Issue 156# "The hero that isn't willing to go down!"

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{Los Angeles} 



A camera fixed on a certain person, holding up the microphone close to their lips. "I can't be deluded, I legitimately saw Jabez rescue me from a gang of creeps! Its like I can't tell what to believe, words or actions out of him." Its a Hispanic woman stating about the sights of seeing the superhero, nobody was sure if this 'Omit' was true to protecting people. "I can say the same, he protected me and my family too from a hold-up!" An Arabian person added about what they wanted to say about the albino. 

"If Omit really is the hero of the country or whatever, where is she? Huh? I'm starting to think ya'll are really dumb for shoving Jabez out like that." Chun subjectively pointed it out on the camera. Its acknowledged by the reporter and cameraman. "Touché." The reporter tapped the cameraman's shoulder to have him face the certain people that want to add up on something. 

"Don't kid yourself, Omit! Do you portray as L.A's superhero? You make me laugh!" Somewhere in Los Angeles, there were two familiar figures standing distanced from each other. Transonic glared intently at the other, letting go of the person. 'If I were to let Jabez get all the glory like he did! This is where L.A will truly believe that fear and power makes everything different than altruism!' Omit slowly clasped her digits together to form fists on both hands, fisticuffs. "I know you better than this, you just want to discredit the living presence out of Jabez. And when you fail, this will be retaliated against you irregularly." Transonic pelted towards the gray-haired woman, she anticipated for the other's attack. 

"That, you might be correct about! But think about it, nobody will ever have to throw me in jail! And me only!" Omit hurtled a fist across his jaw, it caused terrible damage onto his cheek. He staggered back, he flicked his pupils inwards the other's direction. "Your own arrogance makes you a villain! Heroes are supposed to have humility!" He delivered a flying kick across her jaw, the two were practically omnipotent beings fighting on Earth. "Heh.. not all heroes, heroes like Jabez isn't what anybody needs." Omit hadn't skidded backwards, or moved from his attack. 

"You bloke! Do you honestly think you could bear the weight of a hero? Do you EVEN know what sacrifice is? We're supervillains! Not those goody two shoes heroes!" Transonic alternated his own size and mass, additionally continuously believing he's omnipotent. He arose his palm and smashed it downwards on the other, she  grabbed the immense index finger without breaking a sweat."I get it, you don't think this is something I should be doing at all. Transonic, but I'm the STRONGEST supervillain there is!" Omit snapped the being's finger, forcing him to kneel like a weak-kneed person. 

"And you're nothing but a toy for me!" Omit hurtled the other to a great distance. It put down a lot of buildings, the mighty being prostrated on many buildings. "See? Without me, this country wouldn't last! I could do much more for L.A than Jabez could EVER have!" She dispersed into a bright blue orb, teleporting atop the tip of a skyscraper. A cool breeze wafted by her, her gray hair waved smoothly. 

"Just look at that folks! Omit to handle a supervillain quicker than Jabez ever did!" The news chopper zooms in closer to her mug. She gesticulated her fists and throbbed them upwards, the light being set over her. "Thank you! L.A! I'll be protecting this city even far better than Jabez did! Even supremely outbested!" Omit pointed with her finger towards the unmoving giant in the part of town. 

While people in their houses incredulously watched their televisions. "Jabez kinda saved our necks already, all she did was stop a criminal." The audience watching behind the flat screen television commented about that. "Yeah, he saved dad from being robbed." The kids added, not so many were looking up to Omit as their hero. If that was her capacity to do so much for a city, then why should they bother considering her a hero. "Oh, still feel a little uncertain who to call your savior of all? Don't you all remember who's saved you?" She snapped her fingers that hypnotized them to believe her as the great superhero, better than the previous superhero. 

'Piece of cake.' Omit thought to herself. 

The news chopper flew away, while Omit descended from the building like a graceful dove. 'Where would Jabez be? Out there? What would make people believe in him anymore! He's a disgrace I say!' Omit landed on the concrete floor without signs of discomfort. Of course, she's bloody omnipotent, an omnipotent wouldn't even a feel a lick of that. 

Whilst the body of Transonic was gone, no longer in plain sight. "Omit, you really should quit with that hero talk. Deep down, you're a supervillain that wants something lesser than you for entertainment." Transonic stood in the distance, leaning against the wall, completely fine even after what Omit did to him earlier. "I want to show people that not everything can be solved without acting upon its people. One must act like a despotic entity to gain full respect of others." She turned her head over a shoulder, adjusting her eyes to him intently. 

"Frankly, I'm cognizant my plan in sending Jabez way floundered anyway. It must be why people still look up to him as their incredible superhero." Omit added, he was planning on delineating that part but she already knew about it. "It feels bizarre, without a hero to thwart me. That feeling of dominance, gone... why do you feel the excitement from it? When you have nothing to fight for anymore?" Transonic looked down at his hands deeply, he missed those times when they had fought Jabez. 

"Look at what the cat dragged in!" Jabez was perched atop a light post, his voice intently heard to draw their attention. "This is my city! And it ain't yours anymore!" Omit exclaimed defensively, rushing towards the other. Transonic joined alongside with Omit. 

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