Issue 43# "The Truth or Lies?"

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{The Health Community Centre} 

--8:30 am-- 

{Jabez's office}

"I'll have to get rid of it... I don't want health inspectors meticulously inspected this place, knowing I've hidden L.A's superhero." Tessa once again opened the cabinet, wondering what to do with the kosher Jabez, what she told the people was mendacity. 'Maybe, if I put it in a box, I could send 'im to the Philippines.' She was thinking of what to do, this was perplexing on what she should be doing. 'That's right, the US and Philippines always export things to one another. Heh! Aren't I astute?' Tessa began scanning thru the closet to find a box to fit Jabez, thankfully there was one readily made as a present. 

She began pulling Jabez outwards from the pavement and began stuffing him inside of the box. 'Heh, he's still taking time to recover. Makes this quick and easy, unbothered, nobody's suspecting a thing.' It took her five minutes to get him inside of a birthday box, he was like an unmoving figure inside of it, whisking out a black marker and writing down something on the information slot. 

One hour later, it was being transported inside of an airplane, while Tessa arose her hands up in victory.'So that everybody believes he was DEAD! Wait... is there something I'm forgetting?' She was omitting the fact there were superheroes inside of the Philippines itself, she brushed it off as she casually left the structure itself. Something vibrated in her pocket, it was her phone, as she fishes out the electronic device, its an unknown caller. 

'I never gave anybody my phone number.' She cocked her brow as she answered it, placing it against her ear."You've done excellent, friend. You've ridden of that so-called threat for good, quite a spectacular thing you did." Demogorgon spoke thru the phone, silence remained in her thought, was she being pranked? "I have no idea what you're talking about, but if this is a prank. I suggest hanging up, dolt." Tessa threatened while the other chuckled in the call. 

"No, I kid you not. I'm Demogorgon, Jabez's arch-nemesis, oh wait, he's no more. Correct? I'll invite you to a place where all villains relax and drink, what do you say?" Demogorgon responded, hoping to get something out of a woman."That does sound interesting, suppose I can. Where is this place?" As she hopped in her vehicle, driving back inwards the outskirts of L.A. 

"It's down the darkest alley in L.A, you can't miss it," Demogorgon says, Tessa just hung up on the other. 'I wonder what gave it away, my phone number.' Tessa says after she began searching for the darkest alley in L.A, it took her minutes to find it actually, parking her car before the sidewalks. Briefly getting outside of her vehicle, she locked it as she made her way towards the flickering lights, leading into a direction. Its unguarded doors made it conspicuous, once she made her entrance thru the doors. Goons were standing from the sides, cheering on the female like she was a big-wig of the place. 

'Heh, I'm starting to like this.' And going past another door, she had stood in a fancy like a restaurant with dining tables, chairs, and a stage. A singer, a spotlight suddenly is aimed into her direction, she cocked her brow at what or how they knew. "Give a round of applause for the remover of Jabez!" Demogorgon says, he was sitting in the table of where all the villains were. Criminals and crooks were watching the other make an entrance, they were surprised someone like her managed to do that. 

Cheers and claps for Tessa's entrance. "Now then, I shall endow you your own supervillain superpowers," Demogorgon stated after she takes a seat into the vacant spot. "That was some impressive work, lassie!" Blackbeard commented. "What? It's not like he would've outwitted me that time." The villains began cackling at the top of their lungs, finding that a relatable joke in history. "A sensahumor ya got, don't ya?" Singe says as something like a ray is pointed into her direction. "Just hold still, won't hurt much." Omit interposed, informing the other to relax and keep herself calm. 

Once it fires into her, it's like something was pulsating heat going thru her body. Its undertaking a change of the sort, once she looked at them. "The superpower you're endowed with is 'Meta Power  Opposition' or the power to manifest absolutely any kind of superpower to counter other's abilities," Demogorgon explained it to the other, but surely she was going to need more practice. "You have much to learn.." He added. 

24 hours later. 

{The Philippines}

{The Oddity HQ}

"Isn't this odd, why'd something like this hafta be transported here?" Jungian held up the present box, while he regrouped with his fellow teammates. He was like a being composed of physical magic itself, the group of superheroes turned their head into their friend's direction. "Kuya Jungian, what's that?" A short boy came upwards the larger being, wondering what it was. "That, youngling, I do not know." Jungian replies to the bio metallic figurine. 

"It's mine!" A nine-tailed kitsune grabbed the box away from him. "What are you doing, Iso?!" Jungian outstretches his hand towards the other, she ran fastly away from him. "I wanna know what's in the box!" Iso sticks out her tongue at the other until she bumped into a being composed of cosmic energy. "What are you playing with?" He asked, lowering his head inwards the female's direction. 

"That's what I want to know, but it won't be much of a surprise if they're going to watch me open it!" Iso replies to Gar (the captain of the team). "How about we find out now?" He barely motions his fingers, the box itself unveils itself in mid-air. Opening the lid itself, and carrying skywards to whatever it was. "Its a person?!" Iso was stunned at the sight. "Its no person.. its L.A's superhero! Jabez!" Jungian stated. 

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