Issue 162#"Jabez about to see Justice!"

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{Los Angeles} 



'Someone really totaled  Standoff!' Jabez had been reading the newspaper, he wasn't about to ignore what recent events occurred. Someone had taken care of it for him, he had no idea whoever it is, but, something tells him that he wouldn't want to know. "Heh- seems like someone stole your thunder." Ashley pointed out in the newspaper. "C'est la vie." Jabez casually responded, indicating his considerate attitude will remain intact."Shan's been L.A's for quite some time, but, Oriel, she was a dictator." Ashley added about the matter. 

The albino turned his head towards the other, cocking a brow. "Aah just need time to myself." He scattered towards the window, opening it up slightly. "Wassit something I said?" Ashley watched the other leave instantly. She knew Jabez never held a grudge, but the things she said, was a little alien to him. 'Oriel? A dictator? Caint, wouldn't believe it. And whatsherface? Shan?' Jabez was thinking about the things she told him, he's trying to subsume these things he wasn't told of. He had been walking alongside the sidewalks. 

A gloved hand outstretched towards Jabez, yanking him forth into the shadowed alleyway. "You OWE ME!" The shadowy figure hurtled Jabez towards the wall, it formed adjacent cracks around him. "Your powers.. brother. I will not stop, not until I own them." Josiah walked inwards the albino. "Aah woulda been more surprised if it was someone else, Charlie." Jabez clings on the wall, standing along its rough and uneven surface. "I'll just pry it out of your body!" Josiah lunged inwards Jabez's torso at faster than blinding speeds, hitting his torso. 

'Josiah's real mad! Angry! When is he going to get over this?' Jabez and Josiah burst thru the wall and another. Reaching the boundaries of outside, Josiah's full concern was about Jabez. Josiah bounced off the albino while Jabez instinctively prevented his fall via incredible acrobatic movement. Josiah landed on the concrete sidewalks, curling his fingers to form a fist. "Just QUIT ALREADY!" Josiah charged towards the other, his expression wrenched in anger. 

"You lost your first lover! You lost your job! You have nothing else!" Josiah exclaimed, hitting personal points that were to Jabez. "You're delusional! Aah've got a new life to take care of!" Jabez was the first to thrash his fist across the other's jaw. Its quite potent that it surprised Josiah, but he retaliated quickly by punching Jabez under his chin. "That surprised me! Perhaps your own independence is at its peak! You really threw yourself for this lame and pathetic excuse for a life?" Josiah added another blow, he didn't need to aim for weak points because Jabez lacked those. 

So fighting on would be the solution. "Being a hero shouldn't be daunted in vain!" A feminine voice drew their attention, instantaneously ramming against Josiah. "Shan?" Jabez turned his head towards the shorter figure. "Well, well, if it isn't L.A's superhero. I'm rather delighted to see you." Josiah was left in a pile of debris in the distance, he wasn't moving at all the slightest. She took him down real quick, he focused on her, deciding whether he should consider her a threat. 

"Someone like you around this city could be dangerous, especially you totaling Standoff. You could kill people!" Jabez wasn't about to effusively lower his guard. 'She'd beat me in a snap!' Jabez keeps his eyes concentrated on the calm other."Well, we all can't be like Jose Arabejo." She made a statement that bewildered him for a moment. 'Must be referential.. which aah don't get.' Jabez anticipated and waited for her other add up. 

"I want you to join the Swords of Justice. Think about it? The Pollyannaish-Jabez and Doll Face!" Shan extended her hands towards him, he stabilized the amount of concern he had towards her. "The offer's nice... but.. aah don't work in groups. Or with people, aah solo my job." Jabez turned to the opposite side, declining what she was exerting into. "Well.. at least I met him. And.. am I the only one that ever referenced Antithesis? Suppose he hadn't understood it. But, at least I know he has returned!" Shan walked to the opposite side, leaving the scene. 

Where was the promised fight? Perhaps the writer chose to skip it, keep it offscreen. 

"At least she took care of Josiah, don't know what aah ever did for her to do something for me. But, aah reckon its just instinctual to anyone." Jabez walked past a shadowed figure in a trench coat, the figure creepily watched Jabez from the distance. "Heh.. my enemy. Hadn't noticed me.. " Demogorgon's lips formed into a grin, walking away from the albino's field of observation. 

"Hey there, my favorite snowflake." Telepathically communicating with one another, Oriel made contact with her boyfriend.'Just had some little altercation with my sibling! Like the usual, he wants my powers and somewhat fails. But, it changed, I just.. happened to meet someone unexpected of my ken.' Jabez responded, while she remained quiet in his response. 'I've already known that Omniscience, now. I'm missin' ya! How about you hang over my place?' Oriel reciprocated to him. 

'Sure! Aah've got completely nothing else to do!' Jabez responded. 'And be ready, because you're about to meet my daughter!' Oriel added, informing him frankly because he hadn't omniscience. 'All right! I'm hip for meeting my future daughter in law!' Jabez's tone always sounded jovial and happy. Walking alongside the concrete sidewalks, he hadn't tried flying or doing anything supernormal. 

How did he do it? 

Was there a secret to it? 


Next is issue 163# "The Arkansas Family!" 

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