Issue 181# "Jabez versus Lehm!"

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{Jack Shop} 

"Marlboro..." A maid stood in the cigarette aisle, her outfit was typical as any maid; pale white skin, jet black eyes, and a black bow tie tied on her hair. "Hiya there!" A kid greeted the maid with a smile as they quickly hidden under her skirt.  A feeb paused a few meters from where she was, pausing his tracks to look at the maid. "Have you seen a child?" He asked as she shrugged her shoulders. "The search continues." The agent continued onwards as the child remained under her skirt. 

'Bizarre...' Lehm thought to herself as she puts a rim of Marlboro into her cart. The child checked for any agents following him, he then looked up to the maiden that hadn't told the truth. "Thank you," The child shows gratitude to her, he then scattered away.


There were Chinese police standing by the interrogation door. "Jabez, you can be a hero if you joined us! It doesn't take that much," Shan had Jabez cuffed to the table, they were across each other. She nearly pinches her fingers together while the rest arched, the albino remained quiet."Aah'll stay this way, joining the police is the last thing aah'd ever do." Jabez replies. 

"Must I seduce you to get it done?" Shan cocked her brow. "Touch me and aah will be sure you won't ever be saving the day," Jabez says. "I'm aware of what you can do, Jabez, you could wipe out violence in a snap!" Shan's fingers fell on the table, narrowing her eyes at that fact. "And do you know what hard work people do just to solve their problems? Aah could if aah would, give world peace... a world where violence hadn't taken place in the first place. Take it into nothingness, but aah wouldn't. It'd make life pointless." Jabez briefly imagined if the world was like that, under his reign, where no bloodshed could've happened.

"Shan! There are kids saying they lost their parents!" Two Chinese officers interjected the scene; the door opened inwards. 'Please don't tell me it's those same kids aah've granted immortality?' Jabez thought he was hoping it wouldn't be them. Shan stood up and walked away, leaving the albino alone to minister this problem. "I don't get why would you call me if I'm dealing with--" She froze at the sight of three kids that had gaping holes on their jaws and heads. 

The holes sealed quickly, she quirked at the sight."I see why you've wanted me to deal with this, it's definitely something else." Shan knelt before the three kids. "It will be all right, the feebs won't bother you." She talked to them in the corridors, while Jabez had his gaze locked at them. 'It's them! Great, aah oughta scarce before she comes back!' Jabez's wrist passes thru the cuff's form, he left a replica of himself to cover his tracks. 

He teleported out of sight. 

"A man with white hair gave it to us." The second one says. "Jabez..." Shan concluded as she turned her head over a shoulder at the silhouetted figure thru the pane of glass at the interrogation door. 'That fool! What was he thinking?!' As she entered the interrogation room with the kids, she narrowed her eyes at the other. "Mistah, could you undo this?" The three kids walked towards the albino, extending their hands out to him. 

'Holy crud! Why did aah have to do that?! Aah'm unable to undo it, aah'm lesser than the original!' He flinched. "Yeah, Jabez, could ya?" Shan folded her arms as she waited for what he was going to do. The albino clung on his own jaws, ripping his own head in half before them. The kids were shocked to see no blood or a tissue spewing out of it. "It's a fake! Obviously!" Shan says dissatisfied. 'That would mean the real mccoy gone out already, what are his ulterior motives...' While the kids walked close to it. 

Poking the body. There was commotion going on outside the interrogation room. There were feebs inspecting the place for those kids. 

'Keeping myself out of that, Shan really had to corner me that time.' Jabez patrolled the streets, scaling walls as he would smash a camera with a gentle graze of his palm. 'What is that man doing?' Lehm looked upwards at the albino. He instinctively looked downwards, knowing that she has seen him commit such a thing, he couldn't just let her damage his reputation there. 

"Sorry, don't take anythin' personal, missy." Jabez dives to the streets, heels thudding against the floor without discomfort. "I'll take a wild guess you're supposed to be a forgotten superhero, Jabez? No?" Lehm seemed to carry the knowledge of him. The albino didn't respond, he gets into a fighting stance instead. "Aah bite more than aah bark." Jabez quotes before they battle it out. 

"Jabez, I don't wish to fight, I'm in the middle of a tall order!" Lehm dropped the plastic bags carrying the items on her grocery list. They both rammed each other, they bounce back from the impact. They attacked each other using muay thai flying knee, they gave each other confused looks. 'It looks like we're too evenly matched!' Jabez narrowed that idea. 

A right hook punch is delivered to his face, he retaliates as he spins and delivers a reverse roundhouse to the back of her head. They then ram their heads at each other, none of the two wavered at it. "This battle is meaningless if none of us could bring each other down!" Lehm says to the other. Jabez automatically puts her into an armbar lock, this was getting him nowhere physically. "You!" Shan called out to the albino while standing behind a police car. 

He released the other as she scattered and took her things. "You've got a lot to answer, Jabez." As a group of kids exit the police car, they were familiar to our dear protagonist. "All right!" He lifted up a smile and walked towards the other, inclining to it this time. 

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