Issue 103# "Doing all I can!"

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Loneliness, solitude, this was how the life of a kid that couldn't fit in with people around her. The wind blew past him, she looked down to the puddle below her. Sitting on "Hey, its alright, kiddo." Jabez sat right next to the lonely child, she swings her feet back and forth. "No, it isn't, mister." She replies, sure, people can get a little tough for others. "Kid, it doesn't matter what they say about you. You're stronger than them, they aren't facts or truths. Merely lies to downgrade you, don't let them overpower you." Jabez made a hand gesture, to show her that she wasn't as weak as she thought she was. 

For a few moments, she froze at what he said. And then, she enveloped her arms around the formally dressed hero. He returned her hug as his response, he was always doing what he needed to do for his city. "I'm just glad there's someone like you to talk to, nobody understands what its like." Tears began to crawl down her cheeks, she was too frail, as she slowly breaks their hug. Its quaint how she wasn't even dressed up like an emo, and yet she was going thru hassles. 

Jabez can see thru her, her broken and battered spirit. Its taken so much, he wasn't sure how he'd be able to help her. "Can you just stay for a little while, please?" She begged him, he was a superhero, and there had to be something he can do for her. "Of course." Jabez made a smile to put her at ease, he's doing all he can to help others. Even those with serious mental illnesses, it's challenging to do all things at once. But who said it'd be impossible to do? 

As the child climbed aboard Jabez's back, he strode off to the suicide prevention hotline. This was only one way to help the child, once he reaches the destination for where he wanted to let her sail away. "I.. what did you bring me here for?" The child slid from his back, sheepishly looking outwards the building itself. "A way for you to heal." Jabez turned his head to face her, kneeling at the child. 

"Be a good kid, okay?" Jabez added. "I'll always remember you," She walked away from the albino. "I'm just glad I can do what's right for someone else," Jabez says to himself, watching her bid farewell to him. He could never have a normal life because of the ever-present one he lives, and that's as L.A's superhero. It wasn't a job he can just put down, because he never wants to let other people's lives go to risk, what was his reason to continue fighting without being enfeebled? 

It will remain a mystery. 

He walked away from the building, he had one thing that needed to be taken care of. He ambles past a couple until a goon popped out of the shadows. Grasping on the purse of his girlfriend, the boyfriend defensively threw a punch across the goon's jaw. Knocking him out with a hook punch, Jabez watched the whole thing go down. 'Guess some people can take of things themselves.' He casually continued onwards, not bothering the couple, because he too knew what it was like. 

It'd be troubling if he interposed on what they were doing. 'I just need to take care of my own  problematic issue, theirs was handled.' He casually walked along the concrete sidewalks. 'How much can aah do for one city? Aah'm just one entity, it's not like aah was given a physical godhood either. Not that I'm interested to be one, it takes away some of the things I understand, like humans.' Jabez shrugged his shoulders, he froze before a newsstand. 'Aah hope there's something good I can draw my own attention to.' Jabez's mind hadn't concentrated on finding her, because he realized, its always the villain that has to show herself. 

He didn't have to straight up, go bursting thru every building he sees. It's just a little out of his own character, so he'd control himself, wait and anticipate for the criminals to come out of hiding, and into his clutches. Moments later, the hero was reading the newspaper to catch up on what's new. 'Reported gang fights happening somewhere in the streets.' It had his attention, this might be finally his chance to get back at Yancy. 

Justice must be done! 

He began to search the city for any boisterous junctions, it takes him almost thirty minutes to find the exact one. He froze upon the sight of it, he cocked his brow, its like there's a redhead sitting on a chair. Whilst a group of goons surrounding something, it's like a fight of the sort. He decided to walk up towards the goons, they gave room for Jabez to enter the scene. 

"Ring a ding! A new challenger joins the ring!" The announcer says, whilst there was a rather buff guy before Jabez. ".." The swole figure had an expression of dourness, about 5'6 its like there's narcissism emanating from this guy. Slightly tan skin, and he's wearing pants.  He's dressed up in an outfit that helps expose the muscles, Jabez gets into a fight. "I know you, you're Jabez. I'm Jose." The other gets into a fighting stance, his semi-bald cut was something familiar to Jabez, but since he didn't tap into omniscience, he decided to keep it as a sort of vibe. 

Orphelia keeps her eyes concentrated on the albino. Holding a bucket of popcorn, she was enjoying things, nonchalantly. "Go-for-broke!" One of the goons say. And thusly the battle commenced, Jose, grasped the other's tie before he'd move. He delivered three kicks into him; stomach, clavicle, and chest. 'What the heck is this guy made out of?! I thought he was a human, but he isn't!' Jabez skids back, managing distance from the other. Jose grasped the other by the hair, delivering a punch into his cheek. 

He then added a roundhouse kick across Jabez, the albino was being beaten like this. And its a fight in a gang club! This guy's tough, but he needed answers about Yancy!

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