Issue 85# "Singe taunts Jabez for his loss!"

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{L.A-Twin Towers} 


"So, whazzit really you that killed his girlfriend? I almost could've been surprised if it was done by Demogorgon,  than you." Angular cocked his brow over to Jape's cell, he chuckled upon being told that. "She's just covered in bullets, he's jobless and relationship destroyed! That's just how things roll!" Jape remarked, he creeps up an unusual smile, like thinking what he did was the best thing on the earth. He casually walked back to his bed and lays on the soft cushions of it. "..Even doing that to someone already jobless is too much." Angular retracted from the bars and made his way towards his meditating spot, whilst Blackbeard was sleeping quietly atop his bed. 

"So, its clear that hero did lose something? Why don't I just swing by and humiliate him for his own failure?" Singe muttered to herself, turning her head towards the stone wall, she utilizes her very nigh-omnipotent telekinesis to quietly unfold the stone wall. She flies outwards the hole, as they briefly rebuild themselves into their prison cell. 'I feel SO much stronger! Thanks to him losing his girlfriend!' The recent event had increased her own capabilities, once she found herself in L.A unbothered in quite awhile. No guards suspected a thing due to her stealthy move to bust out of prison, quiet, not a single prisoner. 

Except for Angular and Jape. 

'L. A is grandeur as the usual! But this is where I need to draw the hero's attention to me!' Singe readies up quintessential energies in her palms while floating over the city itself, she fires it towards the concrete road. She began to mark an inextinguishable form of energy across the roads, centrally meant to draw the albino's attention. Wondering if this was going to grab his attention, she widened her brows upon the sight of Jabez being the one in the firings of her. 

He guided a family over to the other side but knowing he'd get caught in it was unlikely. He snapped his fingers, they were willed out of existence despite them being 'inextinguishable', it was practically limitless. The reason behind him being sterile was being placed by law from their innominate Creator. 'How did he do that?! Wasn't his one superpower only body supremacy?' Singe was even more surprised with what he was capable of doing, keeping these thoughts to herself so she wouldn't appear intimidated. 

"A little too early, yardbird! Why'd you even bust out at a time like this?" Jabez leaped upwards a structure, mainly to get a closer look at her. "Don't think, just fight! Dolt!" She fires quintessential energies towards Jabez. He was knocked back against the edge he was on, bursting thru it. It was none other than a fight club, multitudes of people watching the whole thing, whilst he was standing in the center of the ring. He kips up, waiting for Singe, whilst two fighters have gotten in the ring. 

Jabez avoided the other's striking grab, he clutched under his wrist then the other hand atop the forearm, he leveled him groundwards as he flipped him over. He briefly ran towards the other fiesty one, sending a kick into his clavicle has he had been defeated rather quickly due to Jabez's strength, might be too overwhelming for even an average man. As someone interposes in the ring, it was Singe, flying inwards his direction. 

She tackled the other, easily bursting thru the ring's ropes, and thru another wall itself. 'I better remind him of his own failure so he feels guilty! Hah!' She hurled him over to multiple buildings, as he arose greatly from that many buildings due to her strength. She quickly circles around the junction, instantly appearing in the place she sent him. "Don't you feel it? Rage, self-denial? I know you do!" She hoped a nerve was hit. 

"If you're here to downgrade me, you've found something unfitting for it." Jabez turned his whole being towards her as he fixated on her, he sinks his legs into the nearest building he could touch. Once they sink into the building itself, he stood there proud and strong. 'Is his will truly indomitable?!' Singe thought, no matter, she flies upwards the other in unbelievable speeds. The hero reared his fist,  narrowing his eyes inwards her direction. 'He thinks I'll fly into his direction, just gotta feign it so he won't bat an eye!' She was close to contacting him until she hurled himself over to the side. 

She grabbed his face, warping reality itself around them; to an unfathomable scale. "Enuff of that!" Jabez resisted the effects of the powers of hers, Singe retracted her hand from the other. Delivering a punch straight into him, he merely shifted his head to avoid it. 'I keep omitting the fact he's fast too! He even can elude an attack while everything and anything around him is being warped! I find that impressive!' Singe found herself impressed, watching Jabez descend from the building's exterior again. 

He willed everything to return to its normal state without signs of problems, effortlessly doing that. He performs a series of overawing athletics, as she began to run at him at infinite velocities. 'There's got to be something I need to do about her! Its like she's got a goal of some sort!' Jabez thought. "Does this give you a reminder of loss?!" Singe transformed her own face into Bai's, then shown the number of bullets she took. 'That's what she's trying to do huh?' Jabez froze his tracks, as she grinned maniacally. 

She grabbed his arms, pulling them out with effort, due to his durability being downright tough as nails. It's going to take much much more, she sets them on her back like a pair of dual swords. She sends a punch straight into his eye, causing him to close that eye. Utilizing her other two hands, grabbing him by the chin and legs, she amputated the other like a toy. 

She picked up the pieces and set them on herself like armor. "Hah! I knew you'd hesitate!" Singe says victoriously. 

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