Issue 123# "I'm nowhere this guy."

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{The Almighty Link} 


A realm where all powers exist, Jill's consciousness weaved in its safer junctions. "So, that's the one -- huh? Little brother?" Juma stood right next to a familiar figure, the figure next to him was none other than Jabez himself. "Seems like he isn't used to his powers yet." Jabez arose his head, turning his head inwards the direction of the other. "Still, he won't be holding those powers forever. I know you will return to take over your place, but time is an enemy." Juma clapped his palms, causing the other to awaken in a mere instant. "Hunh.. what?" Jill stood up on the space like area, standing on it like solid concrete. "Who are you?" Jill rubbed his temples at the two figures, he wasn't able to perceive them properly. 

"Your siblings. For now, that will be all said." Juma stated as the other returned to his consciousness, once he arose from the infirmary bed he was on. From another realm and waking up into reality, he looked at the bed he was on. The person was about to insert something into him, yet, seeing his soundness in his exterior made him retract. "Quite the remission you made, may I get your name?" The nurse brought out their clipboard and pen dutifully, he quickly grabbed the clipboard in nanoseconds and wrote down his information in dazzling speed. 

Once he left the hospital breezily, he no longer had to deal with them. He stood self-righteously on the sidewalks, slithering vines of hair descended towards Jill. They enveloped themselves on him, pulling him upwards while the people standing outside had their eyes turned and fixed on the sudden disappearance of the blue-haired figure. They decided to brush it off,  once Jill is uplifted over the building and slammed on the rooftops of the hospital. "Am I being attacked by a hair?" Jill grunted while the silhouette figure stood proudly atop the building. 

"I'd figure you would be here, considering how impotent you are!" Josiah loosened his grip on the other, he gently slipped away from its tendrils. Smacking on the rooftop, Josiah really was annoyed at how little he was capable of doing. "You're joking, right? Can't you even put up a real fight? You must be a real walking joke, I'll tell you. If I was him, I'd be downright disappointed." Josiah yawned walking towards the other, pompously talking to the other. "..don't.." Jill uttered, slowly clapping his fingers together to form a fist. 

"Underestimate me!" Jill arose like a raging tiger, shooting his limbs, organs, tissue, and bones. Outwards the other like a self-turret, Josiah cocked his brow. 'He's learning when placed under a threshold of pain.' Josiah rubbed his chin, he bent reality to send his own projectiles back at himself. "Karma sure sucks!" Josiah laughed for a second, they overwhelmed the being in a mere instant. "Hurr..." Jill was in a pile of the et cetera, the piles disappeared in seconds because of Josiah. 'Wouldn't want too much of a scene.. now, to engender his learning skills.' Its cleaner on the rooftops, Josiah then teleported the other into a jungle filled with unbelievable dangers. 


"Its nothing but a mistake you made to come here, there is nothing you can do to save anything." Jagir casually walked towards the sickly leader and his friends, this alike was toying with them. "Your price for doing something wrong? I'm sure it's quite self-evident, you've said a sacred name." His steps draw towards them, darkness enveloped their environment, making it difficult for them to find a safer area. 

"You do not have justice, only death for your trespassing." Jagir continued onwards, his voice began to echo in their minds. 'My body's getting sore from all this carrying around,' Iboet thought, while Soasa fired arrows inwards Jagir's directions. "What kind of family is this?! It's crazy!" Soasa's attacks weren't working the slightest, they weren't enough against Jagir. "Perhaps I--" A flashing light caught Jagir's attention, while the group used this to get away from the other. Moving into a cranny as quickly as possible. 

"Brother.. you're.." Jagir knelt on the floor, unveiling his eyes upon the sight of Juma. "They're Jabez's friends, brother. Let them do what they must... but make it convincing, don't water it down." Juma explained it to the other, Jagir had never been stunned in his entire life."I'll do what I can.. if that is a wish requested by a fallen brother." Jagir lowered his head in respect to the other, once he stood up and teleported elsewhere. So did Juma disappear, the group had been left alone? 



{City Hall}

"Life is but a walking shadow.. there will be no joy, no nothing, no light. Everything will be under my iron fist." Oriel had dominated L.A all to herself, most of the things resembled red and arkansas within it. Her voice echoed thru the city, why hadn't she changed or move anywhere else. Its because her heart was downright tied to Jabez still, despite him no longer being a part of her life anymore, she missed him entirely. Sitting in the city hall, everything was decorated in her wishes, ruling over them like a king. Draperies, tapestries, red carpets, aesthetic things within the structure. People were now like slaves instead of normal people, they all had feared the might and power of Oriel. 

All of that was in her power, she turned her chair to the opposite side. 'Everything's hard without you! I need you!' Oriel clasped her fingers against the armchair, gently placing her palm against her own cheek. Tears crawled down to her chin, weeping all by herself, lonely some. She sure missed those times when he was with her, saving the day, being the hero of the righteous path. He wasn't there anymore, and what more could she do about it, its to maintain this city. 


"He's gone.. for now. And I'm feeling a little better." Vamos turned his head over a shoulder, he finally had regained his posture to stand up again. "I just can't.. believe, he's.. gone." Iboet stood from a fair distance, keeping to herself while the two were trying to figure out what ways they should take next. This place was like a maze due to the quietness surrounding it, the cricket noises, inanimate objects everywhere. 

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