Drive Fifty Three

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Rosé's eyes softened as she returned to the bedroom. After seeing the brunette asleep, she'd decided to leave her and got all their things together quietly. She'd gone out, to fetch the car and bring it closer to the beach house. Having packed their stuff in the car, she knew it was time to leave.

"Baby," she whispered, nudging Jennie gently, "Baby wake up," she tried again but the brunette just curled into a ball further. Huffing some air out, Rosé shrugged. She moved to put Jennie underneath the blankets and tucked her in. Closing the door as she made the call, she smiled at the cute pout on Jennie's face.

"Hi Jae," she went to the kitchen and put on the kettle.

"Hi Chae, are you on your way yet?"

"No, uhm," she turned hearing the kettle boil," Jen's fallen asleep, looks like I can't make it just yet," she chuckled weakly as she heard Jaehyun chuckle too.

"I have a meeting in an hour, do you have time to talk now?"

"Yes I do," she placed the phone on her shoulder as she made herself a cup of tea.

"What do you think Taemin wants to talk about?"

"It could be a lot of things. Maybe they finally want to know what we're doing?"

"Yeah maybe. Guess we'll find out tomorrow," he leaned back in his seat, "I did some searching this morning. I think I found the narrative that has the guitar."

Rosé frowned, "Are you concluding it's not in this one?"

"Yeah, I'm quite certain that this narrative doesn't have the guitar."

"Fuck," sighed Rosé. Where would she have to go to this time?

"It's not like coming here was useless. We finally found your Jennie," he laughed, and Rosé smiled at his optimism.

"That's right, I finally found her. But we still have work to do," she said.

"I know," he nodded.

"So, tell me about the narrative with the guitar?"

"Well seems like the Rosé in that narrative is a Kpop star. You and Jennie are in the same girlgroup."

Rosé burst out laughing, "No way in fuck!"

"Yeah, we're all K-pop stars. It's actually kind of cool seeing our performances," he chuckled.

"What the fuck. Okay, so you saw the guitar there?"

"Yeah, Rosé posted on her social media of all the birthday gifts she received. I think one of them was a custom-made guitar," he said. Rosé frowned as she thought.

"How is Rosé's and Jennie's relationship in that narrative?" she asked.

"Uhm..." Jaehyun wondered how to answer. Looking down sadly, Rosé understood.

"I see," she said.

"Are you gonna go?"

"I have to. We need the guitar. But I must finish things here first," she bit her lip.

"Right. We need Jennie to "get back" to the original narrative. Maybe we should tell Taemin, so he can chat with Hyuna. We will need her help since she's still in the original narrative."

"Yeah, we probably should," she agreed.

"On another note, could you send me that translation as soon as your done with it? I've been able to translate more of the texts, I've emailed it to you," he said.

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