Issue 99# "The Might of Severus is too much!"

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{Good Samaritan Hospital} 

The doctors and nurses were concentrated on helping Harold's current condition, dragging the gurney along the corridors beyond them. "His condition is critical! We need to detoxify him!" Doctor no. 3 stated, once they dragged him into the operating room.  A hooded figure watches from the distance, the figure's face began to sculpt, forming into something familiar. Yancy, narrowing her eyes towards the direction of it. 'Harold really pushed himself to drugging as his penchant.' She followed after the gurney's direction calmly, without showing any lawless intentions. 

'Something about that hooded figure has a sense of anguish, hate, murder.' Jabez's adjusted on the silhouette figure from the distance. 'That person could be an unwinking kind, aah should make my movement inaudible so an eye can't be adjusted towards my presence!' He wasn't going to use luck as his own advantage, more like his own superpowers keeping him on a low profile. 

'The last thing I need is Jabez interloping on my assassination! That misanthrope bought the drugs I used to sell to people, some a-holes managed to smuggle them. Next time, Yancy, shoot any snakes in the gang.' She narrowed her eyes, remembering the last time she saw Harold buy things from a certain sugar daddy. 'You're about to pay for your unknown purchases, ********!' Once she reaches the operation room, she entered, dressed up like a nurse. 

'Good thing some stupid person left their extra pair of nurse clothes. This can be done clean and breezy.' She narrowed her eyes inwards the nurses and doctors surrounding the lifeless body. She briefly unslings a firearm, pointing it at them silently. "I'm gonna have to ask all of you to leave quietly." She wanted things to be controlled in her whim. "No, you might be problematic once the police are around, just kneel." She added, kicking one of them under the groin. 

As one stood before her, he wasn't going to try budging aside, whilst the rest had knelt."You oughta think twice before thinking you'd be able to stop me!" Yancy holstered her firearm, thudding her firearm against his skull. Knocking him down, she turned her head to the doors, they were swinging inwards for moments. 'Waitaminnit! How did he know I was here?!' She pointed her firearms in all sorts of directions, narrowing them to hopefully find the presence of the other. "Show yourself! Do you want to save people? Don'tcha?!" Yancy pointed her gun into the temple of a defenseless civilian. 

"Git yer hands off zem!" Jabez arose from the concrete floors, sending an uppercut underneath her chin. She retracted from the civilian, what surprised Jabez is how she was still standing. 'Waddaheckdidshedotaherself?!' Jabez thought, keeping his eyes fixated on the standing figure. "You'll have to make me!" Yancy fires bullets straight into a civilian's direction, creating a shield made out of his own nails, like a border of nails, a wall of the sort. to prevent her from succeeding. "I'm trying to save you time, Jabez! Killing is the easiest method!" She hopped over his shield with her strong leg muscles, reaching the other side. 

"No! That isn't what aah want, murder izz never the solution! Your malevolent complex needs to end! Right now!" Jabez's fingernails regress back to a normal placing, she pointed it at Jabez and a civilian. "Tell me, if you're actually fast. Mind describing to me how you'll save a civilian while dodging?" Yancy placed a gleeful expression upon what she said. "My finger's aching to pull that trigger!" She's seconds away from firing, he had no other options. 

But to utilize his body supremacy against her. 

He took over her other hand's motor functions, causing her to throw it outwards. "Stay still, bloody hand!" She holstered her firearm, whilst trying to resist the effects of body supremacy. He manages to escort the people away in the nick of time, now things were just between him and Yancy. The nurses and doctors were able to drag their patient out to safety, she then manages to take control over her own hand. "You know how toxic our relationship, huh, Jabez?" Yancy then rammed against Jabez, sending him flying towards a wall. 

The wall popped upon his collision. "We can never be together, is that how the story goes!?" Yancy enters the scene, taking the gaping hole in the room as an option. Jabez kips up, getting up. "I'll tell you why 'MY JOB'!" Jabez reared his knuckle and delivers it straight into her clavicle. She manages to react in the nick of time, grasping the knuckle instead of dodging it. 

His other hand was unoccupied, so he'd use this quick opportunity to send another. 'My own wrist just snapped! I can't just fake it.' Deep down, she snapped her own wrist because of it. 'Gotta rear my fist back!' She does the same, as he did. Yancy delivers her unoccupied knuckle towards him, colliding fists. 'Bloody! It hurt!' She had another wrist snapped, Jabez takes this opportunity to smite her down. 

He headbutted the other. 

She was down for the count, only to allow her to heal her bones. 'I better straighten myself and bolt!' She takes the opportunity to escape whilst the police came late to the scene. Yancy's speed for a human was enough to bypass being seen at all, making it easier to continue this assassination onwards. 'She's gone!' Jabez looked in the direction he has last seen Yancy, but it seems like things were handled by him. 

'Right! She can heal, what kind of training did she get anyway?' Jabez recollected for a brief moment. "My work here is done!" Jabez left the policemen with a friendly goodbye wave, leaving the building briefly. What he saw before him, he can't be imagining things, no! His arch-nemesis Severus was big as a skyscraper, and he was unbelievably larger than the last was. "Do not think you can escape me! Jabez!" He arose his palm up, slapping it on the concrete road. 

Jabez leaped away from the other, clinging to a building. 'Too many people at risk here!' 

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