Issue 27# "Omit vs Jabez! A lethal foe for the hero!"

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{York's house} 


"Why are you gettin' all dressed up for, Yan?" Yair lifted his brow, looking upwards at his rather taller sibling."Because I invited a friend for something." Yancy had finished tying her vans off the wall shoes, placing her cap on her head. "Let me guess, Jabez?" Yair cocked his brow, she shot up turning her pupils at him. "Keep it down, willya? He said yes, so I don't want things to be gauche." She turned her head inwards her siblings and mother. A honk, it was York or her dad. Dressed up like a totally average teen, except not glitzy like them blonde barbie doll chicks. "Coming!" Yancy had patted her sibling on the head, leaving the house afterward making her way to the door. "Buh-bye Yan!" Yair had waved, closing the door. 

She casually walked towards the car, slipping her digits under the arm as she snapped the door. Letting herself thru it, swinging her posterior on the cushions, she swings her legs side of the car. Sitting right next to the driver, known as York. "So, this date of yours?" York began to start driving the car, she wasn't sure what to say, why did he assume it was a date. "It's not a date, dad. I asked him to minister the carnival is all, not like I've got a fan-girly crush on a superhero!" Yancy responded, while he just lifted a smile. 

"Well, you're kinda lucky. Most superheroes when asked on dates usually give the cold shoulder, but Jabez, he's an a-okay guy. He recognizes people as people." York responded while turning his head outwards the streets. "Yeah, yeah he does." Yancy curled her digits to form a fist, looking down to it. 'He's kinda my favorite superhero out of most.' She recollected the time Jabez had a meaningful conversation with her, he didn't talk like some brick wall about the law. 

'He knows the right direction.' Yancy added in her thoughts. 

Somewhere in L.A 

A usual carnival. 

Jabez had been waiting, perched atop a booth. Nearly been an hour already, he inspected the time, he saw their vehicle coming into this area. A window slowly opened, York had waved to the albino. "Waddup, bruv?" York says, making a chillax expression."Waddup, bruh!" Jabez responded as the vehicle had paused inches away from the sidewalks. Yancy came out of the vehicle, putting a laid-back expression. "Heeeey," Yancy greeted the being, as Jabez aesthetically leveled himself on ground area. "Sup." Jabez waited for her to reach his side, she was greatly taller than her. 

"Do you always, dress fancy?" Yancy asked, cocking her brow at what he wore. "Its style, bro," Jabez responded, as they made their way towards the other attractions. "I'm just really glad you made it.." Yancy's digits outstretch inwards Jabez's coat, gently holding on his coat. "You thought I wuzn't gonna make it?" Jabez looked upwards at her, man, she was so much taller than he was. "Whaaat? I knew you were going to make it." She made impressions while talking, this was awkward, the guy's shorter than a chick. 

Wait, Jabez's genderless, so that logic wasn't necessary. "Hey, how about we take the gun shooting trial?" She pointed into the left direction, he had just adhered. "Guns, you're so on!" Jabez said, pausing before the brown table. Jabez sets down a wad of green bills, knowing things weren't for free despite being a hero. "I wonder if he knows how to use a gun." Yancy was perturbed he might recoil from the gun. Once Jabez is handed a gun. 

"I wanna see 'em skillz from L.A's hero!" The clergy says, once Jabez picked up the gun. He picked up the ammo and refilled the firearm like a professional, flawless coordination in rearranging its form. He finally armed himself, firing the gun repeatedly to the point of it out of ammo. And he hadn't missed at all, while the clergy looked in amazement."You're amazing!" Yancy was stunned. She shook her head, turning her head into her gun, mimicking the actions for refilling a gun. Keeping the gun steadily pointed at it, she fired it, recoiling at the amount she used. 

She wasn't adept like he was, she puts the gun down."I know, I suck." Yancy says. "Nah man, you did swell!" Jabez gave a thumbs up, supporting her."I- thanks, guess I had it in me!" Yancy proudly placed her palm against her hip. "Awright, how about we try the darts?" Jabez suggested, she smiled, seeing how unbothered he was, he wasn't even thinking of fighting. "Sure, why not." The taller female followed the shorter male, so many taller people than the hero. 

But, its what made Jabez cooler. He was indirectly supporting the short people, people made some cheering hands for him. He acknowledged them by following them after they had reached the darts trial. Jabez paid the clergy a wad of bills, paying for both himself and Yancy. Once he gets his hands on the darts, he had hurled them straight into the balloons. With each dart in his fist cuff and automatically hurtled in that way, all of them hit, five balloons down.'How does he do it?! I'm stupefied, he must be really good with his hands, in a good way.'  Yancy watched him, and she went thru each of her darts. 

Aiming carefully and taking her time delicately, she managed to hit them. Given an award, it's a fluffy panda backpack. Jabez had handed it to the other, he had won her something. "Thanks!" She says, she suddenly noticed something from the distance. 'Love cups? It'd be gauche asking him that.' She rubbed her head, while Jabez was paying intently on her eyes. He turned his head to that direction, she was beginning to get unnerved. "You wanna go there?" He threw his thumb to a row of cups, being lead into a mouth of a heart. 

'I didn't expect he'd take it so naturally, alright.' She continued onwards, what should she worry herself about? Jabez is like a cool guy, once he paused before the cup. An employee paused before them, he analyzed them first, then let them thru. Once they had hopped in, they had been drifted away into the tunnel beyond them. She shifts to his side, noticing his arm was next to her. 

Once they entered. 

Musicals of animatronics unveil before them. Something fwooshed on Jabez, bringing him into the waters in Planck seconds. Being forced into the waters, Yancy quickly shifted her head into the gaping hole of their cup was. It managed to keep itself afloat. 

"I'm Omit, your new villain!" While underwater, it's like a female figure. Gender can be assumed, was genderless like Jabez. "And my superpower is 'Causality Manipulation or  the rational version of omnipotence!" Omit sends a blow into his jaw, its like she's being enhanced at indefinite levels. "I'm still kickin' your badguy derriere!" Jabez sends a headbutt into her face. "That's what I'm expecting out of you, hero!" She grabbed his leg, whirling him crazy fast that it causes the waters to violently change currents. 

Yancy was holding on her boat, dearly on her own life."He's still down there! Just who attacked?!" Yancy exclaimed. 

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