Issue #2 "Blackbeard strikes again!"

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{Los Angeles, US}

"Now, where be that boy?!" Blackbeard exclaimed as he walked in the centre of his entourage of pirates. They stood behind Blackbeard, people walked away from his path. He walked across the hall of fame stars, nobody wanted to perturb the being. He saw someone to his familiar, it's like Jabez but, he needed to inspect the being close. He paused his tracks before him, tapping the lad's shoulder as he turned to face him. "GOT YA-- wait, it's just a flip flappin' counterfeit mask?!" He arose his hands in exasperation, he screamed at the top of his lungs. "I'm just a Jabez fan, whatever man." He shrugged his shoulders and continued onwards, so he wasn't a truculent villain like most? 

Where on Earth was Jabez? 

"Whatever, I  shall find 'im!" He preceded the people in this area, as the villain eagerly searches out for Jabez. 


"Have you ever considered this, sir?" A female extended something outwards Jabez, he recognized the brand. He folded up the magazine, not wanting to see what it is. "Sorry, I've already seen what fornication is, miss!" Jabez regressed the object back in her digits, he had turned his head to the other side. He paid attention to his environment closely, the passerbys and cars. Street lights, smokers and just about everything on a global scale. 

Someone walks up to Jabez, they pause an inch away from him. "Excuse me, sir Jabez is it?" The man was talking to him since he was quite a prominent hero. "My son's birthday is today, and he's quite a fan, you don't mind ministering his birthday at Doki's pizzeria?" He extended him an invite towards Jabez, Jabez avowed the material he's given. He made a nodding gesture, he was going to go there, the man leads Jabez to his car. It's a lot more generous giving a ride to someone in the party, Jabez passes through the vehicle's solid form as he sat next to the driver. 

"You know, I never thought I'd find you standing nearby a porno store." York chortled, he himself was assumed male so he figured all kinds of heroes had a thing. "Neither did I!" Jabez replied the male turned his head over a shoulder to look at Jabez. "You're.. serious? I thought you were like, ah, nevermind." York awkwardly scratched the back of his head, as Jabez had remained quizzical at what he was trying to pertain to. 

"It's chill, dude." Jabez merely acknowledged his statement, he just waited as the man began driving. "For a second there, I thought you'd just ignore me for asking an oddly specific question." York can actually fathom why his son liked Jabez so much, what he couldn't understand why do some never really have a disposition like his. "Nah, it's cool, coolio, cool beans." Jabez shook his head in response, York's slowly becoming a Jabez fan himself, he always wondered if the social media had a difference. 

It did not, for his heroic deeds that are. 

"I thought most heroes do need costumes to hinder their hides," York replied, adding something about what Jabez's wearing. "Oooh, Nah, I don't wear costumes, it's completely asinine." Jabez made a shrugged in his response, so there were some heroes that do fight crime in their usual attire. It does seem more dangerous letting yourself out in the open, conspicuously known by enemies and supporters. 

But hey, this guy is cool in York's book. He doesn't mind a hero living in a life of danger, as the vehicle preceded street signs and green lights. They reach a house belonging to York, Jabez exits the house as someone exits the house. "Ohmigosh! You're really here!" Yair ran up towards Jabez, acting a little fanatic upon his presence. York had just locked his vehicle, he watched his son act hyper. "Of course, you're the birthday boy!" Jabez fistbumps Yair, he was astounded that Jabez had given a fistbump to him! 

"I'm not cleaning this! Ever!" Yair follows the two inside the house, so many invited kids and two teenagers in the house. "Waddup!" Jabez had greeted the two teenagers on the living room, they had almost ignored them until they looked up to see that it was. Jabez? They stood up, their eyes widened in pure surprise. "How did Dad, get Jabez in Yair's birthday?!" Yanchy turned her head to her sibling, he had no idea either. Decorations and designs everywhere for this birthday boy.

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