albino." Omit stood a few feet behind the shorter figure, pointing her finger inwards the albino. Slowly he turned fully to face the other, eyes sharp like a tiger and readily admit to fighting. 

"It doesn't matter, whatever philosophy you have, deem to objectivity. You won't be changing what aah've ingrained me to be, a hero, criminal or not. Aah, do what it takes to make things right, thru elbow grease. " Jabez deliberately explained why he wasn't going to change, and it was going to stay that way. "Then you'll have to fight for your city's respect!" Omit fled, letting him alone. 

'Yeah.. you'll be behind bars someday. Omit.' Jabez thought to himself. 

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