Fight Head Canons

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A/N: This chapter is going to contain head canons for both the reader and ships. I will try to get every ship into this chapter. If I miss one or two, please don't get upset.


*He more often than not raises his voice.

*Bad fights often end with you in tears and him feeling regretful.

*If it gets super bad, Trucy stays at Apollo's place.

*Almost every fight ends with both of you forgetting what you were fighting about.

*He always apologizes first.


*He keeps calm while you yell at him.

*You both go to bed mad and facing away from each other.

*He'll only raise his voice if it's called for.

*Most of the time, the fight is resolved when you two get locked in the cleaning closet by Gumshoe

*After you both apologize, things go back to normal.


*He is the loud yelling in the fight.

*Both of you are yelling and screaming at each other.

*You've had fights that went on long enough for both of you to lose your voices.

*You sleep on the couch or in the guest room and refuse to speak to him until he apologizes.

*He eventually apologizes and peppers your face with kisses when you accept it.


*No one wants to be involved with either party in the fight.

*Things get thrown and more than once, you've smashed glass on the ground in front of his feet.

*When he gets frustrated, he starts cursing and saying things in German that you don't understand.

*Because of the words he taught you, you know that half the time he's talking about you.

*Fights usually end when he calls Kristoph. They have a 20 minute conversation in German before he curses and apologizes to you.


*Both of you are so calm that it's scary.

*You give him the silent treatment while he still speaks to you, but also gives you the cold shoulder.

*When you're in the middle of a fight, parts of his face will start to twitch.

*It kind of creeps you out but your left eye twitches too during your fights.

*Neither of you apologize and you just forget about the fight. You both keep it as blackmail info.


*He gets very fired up during your fights.

*He clenches and releases his fists when he's frustrated.

*He would never hurt you, but you would give him one good slap if it was warranted.

*You don't ignore him, but you just get really passive aggressive and he does the same.

*The fight eventually ends when he brings you your favorite tea/coffee and apologizes. You forgive him, but still act passive aggressive for the rest of the day just to mess with him.


*It's like cats and dogs with you guys.

*If she needs to get her point across, she'll crack her whip loudly.

*She feels a little bad if you flinch when she does it.

*Your fights are usually about how she treats the people around her.

*Most of the time, Edgeworth has to intervene and become the middle man until one of you apologizes.

On To The Ships!


*Don't even get me started on these two!

*Edgeworth is the clear minded, calm one while Phoenix is the one who's vocalizing the fight.

*Their fights are usually over things like the time they have to spend together and overworking.

*Phoenix pulls the silent treatment, but Edgeworth is fine with it and just ignores him.

*Phoenix is the first to apologize and Edgeworth just bops him on the head with the book he was reading before accepting it.

Phoenix and Maya:

*Their fights are usually over small things like what burger joint is the best, what Steel Samurai character is #1, etc.

*They usually don't result in anything big, just the silent treatment for like 5 minutes until one of them breaks.

*If a fight is bad, Maya will write a note explaining everything and channel Mia to get advice.

*If Mia is channeled, and gets angry about the fight, Phoenix is about to wish that Dahlia had killed him.

*After every fight, they celebrate it being over by getting burgers.


*Their fights are loud!

*Yelling is abundant and the first sign of oncoming noise.

*Lots of cursing in German from Klavier.

*Their fights are usually about how overworked either of them are or how Klavier has both men and women hanging off his arms.

*Almost every fight ends with less than appropriate things.


*Like WrightWorth, Kristoph stays quiet while Apollo yells at him.

*When Apollo gives him the silent treatment, he acts passive aggressive to show where he stands in the fight.

*Kristoph's eye or lip will twitch during a fight if he starts to get irritated.

*Their fights usually end when Apollo apologizes first. Kristoph knows that Apollo needs him and just waits for the apology from him.

*As part of Apollo's apology, Kristoph has Apollo 'dress up' for him. Take that as you will...

Phoenix x Iris:

*Their fights are strange.

*Their fights are about how Iris channels Dahlia's spirit mentally and talks to her.

*When Phoenix confronted her about it, she said that it helps keep Dahlia's spirit at bay.

*If the fight gets bad, Iris will lock herself in a room and meditate until she has calmed down. She gets like Dahlia when she is angry.

*They both apologize at the same time and let it go. Phoenix still gets creeped out when Iris meditates and speaks with Dahlia.

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