Dance class

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So Archie found out that Riverdale University has a special needs dance class and he and Fred signed Jess up. The first day of class Jess was nervous but she felt at home since she felt her mother's presence as her mother loves to dance.

Oh Momma

She thought.

So she did make tons of friends and was so happy that Archie found it.

When it came to a point to practice their solo for graduation, Jess knew the song she wanted to dance immediately hands down no questions: You Raise Me Up to honor her family, to the staff at Riverdale High and all of her friends as they helped raise her to be the person she is today.

Months passed and Jess has been striving and doing exceedingly well in class. One day the professor felt like she knew something is familiar with Jess and she did had Emily Johnson as her student. After class they spoke.

"Jess I feel a strong presence of one of my former students and she was a passionate dancer."

Jess said as she politely cutting to chase as she went through this familiar phase many times.

"If it about Emily, that is because she is my mother."

The professor was speechless as Jess said.

"I'm her daughter."

The professor sat down still speechless.

"Is your mom still with you?"

Jess said.

"She passed sadly when I was 10."

The professor teared up.

"You have carried her passion so well and what about your dad?"

Jess said.

"Passed when I was 14. So I now live with the Andrews. Archie's parents were my Godparents and my parents were Archie's Godparents so I decided when I was 17 to take their last name."

The professor hugged her.

"If they seen you today especially your mom, they would be so very proud."

Jess teared up by that statement that was the moment she realized she truly overcome so much from that time. Losing her mom was the hardest period in her life.

"Everyone in my family including my Godparents knows I love to dance because of Mom. Once she passed, I just gave up completely that I deeply felt my mom took my passion and love of dance with her. Then my brother found this class and I was scared on the first day thinking the passion wasn't there but once you were instructing the class, I realize the passion didn't die, it was with me all along. I know Mom is with me throughout this class."

Then the professor brought out a beautiful huge frame poster of her mother doing a ballet pose.

"Here is a photo of your mother."

The photo took Jess breath away as it was breathtaking that she teared up.

"Oh my goodness."

Archie was checking up on her sis.

"Everything ok?"

Jess said.

"I guess this class was meant to be. Archie look it my mom!"

Archie sees the photo and was speechless.

"My godmother."

So took a photo of Jess with the picture then he Instagram.

AANDREWS: Like mother like daughter ❤️ glad I found this class for my beautiful sister! Dad FAndrews, Jug SerpentPrince and I are as well as all of our family and friends are looking forward to her first dance recital whenever the date is.

God mom, you should be proud of your baby girl!

He tagged jess, jug and Dad.

Jess Instagrammed and tagged her brother, dad mom and jug.

TheSerpentsPrincess🐍: My heart is at peace for the first time in years. As most of you know I gave up my love for dance ever since my mom passed. Surprisingly Archie, my loving brother of a dork at times found this class where unbeknownst to me, the Professor knows my mom and had her as a student. I had schooled her today letting her know that I am Emily's daughter since she said that "I looked and reminded her of a student that was a passionate dancer."  My heart is at peace because Professor did say.

"If they seen you today especially your mom, they would be so very proud."

The loss of my mother was tough that I didn't want to do anything that associated with her especially dance class and ballet it was because I thought it would make me miss her, give me a reminder of her passing since she passed away a few months leading up to my first dance recital and I definitely thought I had lost the love for it. It turned out, the passion and love for dance and ballet was indeed with me all along and I know Momma's spirit was there with me throughout in class. As we chatted, my Professor did bring out this gorgeous photo of her and I was speechless that I cried. I did show Archie since it is indeed his godmother. Taking this class it is meant to be!

Mom, I am dedicating this first recital to you. I love you and give Dad a huge hug.

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