Drive Thirty Six

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When Jennie's eyes opened, the first thing she noticed was how stiff her neck felt. Blinking slowly her vision adjusted to the darkness. Confused, she reached for her phone. Groaning, she saw that it was 3:37 am. She must've fallen asleep. Slumping back down, she stared into the darkness.

Her neck was aching slightly, and she wished she didn't fall asleep. Looking at her phone again, her heart raced as she saw how many messages she had. There were also two missed calls. All of them from Rosé. Sitting up, Jennie cursed as she entered the chat.

Rosé: Are you home safely?

That message was at around 23:00. The next was 30 minutes after that.

Rosé: Jennie are you at home yet? It's been over an hour?

Another message came at 00:30.

Rosé: Did I do something wrong? I see you were online.... If I made you angry, just let me know. I'll fix it...☹

Shit, that's right. She'd quickly gone online during the meeting to check that Taemin had added her to their new working group chat. They'd created it during the meeting and her attention hadn't been on anything else.

Rosé: I'm sorry if I came across rude earlier when you needed to leave. That wasn't my intention. I hope your home safe love, thinking of you xx.

Jennie's head began to drum. This wasn't good. She should've messaged the moment she got home. Wondering if Rosé would be up, she took a chance and dialed the blonde's number.


"Hey Rosé," her spirit lifted hearing the other woman's voice.

"Are you home? I was so worried."

"Yes, I'm home. I'm sorry for not replying. We had an urgent house gathering and I went online to just check that I was added to our new house group. The meeting went on for quite a bit. I really didn't mean to make you stress."

"I understand. No, it's okay, I'm just glad you aren't upset with me or anything. There's only so much my heart can handle," said Rosé softly and Jennie felt butterflies hearing her gentleness.

"Baby why would I be upset? I should be the one asking for forgiveness," Jennie laid back down as she pulled a pillow closer. It felt natural talking to Rosé like this.

"No, you don't. You haven't done anything," she could hear the blonde smiling.

"I left you hanging. If you were a guy you'd probably have blue balls," chuckled Jennie.

"That's true," laughed Rosé, "In that case, how are you going to make it up to me?"

"I'll do anything you want."

"Woooo, that's a bold statement, Ms. Kim"

"Is it now?" Jennie's smile grew wide.

"It's okay Jen, I forgive you."

"That easy ey?"

"Mmmm I'm feeling merciful tonight. Besides...just seeing you is enough for me." Jennie gulped. Rosé really had a way of making her feel special.

"Rosé, when it comes to you I really don't know what to do," Jennie was being honest. Hearing that the blonde could be involved in this mafia bullshit, made her wary. She didn't know Rosé to well, despite the feeling that they've known each other for years.

"Don't overthink it," encouraged Rosé.

"Okay," said Jennie with a smile, "By the way, why are you still up?"

"I've been doing some extra work."

"Rosie you should go to sleep, it's late."

"I had to release my...frustration somehow," she chuckled.

"Oh...okay I guess," giggled Jennie.

"Why are you still up?

"I accidentally fell asleep after the meeting. But I'm still feeling sleepy," she yawned and reached for Rosiebear.

"Mmmm sounds like you should go back to bed."

"But I want to keep talking to you. What are you working on,"

"Planning our next date," Rosé stood up from her desk and switched off the light. Making her way into bed, she knew now she could sleep at ease knowing Jennie was fine.

"Wow! Already?"

"I don't hear you complaining," Rosé brought Ninibear closer to her and gave the bear a kiss on the head.

"I should take you on a date," Jennie blurted, "I mean, well...yeah. Let me plan the next one," she trailed off as her heart beat loudly. Why was Rosé taking so long to answer?

"I'd like that. Okay. Just let me know when and where," said the blonde.

"I will," Jennie yawned again.

"That sounds like it's time for us to say goodnight."

"You mean good morning."

"Whatever Jennie," laughed Rosé.

"Just saying. Anyway, please get some sleep okay? And...thank you for being so sweet with me," said Jennie nervously. She wanted to say more but didn't really have the words.

"Sleep well, Jennie. Being with you, like we have been, really is making me happy," said Rosé and Jennie's breath hitched. The blonde sounded so sincere.

"I...I want to say more to you. But I don't know. I don't know if I'm ready," said Jennie in confusion. She didn't know what she was blubbering about but that was how she really felt.

"That's okay. I don't expect you to understand yet. Remember, don't overthink. Bye Jen, I'll see you later."

"Bye Rosie, sleep well," she ended the call with her heart feeling heavy. Hugging Rosiebear as close as possible, Jennie forced her mind to settle. 

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