Issue 72# "Oriel and Jabez fight Demogorgon!"

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{Los Angeles Public Library} 

'I really needa read something, keep my mind off crime.' Jabez searches thru the horror section, he found an H.P Lovecraft horror story, he looked left and then to his right. Luckily nobody was bothering him, there was a multitude of books shelved in other bookshelves, chairs and tables for reading, the librarian was keeping her eye fixated on her book. He suddenly turned his head to the spot, it was taken by someone. 'Someone beat me to it! Well, I better find another horror book then.' Jabez was just being sure if anybody else was raring for one of those books, those had the best things, he continued to search. 

'A work of one of the greatest pieces must be read!' Demogorgon had a hold of the book Jabez aimed for, disguised as a civilian so nobody was going to bother him. He painstakingly caressed the script and art per page, Jabez was searching for another book. 'I've read a few of Stephen king's books, just really never did get why 'IT' omitted plenty things off the real McCoy.' He groped the books along he goes, hoping he'd get a book that was worth it. 'What book should I get?' Jabez thought. 

He wasn't able to choose anything properly, so he just left the horror section alone, he passed by the disguised Demogorgon. 'Heh, he didn't even bat an eye! What a ninny!' Demogorgon recognized the shadow passing by him, it belonged to his arch-nemesis. He kept on reading, its because Jabez really wanted that book, even he thought it was unjust to take it away from someone else. 'Its not like the person would be taking a week just to read the book, I might just patiently wait like a good Samaritan.' Jabez quizzically sets his digit underneath his chin. 

Jabez heard something outside, it's like a kerfuffle transpiring outside the library. He draws himself towards the exit, he left the building, there was a group of protesters standing before the library. "Send that Anti-hero away! She'll just kill all of us!" People were outcrying towards the presence of Oriel. "Let me thru and I'll spare you all," Oriel replies. "See that?! She's threatening our lives, let's call the police to bring her to justice!" Person no.9 said brazenly. 

"Threat?--" Oriel was about to un-sling her flag, until she noticed Jabez, standing before her. "This is what I've been talking about, Oriel. You hafta change your ways, how hard can this be for you?" Jabez says as the people grew silent, watching in excitement about what was about to happen. "I'm trying! I just wanted to read a book and then these people come out of the blue!" Oriel pointed her index finger towards them, then sudden barks of the people came inwards Oriel. "See?" Oriel leaned in close towards the albino, he turned his head to them. 

"She's done nothing, and I've kept my eyes on her. So let her be, okay, Charlie?" Jabez says to the people, as they began to leave the place. "Thanks, man, I knew you'd believe me!" Oriel patted his shoulder, he turned his head to the side. "I'm genderless," Jabez pointed out. "I'm Oriel," Oriel replies with a tone in her voice. "Do you mind telling me why you had the reason for coming to the library the first place?" As they ascend the stairs beyond them. 

"A magician never reveals her secrets!" Oriel replies with a wink. "You just want me to guess, jeezums, you're befuddling sometimes." As they entered the library once more, Oriel noticed the 'no anti-heroes-allowed'. "Whose identity should I take? I'll just be Jim Carrey!" Oriel utilizes her omniscience, as she undertakes transmogrification into the being, and the clothes including "How do I look? Babelicious?" He pointed with his two fingers at Jabez. "You're supposed to be Jim Carrey, and he's a male," Jabez remarked. 

"Do I look, hunkalicious?" He changes his response."Close enough." Jabez shrugged his shoulders as they made their way to the bookshelves, Oriel was deciding what book she wants to read. "Does my acting skills, astound you?" He made an absurd laughter that sounded like a donkey. "I'm actually starting to realize why you don't have a social life," Jabez stated. "That's the spirit, my good compadre!" He smacked Jabez's rear out of the blue. 

" 'A' for effort, do you even realize you're supposed to keep your voice down?" Jabez replies, unbothered by what he did.  Upon hearing the shushing by the librarian as she passed by them. He keeps his voice in a low tone so it wouldn't be a bother to the librarian. "Keep your Jim Carrey acting skills to a minimum, otherwise I lose my concessions as a bookworm. Here, in this building," Jabez added, he wanted her to do just even a simple thing. 

"I gotcha! But my danger sense is aching, it's like a supervillain is in this building." He replied, shifting himself to turn towards the opposite side, sniffing the air like a weirdo. "There is no supervillain in this building, what makes you think a villain would want to steal a book?" Jabez cocked his brow, self-affirming himself. "I smell it, trust me. I'm on the trail." On his fours, he began searching out the smell. 

"What kind of ridiculous power gives you the ability to be aware of an enemy automagically by sniffing the air?" Jabez says, following after the other. Once they paused before a figure sitting in a chair. "I'm telling you, this one smells like genius and madman!" He stood up, pointing at the being sitting there, his disguise wasn't enough to fool Oriel. "You're delusional, that's just a man reading," Jabez added. 

"Let's put that to the test!" Oriel opened her mouth, large knife-like teeth were visible from her mouth. "What are you--" Jabez was about to stop Oriel until hearing a metallic noise upon the bite. "I was about to finish the last page! You unbelievable ignoramus!" He sends a punch across Oriel's jaw, it hardly makes her skid back. 'What?!' Demogorgon was in shock until the figure returned to its normal being. Oriel. 

The people casually just read their book as a battle was going to commence. He snapped his fingers, thusly causing the monsters from the book itself. Oriel sided with Jabez, getting into a fighting stance. "Amirite?" Oriel questioned. "Surprisingly, you are." Jabez charges towards the monsters, whilst, nobody in the library even shown solicitude towards this fight. 

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