Issue 111# "Fighting dead on!"

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'With every fibre an' spirit-- I won't be stopping now!' Most of his clothes were torn, skidding back into a building. A contour overhead descended to Jabez's direction, blood trickling down their cheek, -- none other than Veyra. "It is me who will defeat you!" Veyra shouted outwards, whilst another figurine came circling around the building he was about to smack into. "Not until I  deliver the coup de grace to him!" Haunti depicted, keeping her eyes locked on the hero. 'Just gotta use this velocity as--' Jabez sets his hands behind his back until they prodded up against the building, clinging onto the wall with no discomfort. 

He leaped away from the two, maintaining the less destruction in his city. Going upwards another building he lunged into, eyes trained on the building. 'There has to be a way to stop them! I can't let this battle continue, it'll cost lives!' Jabez clinged on the walls, speeding up the process to continue upwards its rooftops."You aren't going anywhere!" Veyra bursts thru the glass wall he scaled upon, tackling him in her grasp. 'Just need to do this!' Jabez arose his elbow over her upper back, smashing it on her. 

'Not enuff to take care of her!' Jabez and Veyra collided into another building, they crashed thru it. Both on the floor, but Veyra was on top of him already. Everything inside of the building, unveiling to his eyes, its all followers of Haunti and treating her mere being like a higher being. Not a smidgen of those to follow him, he placed his feet on her leg as he hurled her overhead.'Is L.A nothing to her?! Its like everyone thinks of her as the greatest.' Jabez kipped up as he heard a faint noise from behind, turning his head towards the contour. 

"Do you like what I've done so effortlessly? I've made every human in this beloved city of yours my subject! And they follow absolutely everything I command!" Haunti made the lifeless humans kneel and praise her like she was a mighty being. "That's enuff outta ya!" Jabez pelted towards the other, headbutting her on the fact. "YES! THAT'S WHAT I WANT! YOU'RE ENGENDERED TO EVEN STOP ME MORE!" She merely stood there, taking the blow point-blank, withstanding it unbelievably. 

Haunti grasped him by the throat, picking him up off the ground like he didn't weigh a thing. 'This is mah city and she turned it to her stool!' Jabez hooked his arms around her sides and set her flexor in a tightening lock. Inducing pain in her shoulder, she has knelt on her knee while her back was against the wall, due to this action is done to her. 'I have to let go! It's only going to worsen the pain even more!' Haunti retracted from him, causing her to tilt outwards into the gaping hole behind her. Jabez added a kick into her torso as she descended from great heights, of course, this wouldn't be enough to stop her. 

Jabez dived thru the gaping hole as well, including Veyra, she aimed herself on Jabez. Currently, he's kinda in a situation where he has to fight two things altogether. Veyra grasped him, but before she was able to perform a martial art grapple hold, he automatically grabbed her by the back of the head and she's thrown downwards and father than Jabez. Once he collided into the concrete floor once more, he searches out for where Haunti's presence was. 

"Just look at this! Everyone came out of their homes just to kneel to me!" Haunti's voice generated from the west side, he flicked his head towards the said voice. He froze upon seeing Biming, Bo and the kids alongside the kneeling. The people in this junction were many, he leaped thru the throngsome of them, reaching towards Haunti herself. Lifeless eyes trailed to his being, including his adopted family's eyes too. 'Aah caint just let her do this!' Jabez's aura emanated from his being once more, like a dazzling light again. 

He whapped her real good, across the jaw, she was quite withered by it. 'His blow is quite strong, the mix of his vim and self-exertion! Making it deadlier!' She skids back as the people made leeway for her. She collided into a building, it's just to the equivalent of passing by infinity itself. As the albino made his way towards the other calmly, his outfit was a huge mess still, but his aura was brighter than light itself. Its intense heat came closer and closer to Haunti, she stood upright with her readied ground. 

'Yes! This is what I want! Nothing to ruin it! Just between the both of us!' Haunti stood upright until suddenly a figure fwooshed past her but physically aimed towards Jabez. It's Veyra, self-evidently. 'Aah must end this battle now!' Jabez reared his fist back, cocking his middle finger as to serve a sharper attack. He strikes her into the solar plexus, and into the liver area. It effortlessly knocked her away from her own centrifugal force, she was defeated in a mere instant. 

'It seems like he really wants to drop things now! I never thought he'd be able to stop me on his own without-' Haunti's analyzed the other sharply until he recoiled his leg and thrust it towards her abdomen. 'Hurr!' And then a flurry of kicks into her, she's sent thru the wall itself. Instead of letting him continue to beat her down, she dashes towards the other. Encircling him in a high amount of strikes and attacks around him, every ounce of her fiber wanted to succeed in this battle. She's getting her opponent overwhelmed in this method, he takes so many strikes he needs to keep track of her. 

'I need to find out where she's hitting me!' Jabez keeps his eyes focused on the other encircling him, he then found a vulnerable spot in the nick of time. He grabbed her wrist before she'd take another blow, he strikes his fist near the ditch of her elbow as he strikes her into the rib cage a few times until she fell on the floor.. defeated. 

He defeated two criminals together.. at last.

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