Drive Twenty-Five

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"I miss you Jen. I miss us," said Kai. He sat down on the edge of the bed as she sat up.

"What do you mean Kai? We see each other every day," said Jennie.

"I think you know what I'm talking about. It's not the same anymore," he said. Jennie tried not to roll her eyes.

"Kai, I'm kind of tired,"

"You've been avoiding me. Ever since you got released. No, since before," he said nervously.

"I just want things to go back to how they were before Jen. We used to be so close. I still lov,"

"Please don"t," said Jennie abruptly, "just don't finish that sentence."

"But it's the truth," he said softly.

"Kai please just leave. I don't have the energy for this. I promised someone important that I was actually going to rest tonight and right now your disturbing that," said Jennie.

"Listen Jen, please. At some point, we need to talk about what happened. You need to give me a chance and hear me out. There's still so much tension between us and well some of the others are also still awkward around me. I don't want it to be like this," he tried.

"Kai, please leave. I'm tired," said Jennie blandly. Sighing deeply, he got up looking like a kicked puppy. Stopping by the door he turned to her.

"I really hope that your reason for not returning to the police force is because of me. You've always been a good cop, Jennie. An even better special forces agent. There's no reason for you to have to be a driver. A stint in prison won't stop management from taking you back. Don't let the past get in the way of that," he finished and bid her goodnight.

Shutting her eyes once the door closed she massaged her temples. Getting her phone again, she decided to listen to some music. He had just ruined the okay mood she had been in. She got up to switch off the light and picked up her earphones along the way.

Climbing into bed, she plugged in the earphones. As she was about to open her music, she saw there was a message from Rosé. Opening the chat, Jennie saw that the other woman was still online.

Rosé: Home😉

Jennie: Have you eaten something?

Jennie: One of my housemates wants to chat. Don't forget to eat. I'll say goodnight once we're done chatting, but you should go to sleep if you want.

Rosé: I did eat. But I'm still hungry.

Rosé: Enjoy the chat Jen xx

Looking at the message, the brunette found herself smiling. This was the first time the blonde had shortened her name and she liked it.

Jennie: Why are you still up?

Rosé: I'm waiting for my goodnight

Jennie: Goodnight.

Rosé: That's all I get woman!

Jennie: I did tell you to go to sleep if you wanted to.

Rosé: You're so hard to please. Lol, it's cool though, I'll just lay here trying to lick my wounds.

Jennie: Aww I didn't mean to be rude. What can I do to make it up to you?

Rosé: Come lick my wounds for me 😊

Jennie: Fuck off Rosé😊

Rosé: Hahahaha I atleast thought I'd try. Anyway, I'm going to say goodnight now. Get plenty of rest ok? And sleep. Sweet dreams Jen, I can't wait to see you tomorrow xx

Jennie: Thank you Rosé, have a good night's rest too. I'm looking forward to it as well.

She saw Rosé go offline. Biting her lip, Jennie read over their conversation again. And then again. It made her smile each time. Telling herself to remember to thank Rosé for lifting her mood, Jennie placed her phone aside and went to sleep.

The following day as Jennie was on her way out to go to Rosé's, she was surprised to see that everyone was home. J.seph and Moon were playing a video game, Kai and Irene were chatting in the corner and Taemin was sitting at the kitchen counter, looking over papers. She tried to slip by quietly.

"You going out?" asked Taemin. His back was still towards her and the sound of his voice had gotten the attention of the others.

"Uh yeah., I need to go," she tried hurriedly.

"Wait baba! Where are you off to?" asked Irene and walked towards her. Moon and J had stopped playing. Like Kai they were listening intrigued.

"I'm just going to see someone," said Jennie as she scratched her head.

"Oh okay, who is it? Someone we know?" asked Irene and at this Taemin looked at her.

" it's just someone from work, think we could potentially be friends," said Jennie. Moon and J nodded before returning to the video game. Kai looked at Jennie suspiciously.

"You're quite dressed up for a meet up with a work friend," said Kai.

"It's just some make-up Kai," gritted Jennie. Kai was going to respond but Taemin's voice cut him short.

"Well you shouldn't keep them waiting Jen," he said with his back facing her again.

"Yeah I shouldn't. See you later," said Jennie and rushed for the door.

"Bye Jen, have fun," waved Irene.

Jumping into her car, Jennie quickly sent a message to let Rosé know she was on her way. Reversing out, she placed on her sunglasses as she hit the road. It was a bright day and for once in a long time, she was feeling the excitement. Putting on the radio, Jennie thumped along as Paramore's Rose-Coloured Boy played through. It was a vibrant song, with dark meaning. She could relate with it and was happy to sing along.

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