Smoker (Phoenix x Reader)

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A/n: This is lawyer Phoenix, but after Apollo Justice. He gets his badge back. You work in the office with Apollo and Trucy. Athena doesn't work there yet. This one shot will cover smoking, cigarettes, etc.

Your Pov:

I sat in the office, filing through massive amounts of paper work and files. Apollo sat at his desk doing the same. Trucy was at one of her shows and Mr. Wright was in the main office. I placed a file into the cabinet when I heard the door open. One of Mr. Wright's friends, Larry Butz, entered. He waved at us before heading into the main office. I placed the last piece of paperwork into the cabinet and turned towards Apollo, "Break time?" He nodded and we headed out of the office.

As we walked, I talked to Apollo, "I wonder what Larry came to the office for today. Don't you?" Apollo tilted his head, "A little, but he probably just wanted to tell him about his new girlfriend again." I nodded, "Yeah. Probably." We ate lunch at a small burger joint before heading back to the office. Once inside, I sat at my desk and got to work. Trucy had came back right after us and was currently talking to Apollo about something.

That's when I noticed a strange smell.

I sniffed the air and immediately knew what I was smelling.

Cigarette smoke.

By the looks on Apollo and Trucy's faces, I could tell that they smelled it too. I looked at them, "I'm going to talk to Mr. Wright for a moment. I'll be back." They both nodded and went back to their conversation. I went to the main office's door. The smell was much stronger here. I opened the door and the smell became even worse. Inside, Mr. Wright sat at his desk writing a report and smoking a cigarette. I coughed a little, "M-Mr. Wright, since when did you smoke?"

He turned to me, blowing out some smoke, "Recently. What do you need?" I gestured to the second part of the office, "The smell is getting into the other parts of the office. Can I open some windows?" He nodded, taking another drag, "Sure. Go ahead." I went back to Apollo and Trucy and began to open the windows. I also took some air freshener and sprayed our part of the office. Apollo looked at me, "What's going on?" I fanned some smoke out, "Mr. Wright is smoking in his office. Stay out of there until I can air it out." Trucy's eyes widened, "Daddy's smoking? Why?!" I shrugged, "People smoke for a lot of reasons Trucy. He is probably stressing."

Trucy nodded and went to the couch to take a nap. I turned to Apollo, "Please watch her and yourself. Second hand smoke can still affect you guys." He nodded, "Alright." We went back to our paper work with the small scent of cigarettes in the air.

A month had passed and Mr. Wright was still smoking. He smoked when he arrived to the office, he smoked when he wrote his reports and signed paperwork, and it was driving us all apart. He would also smoke before a trial, after a trial, before he eats, and after he eats. Trucy tried showing him pictures and videos of what could happen to him, but he still smoked.

And I know it's not a good time to express my thoughts, but he looked pretty attractive when he was taking a drag.

Apollo and I decided to take matters into our own hands. We bought a box of those fake, bitter tasting cigarettes. We took his good box out of his desk and put in the fake ones. We locked the drawer back before going to our own desks. Mr. Wright came in ten minutes later and headed to his office. About 5 minutes later, the door to his office slammed open and Mr. Wright ran into the bathroom. There was the sound of vomiting and coughing. 5 minutes later, he stepped out of the bathroom. He looked at Apollo, Trucy, and I, "Who switched out my cigarettes?" We all stayed silent.

Then, he slammed his hand on the table, "Well?" I spoke first, "I did. You smoke too much. You smoke 5-10 packs in a day. That isn't healthy!" Phoenix snapped back, "Nothing is going to happen to me. It's been a month since I've started and I've been just fine." I pulled the pack out of my pocket and pulled a cigarette out. I then passed the pack to Apollo, who then passed it to Trucy. All three of us held a cigarette in our hands. Mr. Wright looked at us in disbelief, "You wouldn't dare." I lit the cigarette, "I dare." I passed the lighter to the other two before bringing the cigarette to my mouth, "How does this make you feel, Phoenix?" He flinched.

To clarify, none of us put the cigarettes in our mouths yet. He pleaded, "Please don't." I tilted my head, "Will you stop smoking?" He nodded rapidly, "Yes! I'll stop!" I nodded towards Apollo and Trucy. We all took one drag before putting them out and throwing the rest in the garbage. Phoenix watched us with sad eyes, "Was this how you felt?" I nodded, "Yes, but you promised to not smoke anymore." He hugged me, "Thank you, (Y/n)." I pulled away and shook my head, "Don't thank me. It's what you do for someone you love."

His eyes widened, "You love me?" I blushed and nodded, "Y-Yes." He smiled and pulled me close before kissing me. Apollo and Trucy cheered in the background. I pulled away and rested my head on his shoulder,

                 "This is perfect."

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