Issue 23# "I'm sane as any human!"

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{The Health Community Centre} 


Jabez's office.

"So, you sure you ain't gonna go batty on me?" Tessa leaned in closely next to Jabez, talking into his ear. "On cloud nine!" Jabez responded, she recoiled from him, how is it that her verbal words had zero effects on him? She grabbed his tie, narrowing her eyes at him. "Your existence is an ungodly thing to ever come on this planet, must you act like this dog you are?" Tessa pulled him forward, glares fixated on him. "Tessa, you're welcome to try flapping your mouth endlessly, but honestly, you do what you want with your life." Jabez grabbed on his tie, retracting it from her grasp. "Because I've got my own to manage." He added, briefly turning his head to the center. 

"How long will you keep whistling in the dark?! People think you're crazy! Just wait for your time, Jabez!" Tessa faced him, walking to place herself in the center of his desk."Then let 'em believe what they want, I can't control them like a dictator." Jabez responded, retracting on his seat as he folded his arms on his chair. "Why don't you just play like one?! You think fighting crime makes you brave?! IS THAT IT?" She barked like an animal, her fist slammed against the table of his. 

"I don't." Jabez responded, sitting upright while making his responses."You deserve to be an asylum, you nut!" Tessa walked away, leaving him alone, leaving his office. He merely shrugged his shoulders after what she said, sure some people might believe Jabez might've gone gonzo. But those true to Jabez's heroism hadn't, so they see him as some sort of dangerous person. "Is everything all right, Jabez?" Joe stepped into his office, he heard something like sputtering from Tessa's mouth. 

"Yeah, boss, everything is." Jabez nodded his head, so he hadn't solicitously talked about the way Tessa talked to him? Joe saunters inwards Jabez, a newspaper was rolled in his fist. "I think you should read this." Joe placed the rolled newspaper on his desk, letting him alone. "Awright, lezz see wat I got!" Jabez grabbed the newspaper, rolling it widely so he can see the newspaper. 'Menace or Killer?' It showed his picture, why had it shown him something like this to him. 

'So someone's antagonizing me for something I hadn't even done? I did that to stop a threat, but pssh. Why's it matter? I know they'll come around!' Jabez skimmed through the pages after he finished going through the newspaper entirely. 'I don't have to explain why I did it, I know it too well, mere explanations can't solve it. Actions speak louder than words, after all.' Jabez thought, folding the newspaper as he draws out his drawer, putting it neatly inside of it. 'Just who would believe I'd become a stone cold killer?' Jabez placed his index finger under his chin, thinking about this subject to himself. 

Somewhere in L.A 

"HAH! I knew all this hatred can make me stronger! And giving me the advantage of using that against Jabez." Anim inhales and exhales, he felt the hatred inside of L.A. "Unsure and vague reasons why they hate on a hero.  I know who'd that be, 'tis be my arch-nemesis, Jabez!" He intricately motions his digits on his leg, wondering why exactly this had befallen to him. "I should get updated..." Anim closed his eyes, going through the social media and news like a ghost. It took him a while to fully construct understanding why Jabez had gained hate from some people. 

"You entertain me, you serve this 'L.A' and yet, you're being antagonized indirectly." Anim pauses himself from entering in the light, keeping himself in the shadows. "Still, I doubt he'd ever go nuts. His spirit and will are far too powerful to be harmed by such measly things, his motives are the reason to continue." He sinks into the concrete floor, swimming in the earth to find the being. 

'Oh the so uncanny hero, Jabez! I shall discover where he hampers his presence, and take the lives of those around him!' Anim swam continuously, ten minutes later after that. He had found himself inside of a building, a health community centre. 'Is this truly the place where he works? Hah, almost practical for him. He might even be a nurse, I might even take the advantage of him.' Anim searched for his presence, utterly concealing himself from any human's eyes. And even dogs, just as he had paused before something. 

"You really oughta stop believin' in that Jabez guy, son. And man up, he's nothing but a gonzo guy!" An obese man sat next to his son while nomming on a doughnut."Tsk, tsk, humans and their stupid beliefs. Automatically believing in something with no logic or reason to." Anim passes by them, his presence causes a frigid vibe within the building itself.  They had quivered inside of the building, once he reaches the fourth or fifth floor. 

'I should use someone as a hostage to pull him out of his office, drawing myself in the good side falters me.' Anim paused his movements, once Joe stepped outside of his office. "HA!" Anim outstretched his digits inwards the other, grabbing onto him before he ran away. The ghastly figure draws him back, once close its like he was pulling his soul into himself, but he retracted himself from doing so. 

"JABEZ! HELP!" Joe called out, then Jabez had opened his door. From somewhere, he walked down the hallway then he took a right and before him. "There you are, Jabez! I'll take the lives of everyone so once the police check this place, they'll believe it was you!" Anim threatened him, Jabez had continued going onwards. 'I can't ever hope to bring him down physically, so I'll have to beat him in the inside.' Jabez thought to himself. 

"I'LL JUST TAKE THEIR LIVES NOW!" Anim began to absorb their souls, he was baffled how Jabez withstands it. Keeping his own soul in place, then Jabez bounced into his wellbeing. Letting himself be centered in him, so much hatred and aggression weighed on Jabez. Yet, his spirit was calm and natural, he believed in helping them despite this mistreatment. He floats in between the number of souls it had..

'I'll fight for my city!'

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