Issue 108#"A being from another realm!"

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"Ani! We missed you so much!" The two kids ran up to the albino, hugging him by the legs. "Well, aah figgered aah had more time ta spend it wit' ya munchkins!" He knelt over, wrapping his arms around the two kids. He deeply cared about them as if he was their older brother, sure, he was unable to spend his time frequently with them, he always was focused on his day job. "We're going Disneyland, pumpkin." Biming notified the albino, so they were planning to go somewhere already. "Swell," Jabez replies, it's just, he had to set his job over everything else. 

"Don't you want to join, Ani?" Chun really wanted Jabez to tag along in Disneyland. "Aah.. well, aah really do. Izzjust. Aah'm still L.A's superhero, and I can't do things freely. But you kids can, and keep doing what you want." Jabez wanted them to spend their own time, their own freedom as humans, he wasn't going to bound them to stay in the house. If they wanted to go on an excursion then he wasn't going to prevent them. "But Ani, it's really fun at Disneyland!" Chen interposed, wanting him to tag along. 'The kids really want him to go, but-- waitasecond! Maybe he can work in Disney so we can spend time together!' Bai was analyzing the situation between the kids and Jabez. 

"Sorry mah lil' munchkins, aah caint be everywhere." Jabez patted their heads, he stood upright. "But I'll keep watch of Plunk's activities," Jabez told Bo and Biming, they gladly accepted what Jabez was doing for them. As the four went out to go, Disney, while Plunk casually made his way towards the other. Plunk rested his head against Jabez's leg, waving outwards to the family as they went on their merry way. 

'You want something...' 

A voice echoed into Jabez's mind, he turned his head to the opposite side of the door. Whilst Plunk had closed the door, what was that it's like something managed to get inside of his head. 'What was that?' Jabez cocked his brow at what he heard, it's only echoing in his mind. 'You want a job, Bai, kids..' The voice continued like it knew who Jabez was and what his ulterior motives were. 'Geddouddamahhead!' Jabez remarked to it, not wanting any further things. 

Suddenly it was like Jabez sunk into the tiled floors, Plunk rushed after the albino. Jabez was sinking too fast, it failed to save Jabez, so all it did was weep in the spot it lost Jabez. He was in another realm of the Earth itself. Statues, people were all praising his mere presence. So many things that made him credible, and he had a job as what he wanted. "This isn't what I want! What do you know of me?!" Jabez exclaimed, things were still like that, it's like this was another realm of the sort. 

'You want.. your lost love, don't you?' The voice echoed, a familiar figure walked towards Jabez. He widened his eyes at the sight of the person in a bride's gown, its Bai. "Bai.." Jabez fell weak on his knees, as the figure paused before him."Oh, sweetums, you know how much I missed us being together!" Bai knelt over as she cupped his cheeks, kissing him on the lips. 

"Izzit really you?" Jabez's voice sounded mellow this time, she made a nod. "And all this can be yours.." The figure from the distance says he recognized it as he stood up and defended Bai. "Sorry, I can accept the fact Bai dead. And my life's perfectly fine.." Jabez narrowed his eyes at the other, what did it want from him. "I'm here, sweetums. It's really me." Bai forced Jabez to turn to her, he closed his eyes and shook his head in disbelief. 

Once he opened them, she was still there. He didn't want to accept that she was really there this time, he bolts away from her grasp. "YOU'RE MESSING WITH ME! THAT'S WHAT!" Jabez exclaimed outwards the irregular figure in the distance, as it draws closer towards Jabez. "Believe what you want, but I'm giving you the things you never had in your entire life." It added. 

"Who are you?!" Jabez wanted to know whoever is doing this. "Perhaps, the answer can be at your ken." The figure's gray hair and female complexion had something to his similar. The height, physique, every fiber of herself.."OMIT?!" Jabez had no idea this was her own dimension."Isn't that a surprise? Welcome to my Boundless Inner World, Jabez." Omit grinned, pointing her index finger at the other. 

"So, that's it, huh? You've infinite power and knowledge in this world? I'll stop you, right here! AND RIGHT NOW!" Jabez clasped his digits to form a fist. "Mind controlling yourself from your own sense of justice? It's making you rather dogged to your own fathoming." Omit taunted the other, he ran in and charged at the other. "It is futile to fight me here, and even you should be realizing that by now." Omit hadn't tried to defend herself until a blow was swung across her jaw. 

'WHAT?! I SHOULD BE EMPOWERED AND HEALED BY THE INSTANT! How... how powerful is his will?' Omit skidded back from his punch, holding her own cheek. 'Even at a state of MUCH more power, he still can deem himself a pest!' Omit snapped her fingers, summoning creatures from truly unbelievable dimensions. As they came charging towards Jabez, he negated their speed, strength, every capability in their fibers. 

Including their immortality, without the need to touch them. They fell over like pathetic creatures like they're nothing.  She froze in the sight of what Jabez did, he didn't do anything physical against those she summoned.'He can do that? What secrets did he keep from his enemies?!' Omit added in her thoughts. She began to change everything in this realm under her whim, to how she see things fit. While Jabez used this opportunity to escape and return to reality, he had unexpectedly fallen from outside the house. 

He gracefully landed on the concrete sidewalk with no discomfort.. 'That was an odd experience.' 

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