Issue 93# "Neck-in-Neck!"

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--12:30 pm-- 

"Just watch me take away your family!" Tessa formed something like a massive malleable hammer, stretching upwards as it'd outstretch to the vehicle next to it. Quickly acting without thinking, the albino grabbed on the base of the hammer preventing it from continuing the actions. It writhes in his grasp, he didn't want it to destroy the vehicle."Go! Go! Aah'll take care of this dunderhead!" Jabez exclaimed to Bo, he listened and carried on. "What about Ani?" Chen said worried about her sibling. "He told us to go, he doesn't want us to be in danger," Bo informed the other, whilst things were going Jabez's way. "You think they'll get away quickly?" Tessa warped into the thing he had his clutches in, he quickly shifts his palms as he clipped them together. 

"You're a little leeroy Jenkins today!" Jabez leveled her overhead, smashing her down into her own vehicle. The vehicle continues onwards to charge forward at them, he quickly faces into what was in front of him. "Ain't happenin'!" Jabez scatters into the rammer of the vehicle, sticking his heels against it, he aimed his fingers outwards to any nearby buildings. He fires arteries and veins into one side, he twisted his body to the right side, losing track of the family themselves. "You might have the powers to overpower me, but I've got the wits to return sender that!" Jabez arose his legs, what he was clinging onto -- the vehicle. 

It was hurled overhead. 'He's clever! I'll admit, I thought for a second he'd stop it, instead, he'd take things to another direction.' Tessa reformed herself into her being once more, aesthetically landing on the concrete road. Buildings, inanimate objects surrounded the fight, luckily there weren't any vehicles passing by in this area. "I missed berating you, that's why I'd show my face to you. Still, pretty depressing how you lost your girl, she's nothing but target practice for a villain." Tessa was attempting to strike a nerve in Jabez. 

"I can accept her death, but you people still think I've actually lamented over it?" Jabez regained his ground, getting into a fighting stance again. "How do you keep this goodly disposition of yours?! It's annoying! Nobody can be happy over the loss!" Her eyes began to illuminate crimson red, it was rage and hate coming from her. "RRAHH!!" She began to charge animalistically towards Jabez, he keeps his eyes concentrated on her movement. 'If I can react fast enough--' He thought she was going to lunge at him, but she bounces over him. 

Undertaking a transformation; turning into a locomotive, it was immense overhead. 'She's still after them! Aah better get to her before she's close!' Jabez's digits cling onto the locomotive or train, being taken away. "AAAAND AWWWWAY WEEE GOOOO!" Jabez says in an excited tone, once the locomotive impacted on the concrete road. Tessa created tracks of her own to follow the path the family took, he continues to climb on it. The speed was fathomless, yet the air resistance hadn't worked against Jabez. 

'Aah cannae let her win!' He continues forward, he needed to move faster than ever. 'That's it! I'm bursting outwards instead of this scaling!' He hurled himself to reach the front area of the locomotive, as he clings onto it. Tessa suddenly transformed the parts of a locomotive into like her own limbs, she stood up like the locomotive itself was her body. "Spaghettio!" Jabez looked upwards the other, he turned his head to the sides. It was her own fists, they smash into his being. It was sudden and he didn't utilize his body supremacy powers in time, he descended from the head of Tessa and barely clings on the calves of the being. 

'I'm clinging with my all! She must've used a superpower to bypass all forms of my defenses. Absolute piercing, I'm barely holding onto her.' His one hand was able to do it, but the rest of his body had excruciating pain surging within him. It was beginning to slip, he widened his eyes. Tessa's still on the chase for his family until he had lost his clutches on the calf. 'If I can't hold on physically! This should work!' Jabez shoots arteries and veins upwards the legs of the locomotive. 

'I'm still holding on. I just gotta swing back and forth. So that I just might be able to hurl myself overhead Tessa!' While he was still dealing with this. 

"Its still chasing us!" Chen looked out through the window, widening her eyes upon the immense being. "Crikey!" She retracted her head from the open window, Tessa arose her foot upwards and smashed the concrete road. Causing a shockwave to send them flying upwards. 

"NO!" Jabez exclaimed he was out of their reach for safety. 'I've to do something fast.' He was atop the being's shoulder. He hurled himself over to the flying vehicle's direction, ramming his shoulder against the rear of it to send it on one of the building's rooftops. He winced in his own action due to the pain still surging thru him. "You ignorant gnat!" Tessa retracted her fist and slammed it into Jabez hitting the concrete road. 'She's a monster! I caint stop her, whilst she's doing this to me!' Jabez was being pummeled on the concrete road, repetitively smashing down on him. 

'Too much for me to take! I--' To the point where he couldn't move at all, he could still move his index finger and thumb. He flicked his own fingernail outwards the other, he reforms in another being. He practically regenerated from a mere fingernail, he was bare naked. 'Wish I actually had a spare of clothes. Now then, I better clock her lights out!' Jabez drop kicked into Tessa's right eye, causing her to detract from the building. "I've placed you in your threshold! How is it that you stand?!" Tessa exclaimed angrily. 

"Oh! What have you!" Jabez aimed himself into the other eye, smashing her other eye. It's like smashing glass! The eyes that are. Once that was done, she returned to her normal size and height. The hero was a few meters from the other, she was concentrating on regenerating her own eyes. 'Time to take this opportunity to smite her down!' Jabez sends chi straight into the other's upper back; a palm strike into it, knocking her out in the instant. 

He turned his attention to the safety of his family once more. The police had returned to the scene, its just another usual day for the superhero and his crime-fighting career. 

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