Issue 8#"Anim's whereabouts found!"

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'I'm hot on the trail!' Jabez knew where he needed to go, he had paused before a gate fortified by bouncers, he assumed reasoning with these guys would hardly matter. "What're you gonna do, shrimp?" The swole figures snickered at the shorter figure, Jabez knew violence might solve it, but these guys were still human. "Your guys' shoelaces are tied together!" Jabez pointed at their shoelaces, as they fell over like pounds of meat. Did Jabez do that without a time limit monitoring him? 


Jabez swiped his thumb across the lock, it shatters in his strength. 'That takes care of them,' While Jabez entered the perimeters of the fancy mansion, many parked vehicles on parking lots. 'There might be a lot of people here. I better find Anim, he might be in someone else's body according to the picture I found!' Jabez quickly bypassed the vehicles, instead of taking the open path, he wasn't invited in the party so he wants to make sure he wasn't. 'If I remember, her name's Berry!' He scaled the mansion, searching for any ventilation for him to get through, he camouflages himself in whichever color he goes upwards. 

"Voila!" Jabez finally spotted something, he hadn't removed its shutters, hurling himself into the microscopic gaps, he fits his half into it. Wiggling a few moments when he's inside of it, he began to skulk via vents, silently crawling through it. There was quite a kerfuffle going inside of the building, he reaches where the source of sound was. 'Why would Anim bother taking a model, it kinda flounders himself in the process. If he wants to hide, that moment's been rescinded,' He pauses to look downwards through the aesthetic place, people were inside of it. 

"Berry is such a beautiful woman, I want to learn her secrets!" Aristocrats talking to one another, as their usual they'd be coveting someone else for talent. 'I've to find out where Anim is, alright, I better redo the same ol' routine to find his vestiges.' Jabez preceded, letting them discuss things as he kept himself noiseless. He had reached an end, going through the microscopic gap once more as he gets to the other side. Landing atop the very thin top of a bathroom stall, making his way past people undetected and unseen through divine athletics. 

Jabez had left the door swinging inwards, this was a man's bathroom stall. 'Whew, don't wanna get caught, do I?' Jabez stood in the center of the hallway, turning his head to the left and right. 'Which direction do I take?' Jabez concentrated, willing his own senses to follow the trail of ectoplasm, leading him into the left direction instead. 

"I feel his presence! It's like its coming after me!" Anim turned his head inwards the pitch black corner behind him, whew nothing yet is coming after him. Calming himself as he walked up into the stage, dressed elegantly as Berry's lips are close to the microphone. While she's doing the talking, Jabez did something beforehand,  he was in the power room, where all the lights and other etcetera is being powered up. 'Don't wanna mess this one up, I have to make sure there isn't an audience to know what I'm doing!'Jabez tears the lever, causing everything to go fritz inside the building. 

Everyone was perturbed to the pitch-black surrounding, it happened on purpose or was this house getting old? 

"People, calm down. Everything is under control! My maintenance workers can handle the power problem," Anim figured calming them down, even if he'd lash out and take their souls, Jabez was here to thwart him. Something above the ceiling hid in the shadows, though its aura being concealed preventing him from noticing it. 'Found you! Now you'll be stopped.' Jabez can see through the body, its possessed by anim. Its a good thing Anim is acting human, he can't do anything outside of his mantle other than that. 

'I oughta scare the audience out.' He generates noise outwards the doors, its like screaming noises, its capable of inducing dread, causing them to become squeamish. 'No! No! Things are backfiring!!' Anim thought, watching his humans leave, leaving his so-called vessel alone after they had bolted. "WHERE ARE YOU?! SHOW YOURSELF!!" Anim sounded exasperated, this vibrancy he's giving is more dangerous than last time. 

"YOU WON'T GET AWAY WITH WHAT YOU DID!!" Everything around the area, was being changed and warped, and its touching Jabez, he descends from the ceiling as Anim discovered Jabez's presence was above him. "You won't get away this time! I WON'T PROMISE YOU'LL LIVE!" Anim shouted in ire, as Jabez still managed to keep a perfect landing atop a table. Jabez recuperated in nanoseconds, the meta matter manipulation can't put him down, its only fights that can ever do something like that to him. Jabez withstood the heavy amount, resisting it through sheer amounts of will. 

"ELELU!!" Jabez exclaimed, in utter confusion, he wondered why'd he say that. As Anim lunges inwards Jabez, was it his battle cry, he just didn't get where it came from. Jabez leaped above the being, then he bounced off his lumbar. 'What the--! Its like I feel all sorts of positivity coming out of him!' He gets lashed by a mere knuckle, he's weak against emotions like that. 'He's different from the last time we've fought, suppose I shouldn't bother suppressing knowing what he can do!' Anim is hurled a few meters away from Jabez, he grinned maliciously. 

"I can unmake and utterly turn you into nothingness!" Anim added, using his power 'destruction' into Jabez. Transcendent Poltergeists are said to virtually destroy anything, what if he found something that was incapable of being destroyed, the alike withstood that too. His own sheer will was to a pushing point where it was truly inconceivable, Jabez bounces inwards the being. 'I can't destroy him?! He must be the only one capable of such things then!' Anim had chosen to just physically harm him instead, swerving his elongated arm on Jabez inwards the walls. 

Hurling him outside the building, Jabez skids on the ground rolling on pebbles and shrubbery. "Do you think you can still beat me?! Remember the time we last fought warrior! DO you?!" He exclaimed, passing through the building itself. 'He's stronger than last time, I can't really do a stealth takedown on a guy, who's literally a GHOST!' Jabez kips up, returning into a fighting stance, this ghost was one tough guy. 

Jabez was barely able to get him once. 'I don't care about how I'll win, if I can beat him, then that's enuff for me! Then that's what I'll do!' Jabez anticipated for his attack, waiting for him to come. Anim comes in a zig-zag motion, speeding in infinite velocities inwards Jabez. Jabez takes a glimpse into the right, he's attacked in that direction, across the jaw. 

Anatomizing wherever the guy was going, he gets hit anyway. 'I won't be put down by the likes of this ghost!' Jabez thought, waiting for him to do something. Until something like a portal formed under Jabez, then it takes him into some portal rift. 

'Where, where am I going?' Jabez looked around him, its nothing but time and space, he saw something from the bottom. No, he didn't, closing his eyes as his aura emanated from his very wellbeing. "Elelu!" He had transported himself back into Earth, once again in the same place where he has last seen Anim. 'He's gone again! Well, I can't do anything out here. I better head back to work.' Jabez scanned the area, he had found just pure bupkis. He turned his back on the building, casually returning to his usual things. 

So far, our hero has still failed to bring the being down... When will he thwart him, rather than the villain weaseling out of their fights? 

That will remain to be seen, for now! 

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