Drive One.

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Looking at the long rack of black jackets, small fingers reached out for one. The tall dark man was breathing heavily behind her. His gasps were urging. She could almost touch the hurry. Turning around, he tossed her a hat.

But the throw was too quick. It hit her face, and she felt a pain make its way through her nose. Jisoo snickered and it took all her might not to throw the hat at the other woman. The tall gentleman apologized and handed her a set of keys. Jennie took it begrudgingly.

"Thank you Bendrick. I think I can guide Ms Kim for the rest of the way," grinned Jisoo.

"Ofcourse Ms. Park," he bent down and smiled politely as the two women made their way out.

Jennie placed the hat on her head and shrugged on the jacket. Jisoo was walking ahead of her, but would occasionally turn back with a grin. Jennie scowled at her, keeping her face blank once they reached a window tinted black vehicle.

"Hey give me a smile," pouted Jisoo.

"No, I was shown a lot of things on this "tour" that I didn't expect," huffed Jennie.

"Aw cut me some slack. I got you in didn't I? Just be grateful for the job Jen. Remember I had to pull some big strings, just to make sure my friend has food on the table," Jisoo poked Jennie's nose playfully but the brunette swatted it away.

"That's where the hat hit me, idiot," she cupped her nose, "and it's not like I'm unappreciative of your help," she murmured and Jisoo smiled.

"I know. You just need to stop being stubborn. Besides I want this too," said Jisoo softly and Jennie caught the seriousness in her voice.

"I know. Again thank you," she smiled and Jisoo nodded. They stood next to the car for about two minutes before Jennie turned to the red head. Jisoo widened her eyes and her face seemed to be saying "what the fuck are you doing?"


"You're supposed to open the door for me," said Jisoo as she crossed her arms.

"Oh, right," said Jennie and moved to do as she was instructed. Jisoo sighed heavily at the brunette.

"Listen Jen, if you plan on keeping this job you need to remember the basics. Especially since you aren't just going to be driving me," finished Jisoo and hopped inside. Jennie shut the door and jumped in to the front seat. Adjusting the mirrors she started the engine.

"You're right Jisoo, I get it ok. I'm going to do my best. I promised remember," she gave a big gummy toothed smile and Jisoo clapped happily at the sight.

" Whoooooo! That's the spirit Jennie." yelled Jisoo.

"So where are we going today?" asked Jennie.

"We need to stop at Sage Modelling Agency to get Lisa. Then you'll drop us off at my apartment. And then you need to fetch my sister at the airport. Also after today you need to just read the schedule book Bendrick gave you. Especially since you're mainly going to be driving my sister," said Jisoo.

"Woh, hold on," Jennie turned to fully face her, "You're sister's already here? And what do you mean I'll mainly be driving her? I thought I would mainly be driving you're father?"

"It's better if you drive my sister," shrugged Jisoo.

"That wasn't a part of the plan Jisoo," Jennie gritted her teeth.

"Trust me. It's better. You'll see why sooner. Or later," she chuckled. Jennie shook her head in dismay and turned back around.

"What does your sister look like?" she opened the garage door and drove off.

"Oh yeah...uhm angelic," answered Jisoo and Jennie gave her a death stare through the mirror.

"What? That's what Lisa says. And it wouldn't help you if I said she's the slightly less attractive version of me, now would it," Jisoo laughed devilishly.

"I need a description of features, not a fucking adjective Jisoo," scoffed Jennie.

"I'm just kidding and put some respect on my sister's name bitch. She is angelic and very very beautiful," smiled Jisoo.

"You just said she was the less attractive version of you Jisoo," Jennie shook her head.

"Again I was only kidding. And if you tell her I said that I will cut your throat," Jisoo did the motion so that Jennie could see in the mirror.

"Calm you're tits. Shit, where did that come from," said Jennie.

"You won't get it. Just...don't tell her that okay. I was only kidding. She's really precious and I'm the only one allowed to tell her she's not. Even though she is," said Jisoo softly.

"That makes no sense," said Jennie. Jisoo made no move to chat back and the brunette took that as a sign for her to put on the radio. She played with a few buttons before a DJ's voiced boomed through the speakers for the rest of the ride. 

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