Issue 33# "White Star Academy?"

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{White Star Academy}

"C'mon, kick her butt, Jabez!" The jocks cheered him on, while she had placed a grin.Its like she's expecting Jabez to send a punch, with his free hand he grabbed her wrist after taking the punch. Jabez sends a chi blow straight into the bottom of her jaw, it was a rather effective attack employed on her. 'He managed to bypass my reflective immutability like he'd attack me regularly.' She thought, sending a curb stomp into his face. 'I can't get a hostage unless its physically touching them. ' She rushed inwards one of the students, outstretching her hand towards them. It was Yaan, Jabez leaped inwards the being, hooking his legs on her left hip. Whilst placing her in a full nelson lock, she narrowed her eyes to her side.

"You're this persistent, what is it that drives you to protect people that aren't worthy of existence?!" She shrinks down to a minuscule size, grabbing his heel then smashing him on the floors like a rag doll."Don't let her beat you!" Yancy supported Jabez, once she returned to her normal sized self."Didn't think I'd have that trick up my sleeves, didja?" Omit stretches her arms, placing her heel atop Jabez's appendages like a servant. "The best punchline.. is the.. one ya don't see comin'!" Jabez arises in dazzling speed, sending a horizontal drop kick into her sternum.

"Yes!" Yancy says while Yaan and Yair noticed how happy Yancy was, for some odd reason. "The cause and effects help me, don't think you'd overpower me effortlessly, in fact, you've been always overpowered by your enemies, and the cause falls under my command!" She reverts the damage into something else, it struck a nerd. "See that, it works like that works.. you think because you're the hero, succession will be swift as you think it should be?" Omit taunted, pointing her finger inwards the other. "See, look at yourself! This is your threshold as a hero, isn't it?!" She added, these words, really needed to stop.

Jabez had curled his fingers to form a fist, sending a punch into her teeth so hard it chipped a tooth. 'How did he suddenly get stronger for half a second?!' She wasn't able to react in time for the damage to be transferred, blood trickles down her chin. "You're high-and-mighty, lezz just see how much you can dish out!" Jabez added it must be himself summoning his own strength silently. "Don't think you'd get away with hurting people!" A Muay Thai elbow across her jaw, then a Chinese sidekick and grabbing her skull as he plunges her groundwards, Omit's nape snapped in the amount she took. "Wow. I'd hate to make him mad.." Yaan uttered.

She arises once more, narrowing her eyes inwards him. "Luck isn't inherent, dolt!" She says once several people collapsed in excruciating pain."Look at how humans fall effortlessly, too fragile and impotent!" Omit easily grabbed one of them coming at her, someone who thought they were brave enough to help. "You bett'r letim go!" Jabez exclaimed while she began choking the poor lad."Just what do you think you can do to save him?" Omit added, how is Jabez going to land a blow on her. Jabez speeds his way inwards her, faster-than-blinding speeds. 'How could I've omitted the one detail most of Jabez's enemies dealt with seldomly?!' Omit was too late for thinking twice about it, she decided to brush it off instead."You look like you haven't seen something fast in your entire life!" Jabez lets the other students take of the nearly asphyxiated student. "Luck isn't my forte, sharp-wittiness is!" Jabez blinded her with arteries and veins on her eyes. "Now you'll have nobody to hurt!" Jabez snatched her, jumping thru the same window they made their entrance in."GRMFF!!MRFF!!" Omit couldn't believe she found herself stunned by his adeptness.

"Now this is just between you and me!" They were within a football field. Jabez lets the other figure her own way out, she was trying to revert this whole fight back but it's being curbed. Thru the hero's unnaturally large will. She pulled out the grotesque material off her mug, regaining herself. Omit stands upright, quickly changing herself into a fighting stance. 'I've got an omnipotent level yet this hero very capable of doing this thru sheer will, now, I get it why they hate him! His indomitable will is an irritant!' Omit pelted towards Jabez in rage. "You'll have yourself defeated!" Omit says angrily. "I've so many villains implying that ta' me!" Jabez added so she decided to think of another response." You think I'm corny? Hilarious, very flippant of you! " She says after ramming against him, sending him flying towards the football goal.

"YIPES!!" Jabez whipped to its metal form, like his body swiftly u-turned himself on the pole without touching it."Psych!" Jabez was faced front to his villain, he then widened his legs, enfolding her in his legs, the words of Omit was muffled because of Jabez's actions."AAAAND AWAAAAAY WE GO!!" Jabez flipped and gravitated her whole being groundwards, pinning her on the grass under their toes.'Galvanized moi opponent!' Jabez thought, in Planck seconds, he takes a kick into his abdomen. 'Less thinking might've helped!' Jabez once again gets into a fighting stance. 'His revolt against my causality powers are mind-numbing!I'm trying to alternate the events but he still curbed it!' Omit gets back up in a fighting stance, how will Jabez bring her down?

She zooms towards him, knowing this way of fighting was the way to smite him down. 'Using a hostage at this would be pointless! I've dominated him before, and I can do it again!' Omit grabbed him, lifting him overhead as she ripped him in half with her bare strength. "Taste the fathomless power of Omit!" Omit says after the two halves of his were separate. No blood, no nothing internals, that didn't matter, what did was that she beat him.

"Heh, I didn't even need preparations for him!" Omit let him alone while Yancy decided to walk in on the scene. "Please be all right!" Yancy fell on her knees.. unsure what to do.

The Pollyannaish-JabezOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora