Issue 104# "Am I just going to be beaten?"

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'This guy knows my bodily movements! It's like his brain can automagically configure where aah would go to!' Jabez takes a horizontal knee strike into the lumbar, he was being thrown out of balance. 'How am aah ever going to redeem me? aah, need to beat him!' Jabez performs a series of awe-inspiring acrobatics to distance himself from the other. 'Izzit my thoughts hindering me from actually collecting my own time to hit back at him?' Jabez takes another punch across his jaw, he's being overpowered by this guy. 'It is! And I know that too well!' Jabez thudded back into the crowd of gangs, he's pushed back towards his opponent. 

'How could aah let myself be encompassed in a fool's errand.' Jabez takes a muay thai elbow into the face. "Hah! Jus' look at the poor thing, he doesn't even stand against the champion!" One of the goons in the throng exclaimed. 'This guy is watering me down!' Jabez staggers back, he's about to thud into a goon. Instead, he'd bang up against his own friend, Oriel. "Lemeee take a shot at 'im! Dude!" Oriel caught Jabez, it's like this Jose guy knew how to strike him. 'What that hero failed to realize, I've amplified my ally's capabilities beyond omnipotent scales.' Orphelia stays hidden from the eyes of Oriel and Jabez. 

"Aah can.. aah can do this! Just.." He regained his posture once more. "I dunno man, you were kinda pulverized there." Oriel leaned over to his ear, he omitted what she said. "Give me leeway!" Jabez finally says, he held his abdomen weakly.'He's too strong! Its like I'm fighting an amplified Severus, Jape, Singe, and Omit altogether.' One of his eyes were closed, he grits on his teeth. "I can really help out!" Oriel suddenly says, he wasn't going to listen to her. 

'He isn't listening, oh wait! Waitasecond!' Oriel fixated on to her left side, she noticed another redhead. 'My baby daughter!' She teleported right next to the redhead. "Eeey, eeey, your mom's here to make things gauche!" Oriel pointed her index fingers towards the other, Orphelia cocked her brow. "Is that your friend, mom?" Orphelia pointed her index finger towards the albino being overpowered. "Ye--" She was about to fully answer until she witnessed him being toppled. "Jabez! Don't worry! The cavalry is comin'!" Oriel pushes the goons aside and made her way towards the fighter. 

Like a battery ram, she impacted into Jose's upper back. The goons were booing for what she did, he was sent hurtling towards a wall, but with her omnipotent level strength, he takes his time to recuperate from what she did. "C'mon! Wake up!" She shook the unmoving hero, hoping something would happen. He isn't moving, was the being's strength just too much for him? She turned her crimson glares towards the direction of Jose. "You'll regret what you did, bonehead!" Oriel stood upright, getting into a fighting stance. 

An incredibly dangerous aura emanated from her, she unsheathed her flag and kicked it aside. "I'll give you the fight Jabez couldn't!" Oriel gets into a fighting stance, something about her just appeared and looked easy to find out.  Needless details should be set aside, she charged straight towards the other. She then began to speed around the other, she was doing this temporarily to cause him trouble, attacks would be flawed even! 

"How do you like it when you're the powerless one?" Oriel sends multiple forms of unarmed combat strikes into the other, he was being overwhelmed by the other. "Boo!" The goons really wanted entertainment, not this person dominate the opponent. "Mom! How about you just let the two of them settle it?" Orphelia reacted in Planck seconds,  taking Oriel into her clutches. "Sorry, sweetie. But I'm doing what's best!" Oriel whipped towards the other, narrowing her eyes inwards the other. 

"Let... me.. put a kibosh to what I started!" Jabez shouldn't even be able to stand up, it was impossible for even the toughest and mightiest beings to continue standing. 'I can't move properly, the punishment he gave me overwhelmed me. But... as long as aah can heal without being hit, things should be hunky-dory!' Jabez grits his teeth just even moving the slightest. 'My legs should be fine still, I can move them, if I can will my healing to go faster than ever! I might actually stand a chance.' He thought. 

"No, no, no! Look at yerself! You can't even get a single blow on him, I'll take care of this opponent." Oriel worriedly walked towards Jabez, grabbing him by the shoulders. "I told you, this is my fight! And when I start one, I don't leave it unfinished." Jabez dashed away from Oriel's hands, he formed a grimace of pain. Jose lunges outwards the other, aiming at Jabez's direction. 'He's problematic, so, I'll have to create shockwaves from my legs to at least put a number against him.' Jabez paused in his tracks, arising his foot leg. 

'What's he doing?' Jose thought. "Things are about to really get loud!" Jabez creates a shockwave by hitting the ground with his foot. Causing an unbelievably large shockwave, it's enough to cause tears through all of existence. He had to use his all, but he had to keep all of existence together by mending it. It's quite potent enough to stop Jose on his tracks, Orphelia was unfazed towards what she witnessed. 

Whilst Oriel casually watched the fight. 

'That guy created a shockwave that powerful? It isn't impressive, he must've done that as his alternative.' Orphelia thought. Jabez pelted towards the other, while he was still trying to understand whats happening around him. The goons were knocked out, unable to withstand the amount they did not expect. He delivered a kick across his temple, he manages to damage him exponentially. 

He was sent back into the shadows, but seconds later. He returned into the fighting ring, instead of a civvie dressed figure. An incredible suit he wore, most of it was pitch black, olive green eyelets, a diamond-like design on his torso, centrally green. His eyelets narrowed inwards his direction, his stingers attract outwards from his wrists. 'Stingers?' Jabez cocked his brow at the sight. 

'I've to avoid him! He's really dangerous!' Jabez once again prepared himself for round two!

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