Issue 148# "The Rematch!"

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{Jabez's inner realm} 

"It's time.." The hero's essence was nearly evanescent, he sat down on the concrete floor without stating another word. Eagerly crossing his legs together to form a meditating position, his hair flowed about high, destruction befell across everything within this imaginative realm. The beacon of hope for one single city, beginning to return to its place, to its former glory. He opened his eyes, he gently twisted and untwisted within an intangible cube. 'Aah'm.. here?' Jabez swam towards freedom, he takes a full grasp of it eventually. 

Odd ectoplasm bursts thru the cube, he fell flat on the floor, gooey substances spattered on the floor. He slowly rose to his feet, ectoplasm matching his skin color, surrounding his body. Luckily he lacked discomfortable senses, thereby passing emotions like disgust. Needn't flick off the substances upon his being, they dissolved in a matter of seconds like smoke fumes. His classic, yet, always remaining outfit fabricated upon his being, like an etiquette, he always liked it for personal reasons to himself. 

"I'm NOT done with you!" A tunnel of light beyond Jabez, standing in the center of it belonged to an irregular figure. Its Josiah, albeit, half of his body was possessed by something easily recognizable to him. Shadowy barbs bulging outwards his rib cages, thighs, calves, and his right eye producing darkness. "We were never finished from the start!" The possessed Josiah rushed towards Jabez, anger flaring up to the summit. 

"Sorry, aah got a city that needs meh! Aah don't wanna dissipate time on ya!" Jabez dynamically bypassed the other via unsurpassed athletics. "Curse you! Come back here!" Josiah chased after Jabez whilst the two headed towards the tunnel of light beyond them. Once he gets past the tunnel of light, he found himself inside of Norway, instead of L.A. The frigid atmosphere filling every corner of the entire country, the soft snowflakes gently float down upon people and such. 

'Why was aah brought here? This isn't my city.' This was entirely confounding to him, yet he saw pictures, toys, posters, brands, all having the faces of Tessa on it. 'What?! Did Tessa-- aah need a succinct explanation about this.' He incredulously turned his head away from the objects, yet moments later people gave him death glares. "That man attacked the queen! Geddim!" They inexplicably charged towards the albino, he leaped upwards a building ledge. 

Fingers tightened on the rough and solid form, as to cling onto it. "Geddim!" The guards watching from above pointed their firearms downwards Jabez. "GANGWAY, BOYOS!" Jabez hurtled himself past many buildings, sirens flaring to warn the people. 'What is going on?! What Queen did aah attack? Aah didn't do diddly squat to anybody!' Jabez had no clear idea of what was happening until the sensation to turn towards a cemetery. 

A ghostly voice calling out to him, intently gazing in its direction if it had bad omens. Nothing, he atomized himself out of sight so it left cameras in confusion, people in tumult. He reformed in the exact location he was being called out to, graves were dug out, missing corpses. " *Ahem* " A feminine scoff caught his attention. He turned towards the pale skinned, monochromatic or snowy-haired, ruby-eyed woman. "You must be befuzzled about all this sudden change." Rain sat on a throne composed of corpses gelled together tightly. This woman held a youthful look on her exterior, must be immortality or something.

Dressed in a neat black and gray attire, covering up most of her skin and "You're the Undead Lord!" Jabez punctuated and knew of her identity. "Heh- thought I'd have to make the introductions, and I'll take it your Los Angeles' superhero? Let me tell you a tale." Arising next to Rain, its a throne made out of corpses. "Err, I'm deferential of the dead." Jabez declined the albino's offer. 

"Silly me! Of course, you'd prefer not to indulge inside of a deadened place." Rain commanded the throne to sink back into the soils, the air hadn't hinted out any maggoty and fishy smells. Or that he just turned off his sense of smell, it could be just another method to hinder closure in this direction. "Now... where were we? Yes, the most important tale for you to know." Rain set her knuckle against her cheek on the armchair. 

"Hah! What a gutless wench! She couldn't beat me EVER!" Tessa watches Oriel leave the battle on her own volition. ".." Oriel's reason to quit the battle was necessary, its because she knew Tessa was up to no good. And she needed a cunning plan to put a stop to the other's deviant plans -- because what supervillain wouldn't have their own deviancies under their heads? 

"So aah've missed so much?" Jabez quizzically stared at the albino for a few moments. "I would've been surprised if you had a different expression." Rain responded in an unruffled tone. "We're the only ones that aren't affected by her 'Meta-Memory Manipulation' via Meta Power Opposition. Going out to ask other people will be chancy, so that is why I came to call out to you." Rain added, standing up slowly to her feet, fixedly staring towards the other. 

"Everyone else cannot be trusted. Their memories and understanding have been warped, first, we must deal with the franchises and businesses Tessa's made so far." Rain added, turning her head towards the unbelievable statues and infrastructures supporting the queen unquestionably. "We don't go to Tessa first?" Jabez cocked a brow at what she says as they bounced high up to one of the tallest buildings. "Would you want an entire world supporting a supervillain?" Rain responded about what he says. 

"That is ironical, true. You had a good point there!" Jabez and Rain settled on the grandeur building, once they landed upon it. Guards automatically turned their heads towards their direction, readying their firearms. "Lemee make a rule! No killing, okay? Don't make a corpse outta 'em!" Jabez added. "Crystal." Rain nodded in enlightenment. 

{Credits belong to my friend, Kiryuu, he owns Oriel, Veyra, and Murdercia. Give him respect for letting me use his characters, and Rain belongs to a great friend of mine.}

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