Chapter 49: Rest In Peace

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*(Y/N)'s P.O.V*

Sniffling i turned to look at my mother a brother, standing up on shaky legs i walked over to my house. Nostalgia hit me and i cracked a sad smile as i remembered just walking around having fun, my parents kissing, me finding it absolutely disgusting. I remember when Nikolai was born and how i thought he was a toy so i kept on dressing him up and draggin him around my his feet, me getting told off for doing that. Shaking my head of the thoughts i went over to the sofa and took one of the blankets, stepping outside i walked back over to my family members and carefully draped the blanket over them "bye..." i whispered turning away from them and walking back into the house, if i had stayed there looking at them any longer i probably would've started crying again.

Carl frowned sympathetically and took my hand "let's go okay?" he asked "yeah...i'm not sure how much longer i can stay in this place" i whispered. Michonne didn't say a word, just stood there waiting for us like she knew how hard it was to lose someone that precious but in this world everyone has lost someone. Walking along the street no one said anything as the tension was thick, my hand was still clutched tightly to Carl's as i had refused to let go but he wasn't complaining. I remembered where we are "are we going to the old bar?" i asked "yeah" he replied, i instantly knew why but didn't dare say anything. Michonne cocked a brow in interest but kept silent.

Upon seeing the pub in the distance we all ducked behind a couple cars taking notice that it was swarming with walkers "Da*mit!" he whisper yelled, i rolled my eyes at his innappropriate language but didn't stop him. I clicked my tongue against the roof of my mouth 'these things...they took my family away from me but- the were human once too so i can't blame all of them, just the one that turned my mother but i have no idea which one that was so i can never get my revenge' i sighed at the thought "what are we going to do?" i asked "we'll have to distract them somehow" he replied. My eyes darted around the street trying desperately to find somehow to get them all out and away from the bar. Slapping my hand on my forehead i facepalmed "what?" Carl asked "guys it's right in front of us, if we figure out some way to get these cars going and push something against the horn then the noise should distract the walkers long enough for us to get what we need and get out" i explained "good plan, now does anyone know how to hotwire a car?" Carl asked.

Michonne stood up but hunched her back so she couldn't be seen easily "i do" she replied "but i'm going to need you guys to keep them off me, 'cause this is going to make some noise before i even get the car going" "deal" we said. Michonne opened one of the car doors which just so conveniently happened to be unlocked and ducked under the steering wheel to do her thing, the sound of the car beginning to run alerted some walkers. Facing us they groaned and slowly hobbled there way forward and towards us. Taking my gun from it's holster i aimed it at the walker closest to Michonne and shot. Bullseye. Smirking i aimed for the next one only for it to drop dead on the floor a bullet wound in it's head "hey! that was mine" i whined "sorry" he chuckled. 

Clicking my tongue against the roof of my mouth we continued to shoot, narrowing my eyes i aimed at another walker, slowly i squeezed the trigger only for it to make a clicking noise. Trying to shoot again the same thing happened "crap....I'm out of ammo!" i yelled to them "me too" Carl replied. Seating my gun back into it's holster i took the knife that was comfortably placed in my jeans and held it accordingly "this is not going to be fun" i sighed. Running towards one of the walkers i jumped up and out of it's reach beofre pullmeting back down, my knife sunk deep into his skull, twisting the blade i pulled it out ignroing the blood that splattered on me "heh, i take it back, this is pretty fun". Running for another one i glided to the side and sunk my blade into it's temple "since when was this, this easy?" i asked myself.

Seeing a decomposing hand coming straight for me i ducked, holding onto the floor for balance i kicked the walker in it's shin. Flopping onto the ground i groaned and tried to get back up but like i was going to let it do that. Crouching down in front of it i rested one knee on it's stomach to prevent it from jumping up and biting me "goodnight~" i chimed as i slammed the knife into it's skull, not only stabbing it but crushing it's head. I covered my ears as a very loud honk came from behind me, standing up i turned around to see Michonne had gotten the car started and had already made sure it was making a lot of noise. Running over to Carl and Michonne i made sure i stayed out of the walkers sight otherwise the plan would've been for nothing. Carl took my hand and pulled me along with him to the entrance of the bar.

Silently slipping in we looked around, Carl instantly ran over to the counter where a bunch of pictures were littered on the table. All of the sudden silence filled the area "what happened to the horn?" i whispered "they must of knocked the walker i used to keep the horn in place down" Michonne replied "they're going to hear us" i mumbled to myself "hurry get what you need and get out" she ordered. Carl was searching through all of the pictures when his elbow nudged one of them and sent it flying off the counter "uh-oh" i whispered.

Groans could be heard as Walkers made their way over to where we were "we need to go!" i whispere-yelled "but what abou-" "it would mean nothing if we died!" i scolded taking his hand and pulling him along, just in time too as walkers began to file in and soon the whole place was swarmed. We stood outside staring at the place as it was overfilled with the dead "what now?" i asked "i'm going back in" Carl announced "oh no you're not" i argued "but (Y/N) i need to get the photo" he said "yes, and i need you back alive!" i retorted "i'll get it" Michonne cut in "you two are my responsibility for now, if it's that improtant i'll get it" she shrugged "but what if you get hurt?" i asked "i'll be fine" she replied. 

Removing her katan from her sheath she walked slowly to the building, and all we could do was watch in anticipation hoping she would come back out again...


Guys i'm so sorry i haven't updated in ages, but i've got exams at the moment and time to update is scarce. Just to let you know by the time this is updated i would've finished my chemistry exams along with maths and english, if you're wondering they went tremendously AWFULL!!  Because i don't know should just be called what Jazz-demo doesn't know time i don't know...

Anyway, thanks so much for being patient and i promise when exams are over i will make it up to you all! I'll update as soon as i can, see ya love's, ciao <3

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