Issue 149# "Tessa's paradise falls!"

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The news abruptly started on about two loose criminals royally bringing about desolation thru their path on Earth. It was an aimed goal, but, Jabez made sure those innocent people weren't put in harm's way. 'How long exactly is this going to take? This Rain sure knows what's she really doing.' Jabez continuously followed along what the other requested, its to destroy the works Tessa had made so far, it does save up alot of things. It's not like the people will remember this once Tessa had been taken care of, he hoped that they would forget what he did to countries, cities, towns, stores. 

Because they were just normal people, yet, he had to do it. 

"Who did this MESS?!" Tessa exclaimed at the top of her lungs, she took a wide look at the digital device that shows the current state of her grandeur etceteras. The butler remained calm right next to her, and the whole room they were in was the meeting room for all sorts of supervillains: Kiana, Lehm, Sachiko, Amado, Orphelia, Crepuscule, Lucia, Ancestor Victoria, Lia, Angular, Jape, Demogorgon, Severus, Transonic, Omit, Singe, Chiara, and Haunti. Otherwise a smorgasbord of supervillains, sitting on aesthetic and comfortable chairs. 

"It does not matter, what does matter is that Murdercia is elsewhere in an inescapable realm. It'd take forever for her to return." Omit reminded; pertaining the blonde they had dealt with. "Yes, it does seem so." Amado knew things based off Murdercia, what he knew about her was about even her fullest capabilities. "I do wonder, where's your wife? Amado?" Tessa added. "She's with me, still recovering for the time being." Amado's tone held no compassion, just a raspy and gruff tone. "Tell me, have you ever heard of 'Jabez'?" Tessa lifted up a smile, as to denote something to him. 

"No. Not in my entire life." Amado reluctantly responded, brushing off what the other wanted to know. 

"We've cleared the globe of that so-called derelict of a Queen." Rain folded her arms under her frames, they stood before the entrance of L.A. The air was covered in a sharp peppermint scent, thusly making it comfortable to breathe into. The skies orange-red, while the clouds were blue, these were odd changes inside of the city. Bizzare buildings supporting Tessa, things completely otherworldly of the entire ken of our valiant hero. "SO this is what Tessa's been doing this whole time?" The time they reached this city or thingmajig, a fresh and early afternoon. 

Yet the entire junction they ambled across had been unhindered; no people, no cars, no noises, nothing in plain sight. "This place could be your new grave, I've given you an invite. Rain, had I not?" Tessa lurched to the side of the wall, unfolding her presence to them. "Sorry, nobody messes with my mind. EVER." Rain remarked loudly, her heart flaring up, she wanted to really murdelize the other. "Rain, cool your jets! Tessa's unbelievably threatening, any wrong moves and this reiterates!" Jabez grabbed her shoulder, she listened to him talk for a few moments. 

"Be glad he's  here, otherwise things would've turned around." Rain huffed a breath, exasperated. Jabez then whispered secretly into the albino's ear about what they should be doing, while Tessa annoyedly waited for the two to finish their inarticulate matter. Once Jabez retracted from Rain, Jabez tightly pressed his hands on his frames as he sealed his retinas. Rain did the exact thing he did, as their components combined into one another. A new identity to take on, a new personality, a mix of good and neutral chaos together. Their every piece of themselves mending together to create something new and better.

Fancy and grayish grandeur appearance mixed together. Raibez opened their eyes, both eyes flickered galaxy blue and crimson. "Really? That's your idea?" Tessa rushed towards the other, whilst Raibez enhanced themselves with alternating physiologies. Taking into an transcend undead lord's capabilities. "You're taking on the both of us! You won't be winning!" Raibez reared their fist, mixing Jabez's capabilities into it. 

Raibez emits a downright bizarre construct of energy towards Tessa, she casually evaded the beam of energy. Before she'd come close to grabbing them, they teleported out of her field of observation. "Where did you go? You gormless--" Tessa was about to say something else in addition, until something sunk her into the concrete floor. She figured that it was the two of them, cocking her head to a side and aiming it to the emerging figure. 

"You fool! You can't ever stop me!" Tessa created an absolute law, which causes them to freeze on their tracks. "Hah! What I say is utterly law! And I hereby announce you forever gone from existence!" Tessa had them on the ropes. "Don't think you can erase me!" Raibez counterattacked the other via abolishment which had immensely weakened the other's power. "Curses! I could've ended this battle if they were separated!--" Tessa abruptly stopped her blathering upon Oriel hurling her claymore surfboard inwards her. 

"Unh!" She takes the deflection of the object. "Rain? And.. Jabez?" Oriel craned her head behind her, widening in the sight of them. "Separate!" Tessa exclaimed, causing the two to separate by force. She smirked upon the sight of her retaliation against the two. "IXNAY TO THAT!" The two inexplicably melded together, simply because Jabez rejected it from changing onto him. 

'He rejected being separated? Does his will reach a level of impossibility?' Tessa was beginning to collectively understand more about his personal mastery. She had it, its just she doesn't use it that much. 

Oriel rammed into Tessa. 

{In the Depths of the Multiverse} 

"But.. he's gone." Murdercia held on to her lover tightly as ever. "He isn't, I know, he's doing all he can for his city.." The innominate being pressed His lips against the other's forehead. "Don't let all the things imbalance you from being who you are." He denoted out to her. 

"We are not DONE! BROTHER!" Josiah's uneven voice screeched outwards the albino in the distance. It caught Raibez's attention, fully, one eye remained uncertain due to the chaotic form the other held, but the other eye had a certainty of who it was under that hide. "Snark." Raibez's tone composed of surety, subtlety dwelled about Rain's side. 

"We aren't done! Wench!" Oriel defended Raibez from Tessa in the distance. 

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