Issue 80#"Murdercia meets Jabez's adopted family!"

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{Huang Fu Mansion} 

{The Dining table} 

"So that's your actual mother, pumpkin? She doesn't have any similar traits endowed on you." Biming cocked her brow at the blonde, formally staring inwards her. "Of course he does! He has my beauty and his father's hunkiness!" Murdercia grabbed Jabez's chin, comparing it to her own face. "I don't really see anything similar between you two." Biming leaned in closely to look at them, she shook her head in response. "Tell me, what are the things you two did?" Biming added, retracting to sit on her chair properly. 

"We've braided each others' hair before!" Jabez interposed, well, it sounds a little more convincing. "We did a lot of sightseeing before," Murdercia added, continuing so that they'd believe she was truly Jabez's real parent. "Have you told your mother about.." Bo was about to interpose, Biming looked over a shoulder and nudged against him with an elbow. "His loss? I am aware of it, he told me, I've never been able to meet the girl that loved my son." Murdercia steals a glance from her son, he mattered so much to her, but he lost someone. Someone she could've loved like her son, things aren't always like Disney's endings. 

"I'm just glad you were kind enough to let my son into your family," Murdercia commented about what the parents did for Jabez. "He's a strong man, indeed," Bo replies to the other, of course, the reason of his incredible shape was thanks to Jabez in the first place. "That's what we love about him, and he's surely capable of taking care of the kids once we pass away." Biming added, nodding to what her husband said. "Just don't tell the kids, okay?" Biming reminded Jabez not to tell them about their deaths, just wanting to keep things personal with one another. 

"We just want them to wallow in a good life before we pass away." Biming depicted towards Murdercia. "That's good to hear, really it is, knowing my son is in a beautiful life full of adventure!" Murdercia mentioned. "..I still want a job.." Jabez stammered to himself, its like Murdercia heard something come out from his lips. "You want a job?" Murdercia whipped her head towards the other, cocking a brow. "Don't you already have a job as a superhero?" She espoused the part of his career, he really wanted a job as the humans did. 

"A real job, where I can do something and help more people than I normally do," Jabez responded to his mother, she quirks upon his elucidation. "How long have you been jobless, son?" Murdercia concentrated on the other. "Six months." Jabez estimated the days of how long he had been an unemployed person, due to him being known as a superhero, people don't want trouble happening in their working places. "I've tried many times to get a job, but still can't get one from L.A, I really miss having a job with my own office and people I can help." Jabez shrugged his shoulders, he really tried so hard. 

"But I'm not going to stop now, helping people is my main goal, not leaving them behind." Jabez's capacity was incredible, usually, people give up until some sort of inspiration hits them, but Jabez was different from them. He inspired himself to keep pushing forward, he's only helping them thru means of external crime-fighting, but what about the real things that people go thru than just beating up criminals? 

"You're already doing enough, pumpkin," Biming says to the albino. "You've done so much for this city, isn't that enough to be called its hero?" Bo added, sure its something Jabez earned to be called its hero. Still, he wanted to be called a helper among people too, not be just known for one's crime-fighting day and night job. "I mean, yeah, I reckon. I just really want to do something productive in my life," Jabez made hand-gestures for a few moments then he placed his palms on the table again. "We know, but its a little too much, don't you think?" Murdercia added, even though she never raised him up like her own, she was worried about his lifestyle. 

"Yeah, yeah it is! I wouldn't want you guys to worry after all!" Jabez beamed up at them, they lifted up a smile. 'Still, I'm not giving up on finding a job for myself! I want to keep myself busy, all this sitting around isn't my cup of tea!' Jabez thought, as Murdercia stood up and bowed to the family. "We shall meet another time, son." Murdercia arches her back as she placed a kiss against his forehead, she finally had waned away from existence. Letting Jabez alone in his own life, he turned his head to the two. "Who was that, Ani?" Chun and Chen joined in the dining table with them. 

"My mom!" Jabez scruffles their hair while keeping up a smile. "How come we couldn't get to talk to her, Ani?" Chun questioned. "Well, it's a little bamboozling to explain, maybe, when you're both  are a little older, mm'kay?" Jabez says to the two, they nodded and preceded to continue playing games together. "I gotta go patrol out now," Jabez says to the two, they let him go because he asked like a person should. He didn't leave like some mysterious vigilante, it was better that he wasn't like one of them. 

He left the mansion briefly. 'Where am I going to get a job that would really accept me instead of being evasive?' Jabez thought, he really wanted to get a job. 'But no way Jose am I going to join a circus! I'm either rooting for psychologist or philosopher, two of those are the ones I want.' He continued walking down the concrete road, keeping his eyes concentrated on what was beyond him. 'Til the sound of firearms draws his attention, he heads into the direction. 

He froze upon the sight of seeing a gang war, Yancy was a mafia lord already?! He needed to do something about this, he just couldn't, and her own sibling too? What has happened to their lives while he was gone? "That's enough of the shooting!" Jabez walked up to Yancy, grabbing her by the shoulder, once she turned to face him. She had the face of a wild dog, an animal, she was jerked from his grasp. 

"Leggo of me!" She demanded. As bullets continued firing in their direction, she keeps herself away from being shot. "Why do you care about me now?! HUH?" She sputtered up at him. "What? That's not the reason, I'm sending you and your crew to jail!" Jabez sends a headbutt into her skull, then merely tapping his index finger inwards Yaan's sternum as he was knocked out. 

As the other gangs stopped firing in their direction, raising their hands in capitulation. 'This isn't what I wanted to happen.. but it did!' Jabez thought as the police soon arrived in the scene, to handle this mess. 

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