Issue 51# "Things just escalate a little too fast!"

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{The Oddity House} 

--5:30 pm-- 

The iodized salt was cleaned out,  everything in Jabez's vision was beginning to easily come together thanks to his eidetic capabilities, its like he was laying on a bed in the infirmary. The rest of the Oddity house was like a mansion from inside and outside. He hadn't needed blinking as a recourse, waiting for something or someone. As the doors swing open, more than one set of footsteps direct in Jabez's place. "I'm telling you, he's going to wake up. And he's in a relationship, Isotope!" Enzo says while dresses up professionally as a nurse while the usual. Isotope was dressed in the usual garments humans did.

"I'd love him eternally! Humans live shorter," While they were reaching Jabez, he feigned sleeping so things would seem less awkward. Once they paused before the albino, Iso lets out a breath in relief. 'I don't know what's come over my head if he heard me.' Isotope hid the flower behind her, waiting for him to wake up. As Jabez convincingly, Iso takes a seat right next to Jabez."You're all right, and that's what matters." Enzo stated after closely inspecting the other, she retracted from him. "I'll let you take your time. " Enzo respectively bowed to him as she lets the two alone, Isotope unveiled the flower before him, her cheeks reddened.

"I've been meaning to tell you, how I feel around you. That I.." Isotope leans in close, he shifts his head aside from hers. "Can't, never could do that. " Jabez says, Isotope ran her fingers thru his."I can give you a better life! A family even!" Isotope exclaimed while Jabez remained calm. ''Hold your horses! I can't give you a family, because, I'm, sterile.. okay?" Jabez responded, talking about himself a little more. She froze for a second. "Even if I'd force it, the results aren't pretty." Jabez folded his arms under his frames, she enfolded her arms around him, hugging him tightly.

"It must be so hard on you, and you're a good man. You're staying with someone else, who loves and cares about you." Iso's cheeks were a watery mess, things weren't in her favor, it's causing her disfavor. Jabez slowly enveloped his arms around her hips, placing his chin on her shoulder. "Things have to be this way, and there's nothing I can do about it," Jabez says, causing her to sniffle, she really wanted to have him as hers. 'She's still human, maybe I could just wait it out then?' Isotope retracted from their hug, she had been bawling her eyes out, placing her palms on her own lap."But, I'll accept the flower." Jabez uncurled her digits to unfold the flower's being. "Y-you will?" Isotope immediately wiped her tears aside and her sniffles waned away. 

'I still really, can't move on. I love you so much.. I'd really want to be your wife.' Isotope wrapped her pinky around his unmoving pinky, as he was holding up the flower in his other hand. 'You deserve so much better than a human for someone belonging to you. I just wanna lean in and take you to a place so far away.' Isotope watches him look into the flower in amazement, smiling just lightly. 'Maybe, waiting isn't so bad? I know he's only being loyal to his girlfriend,  coercing him is wrong, and knowing he can't have children. I just love him too much to let go easily.' Isotope kisses his cheek like a kissing cousin, Jabez hadn't minded as long as it wasn't going to do disservice to his own relationship. 

Someone walks in on the scene. Michael, he paused before the alike and kitsune. "I suppose I owe you your freedom, don't I? You've lived with us and hadn't bothered me about leaving this place, so that it seems fair for you. You thought of everyone here as family, that's what matters. I grant you freedom to leave and enter whenever, okay?" Michael explained before him, Jabez had lifted a smile. "Aw, shucks! You're very kind, Michael." Jabez responded, he wasn't really asking for anything, he was merely waiting and michael had a change in heart already so fast. "Might I say the same, you aren't like a contemptuous human would be? Did you live a life filled with good people?" Michael was just wondering a little more off Jabez. 

"Not that I've, life is hard, but I've learned nothing will be ever easy for anybody and anything." Jabez replied, so he hadn't lived an easy and opulent life like most expect."But a smile can take away a frown!" Jabez's unoccupied hand arose Isotope's lips to form a smile, while he already crept a smile. "Here I thought everyone was good depending on treatment, but you, you must've had--" He was about to continue. "I was born from the southern part, darlin'!" Jabez replies, and suddenly, Michael builds up to something in his mind. 

"Wow.. I. Seriously? Is that how you mastered your own superpower, by living like a southerner? You're one tough cookie." Michael finally says as Jabez had nodded. "I'll let you two keep your time together for a while, you're free to leave whenever you want." Michael lightly bowed his head and went off, as Jabez retracted his digits from her lips. "You aren't going to leave right now, are you?" Isotope says to the other, she wanted to stay, even for just a day longer. 

"Chillax, take a chill pill bruv!" Jabez responded. "I'll stay for one last day then I'll leave, okay?" Jabez uncurled one of his digits, as he held up his index finger while the rest remain curled. "Thank you.. just one more day.. is all I want." Isotope placed her head on his palm, this was already enough for her, she wasn't going to force him to stay, because he's made up his mind. And he's got his own job and relationship, it wasn't her right to control him either. Everyone has their own life. 

A little trivia of 10 questions about Jabez.

1) What is Jabez? 

A) An alien  B) A humanoid monster C) An Alike 

2) What's his main superpower? 

A) Personal Mastery B) Body Supremacy C) Absolute Cuteness 

3) Does Jabez curse? With actual words like the 'f' word? 

A) Nah, he's surely against it B) He might, who knows C) Depends 

4) How many arch enemies does he have? 

A) 7     B) 6  C) 24 

 5) What is Jabez most protective of? 

A) L.A  B) Friends  C) His girlfriend 

6) Who had taken the title as the hero of Jabez when the alike fell in defeat? 

A) Blackbeard  B) Omit  C) Jape 

7) Is his only name 'Jabez'? 

A) Definitely B) No 

8) Is he smart or stupid? 

A) He outwits a guy that reached the level of Omniscience, so he's real smart B) He must have a brick for a brain 

9) What does Jabez dislike? 

A) Hypocrites B) Sex C) Sinning 

10) What does Jabez prefer not doing? 

A) Killing out of rage B) Murder on the spot 

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