Issue 57#"I'm totally not possessed or anything!"

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{White Star Academy} 

--9:30 am-- 

As Jabez followed the two inwards their classroom, the two kids held his hands. 'I just have to make it seem like nothing is wrong at all with me! Hngh!' As Chun and Chen stared upwards at the albino, lifting up a gleeful smile, he returned it to them. Once they turned their heads inwards their classroom number, he winced. 'This guy is really putting a number on me in the inside, I'm doing all I can to keep him from taking control.. its win or lose!' Jabez regained his normal look on his retinas, once he entered the classroom. 

The two children scattered to seat themselves, while most of the children inside of the classroom were astonished to see Jabez inside of their classroom. "He's really here!" A few sounded fanatic of his presence more than them."That's our Ani!" Chun and Chen pointed at Jabez, the students inside of the classroom flicked their noodles inwards their direction, they were shocked to know something like that. "Yes, I'm their Ani! And they're my little munchkins!" Jabez says once he was right between the two, scruffling their hairs while sitting on a chair. 

Once the teacher entered the room.'Feel pain!' Anim was trying to cause him inimical pain, Jabez on the exterior withstands it to make it seem like everything was chill. 'Dagnabbit! If you were outside of my body, I'd send a punch straight into ya!' Jabez thought, while he was waving to the teacher, as the teacher gladly greeted the other. While Jabez remained perched with the two kids, the teacher was thinking of a project the kids should be doing. "Students, I want you to describe what a 'hero' is." The teacher wrote down the word hero in the center of the board, the children arose their hands and made their way towards the door, one by one, they were picked. 

"Don'tcha guys wanna answer it?" Jabez says to them. "I already see a hero and its Ani!" Chen looked up to Jabez, then hugged his arm tightly. "You're such a little cupcake!" Jabez kissed the child on the forehead, while Chun was thinking. "Ani, can you carry us towards the board and we'll answer it!" Chun says, Jabez just granted their request, carrying the two on both of his shoulders. Jabez's arms were beginning to be heaved downwards, he keeps them up by sheer will, he wasn't going to let himself flounder because of a ghost inside him. 'Never will I quit! I need to force my arms up, but stabilize my own inertia from him.' Jabez was a danger to himself and those around him, but he wasn't submitting his own body to the likes of a malevolent figure like Anim. 

'He's tearing me up in the inside! I'll keep resisting, it's for my lil' munchkins!' Jabez withstands it externally for them, once he pauses before the board, letting them write down the thing about a hero they know about. Both of them, wrote the same thing 'Ani', because it was just to a literal point. As he returned them to their arranged seating, as he placed them gently. "Thank you, Ani!" The two say together, he crept up a smile. "Anything for you!" Jabez says, just after class. Jabez forced his body to stand up, Anim was going-for-broke to force him down on the ground. No temptation to surrender, he manages to keep his shoulders and back upright. 'Why don't you quit?! Even immunities against this wouldn't be effective! You're merely forcing yourself, you darn fool!' Anim screamed inside of Jabez's mind, as Jabez kept a smile towards the children. 

'Can't you feel weakness?! I know you feel it deep-rooted in yourself, you force yourself to stay up and spirits high! What's your secret to it!' Jabez left the poltergeist unanswered, of course, Anim was going to make things much worse for him. 'Let's see just how strong your body is! How can you possibly still take this? I'll be here until I'm thru with ya!' Anim says, as the three walked along the corridors and made their path outdoors, afterward. Mainly to get some fresh air, the two were searching out for their sister's presence. Once they found their sister talking with her gang, they hid behind Jabez and pushed him towards Bai. "..?--- BABY!" Bai felt the thud against her, until she turned her head to see him again. 

"M'wah! M'wah!" She gives him a long minute kiss while her left foot arose."Do you miss me? Aw, you're really the greatest!" Bai enveloped her arms around the albino, whilst Yancy saw something from afar. 'No.. it can't be! He's really with her! But.. I. But..but..' Yancy wasn't sure what else to say than running away, she was unrequited, all she wanted was Jabez. But that cheerleader stole it from her. 

'I'll crush you! And your soul!' Anim was externally and internally causing maltreatment inwards Jabez. 'Kk--! I gotta withstand and have forbearance on this one. I can't get rid of him just like that, I know his ulterior motives and they won't last long.' Jabez thought. As the other cheerleaders were watching in amazement of their relationship."Bai is so lucky!" Ire says once the two pulled away from each other."I love you so much, you mean the world to me!" Bai says it might be a little schmaltzy, their relationship to one another. 

But hey, what did you expect? A promiscuous woman out of a cheerleader? That's a little overlooked. 

"Please... Jabez... I needed you." Yancy was inside of a bathroom, bawling her own eyes out because she believed that she was going to be the one. Alack, she wasn't, it was Bai, one of the popular girls. "Am I just nobody to you?" She whispered to herself, unsure of what to believe. 

Hours later. 

Jabez was forced to deal with every ounce of Anim's wrath, he had to do everything just to keep himself normal looking. 'You can do whatever you want, Anim! But there is no surrender for Jabez!' Jabez was sitting inside of Bai's car, sitting right next to her while the two kids in the passenger seats. 

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