Issue 141# "Attack of the memories!"

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{Jabez's inner realm} 

"This isn't welcoming!" Jabez was sent hurtling towards the borders of the realm, inexplicably they had lifted their seals. Adding up more expansion to the realm, never had Jabez thought he was going to face one of his foes, Demogorgon. 'It has to do something with my own memories as a superhero, so it decided to attack me? Figgered the going wasn't gonna be easy!' Slowly things around Jabez's inner realm built up into something like Los Angeles, giving him a more open environment to work with. 

"You will be crushed! Jabez!" The tude of the memory built supervillain was rather authentic, Jabez glides around a building to prevent any more collateral damage from continuously progressing. 'Whew! Close one! This might all be just some illusory of the sort, but it still reminds me of what made me!' Jabez gracefully alighted on the concrete sidewalks, flicking his attention towards the airborne figure from the distance. "I'm your superior and I always will!" Demogorgon fired Omni-level energies downwards Jabez. 

'He's just as powerful as the real Mccoy!' Jabez hurled towards a street light, composed out of nothing but dreams. So he'd pass thru them, he thought he would collide into another building, instead, he was flicked back by Tessa. "Take the absolute counter, by yours truly, Tessa!" Tessa casually says it's so much more, drawn to go past infinity itself. "Jabez, its time I put an end to this altercation!" Tessa waved her hands to induce the big crunch within this realm. 'Waitasecond! There's no way that one would be a fake! That's Tessa?! How did she get here?!' Jabez was frozen on his tracks, things were beginning to revert to the birth of creation. 

"NO!" Jabez willed the nonexistence manipulation of the other outtasite, via absolute will. "So, have you realized I've known that you've been dead? There's no honest way you'd be still alive after fighting a causa sui being. Still, you outlasted him." Tessa folded her arms casually, so, this was the only villain to ever find out about the death of his. "Do not forget what powers I've, its meta power opposition, I've every power to counter yours, even this new addition of yours can't save you." Tessa concerned her own vanity, motioning jazz hands. 

"You knew, yet, you hadn't attacked me then?" Jabez stated. "I prefer to act upon where you're easy to prey on." Tessa shrugged her shoulders. "Your comatose, I'm aware of fluently, still. What could you do against someone that has EVERYTHING?" Tessa created clones, they replicated themselves around Jabez. "You're just about to see what newfound powers aah've gotten." Jabez turned his head inwards the real Mccoy, knowing that exact being due to alternating his sight.  "I shall be sure you won't be able to come back from the grave you lay dormant in! Not a person will remember you! And I will be the one to lay hands upon you to do that!" Every one of her clones closes in on him, unifying themselves onto Jabez into an almighty scale of unification. 

In a bad way. 

"So tell me?! What is it that you can do against me? NOTHING AT ALL!" Tessa self-congratulates herself, he wasn't able to move. Its like he was being mixed inside a bowl, he outstretches his hands outwards the direction of Tessa. "Fool! I will be the one to rewrite your entire history! You will treat me like a goddess and you, my pestilential slave! DO you hear me?! I will make sure not a soul will ever think of you as the superhero they once knew!" Tessa continually mixed the substances altogether, whisking Jabez in the center. 'Aah caint give up! Not now.. when the going gets tough.. aah caint..' Jabez began to sink deeper into the tessas, being downpoured into the unification even further. 

"Don't you dare take what I need alive!" Josiah dropkicked the female off the edge, settling his toes on the mouth of the bowl. 'Eugh, I hate doing this personally, but why the hell is one of his enemies inside? How on earth did they manage to find out? This is personal to the alikes only!' Josiah leveled the bowl downwards so that it would spill out the unbelievable amounts of Tessas remaining. He inspected for the albino's body, there wasn't a thing in place. 'He was here! How could he have escaped me??' Josiah was after the power, whilst Jabez was somewhere in hiding in this carbon copy of L.A. 

'Aah've removed the amalgamation properties into nothing but an illusion. Even with my new powers, Tessa's always going to somehow step on me like a bug!' Jabez wasn't going to get out of his hiding spot, the cold silence made things too inauspicious for his tastes. 'Caint risk it, aah'll hafta let them battle it out on each other. Josiah's powerful, but Tessa's unbelievably more than what he is! It's too dangerous to let myself be caught in their clutches!' Jabez thought to himself, why was he thinking when this was his inner realm, tho? 

"Listen here, Tessa! You keep your hands off my sibling, he has something I want, and if I lose that I'll take you out of the picture!" Josiah threatened Tessa, pointing his index finger inwards the other. "Puh-lease, my superpower is meant to oppose all kinds. You can give me a sundry but none shall be alien to me," Tessa forwardly reciprocated. "So, I'm having some sort of competition? I don't care if your blood will be on my hands!" Josiah narrowed his eyes at the other, seeing their obsession for dominance over a single entity, completely crazy. 

"You? Kill me? Are you outta your gourd?" Tessa had laughed so much she slapped on her knees. "You dare mock me?! You ape!" Josiah delivered a punch towards the other, she withstood it while laughing loudly. "I will KILL YOU!" Josiah's digits had aether based properties encircling them, Tessa stopped laughing and turned to face him. "Winner takes all!" Tessa readied herself for an enticing battle. "I ain't complaining about that." Josiah charged inwards Tessa.

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