Drive Six

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She pulled the vehicle in to the garage and stepped out gingerly. She walked up the stairs and in to the large locker rooms. Earlier, when Bendrick and Jisoo was showing her around the place was empty. But now she heard a few voices.

Nearing the locker she was assigned to, she saw people with similar dress as her. They were chatting softly but stopped as they heard her footsteps. Turning to her, she gave them an awkward wave.

"Hi," she said and the man on the far side burst out laughing.

"No need to be nervous," he chuckled and made his way to her.

"I'm Jaejoong," he had a kind smile and she accepted his handshake.

"I'm Jennie," she nodded.

"Haven't seen you before?" said the man with curly dark hair behind him. He had sleepy eyes.

"I'm Hozier," he said.

"Nice to meet you," said Jennie politely.

"Likewise," he smiled. She noted his Irish accent.

"Are you guys drivers too?" she asked.

"No," said Jaejoong.

"But you work here?"

"Occasionally," shrugged Jaejoong and Hozier laughed at the perplexity on the young woman's face.

"He's pulling you're strings. Yes, we work here. But I'm a music tutor and he's a chef," explained Hozier.

"Oh, we all wear the same stuff?" asked Jennie.

"Yeah, they're pretty anal about it," said Jaejoong as he undid his tie and headed to his locker.

"Okay, cool," said Jennie.

"I'm off," said Hozier as he headed to the door.

"I'll see you around Jennie, Jaejoong let me know about Tae," he smiled and left them. Jennie watched him walk away and turned back to her locker. Digging for her bag, she placed her jacket and hat away.

"Be careful," said Jaejoong.

"Excuse me?"

"With whatever you want to do here. Be careful, it's easy to get sucked in and forget why you actually came," he smiled knowingly. Jennie looked at him intently as he walked off, sighing, she slammed her locker shut and left.

"Aww you're so cute. My Rosie, come here baby," Lisa pinched both of Rosé's cheeks as Jisoo returned with the sushi.

Pushing Lisa away, she was horrified to see that the grey haired woman wasn't giving up. She returned more determined and moved to tickle her waist. Jiggling away, she unintentionally released some giggles as she tried to swat Lisa away.

"Stop," she laughed and pulled Lisa in to a hug. Accepting it happily, Lisa pecked her cheek.

"Glad you're back. This one was quicker," said Lisa. Sitting down at the table Rosé looked down.

"Yeah it was. Thankfully..."

"Here, eat," instructed Jisoo as she shoved the food before her sister. Lisa glared at her but Jisoo ignored it.

"Thank you for coming over Chu. You didn't have to," said Rosé.

"Just need to make sure you're alright," smiled Jisoo.

"And she missed you terribly," added Lisa.

"Did not," shook Jisoo.

"Did too," grinned Lisa and Rosé took some pieces of sushi from each of their dishes.

"I missed you too Jisoo. I always do," said Rosé.

"Okay okay, enough of all this sappiness," waved Jisoo.

"So what was it like?" asked Lisa eagerly.


"The masterclass with Paolo, it's not every day you get one-on-one lessons with one of the best guitarists in the world," beamed Lisa.

"Oh yeah, it was insightful," said Rosé with a tight lipped smile. Jisoo saw her sister's shoulders slouch a bit.

"You know what baby?" said Jisoo and Lisa turned to her with an inquisitive smile.

"I'm more interested in why Pasta has mentioned nothing about the brand new employee. Personally scouted by myself," said Jisoo in an exaggerated voice.

"Ooooh yes, sexy driver. Fuck if ever I..." but Lisa shut her mouth quickly as Jisoo looked at her. Smiling innocently she moved in to kiss her.

"You hired her?" asked Rosé.

"She's an old acquaintance who was in need of a job. I knew I could help her," said Jisoo and Rosé nodded. Old acquaintance in her sister's language meant something entirely else.

"Okay," she sipped on her soda, " next time would you be so kind as to inform me when, you're just planning to change my staff."

"I'll keep that in mind," said Jisoo blandly. Lisa looked between the two and knew the atmosphere had shifted.

"Thanks, I appreciate you understanding," said Rosé and continued eating.

"Do you now?" said Jisoo with a raised eyebrow. She wasn't liking her sister's tone.

"ANYWAY...Hwasa and I got booked for another gig but it's with one of the top rated photographers," said Lisa.

"Really? How'd that happen?" asked Rosé and Lisa told her the full story joyfully. But every now and then she and her sister's eyes would meet. Jisoo's filled with questions and hers with something unknown. 

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