The next couple weeks

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Jess woke up constantly gasping from her nightmares and she just struggled to sleep. Marie tried everything and nothing could help her rest and she knew she was traumatized by the whole thing with Jughead getting hurt. Worst she was stressed out by the person who tried to get her as she literally felt like she was being back at high school dealing with stress when her father got hurt and how she struggled to rest, Marie decided to bring Archie.

Archie came up and sees her wide awake and not sleeping at all.


Seeing the state she in, she has dark circles under her eyes.

"I just want Jug."

It was heartbreaking for Archie to hear that. He crawled in bed and gently give her his arm to cuddle on and it took awhile for her to relax but when Archie starts to sing her the Cinderella song she relaxed and fell asleep.

Archie has talked to the Dean and staff explaining of the situation with Jessica the stress she is going through and not getting any sleep they all gave her permission to rest in class. For Jess it was hard because she wanted to keep her grade up but the Professors confided her that they were aware of everything.

Archie sat next to her and prayed that she really rested but she couldn't doze off. It wasn't until Archie sat her on his lap and she listened to the professor chat that when she started to drift off.  Archie noticed and gently rest her head against her brother and he gently place her headset in and played her mom's lullaby as she stayed asleep. He quietly took a photo for Fred as he is aware that Jess isn't resting.

finally she resting.

The hardest part for Archie that once the class is over, he has to wake her up it literally kills him inside.

"Jess it time to get up now."

Jess opened her eyes as she mumbled.

"I was so comfortable."

Archie kissed her temple as he waited for her to be alert again. He got her in the chair and they head to the next class at the end of the classes she visited Jughead and she didn't leave his side as she really catches up on sleep for good.

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