Stop One.

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"Why should I get another car?" asked Jennie as she ran to catch up with her.

"Because Lisa is almost always attached to her someway, somehow," laughed Rosé. Jennie placed her hands in to her pocket as they continued walking.

"You know way too much about your sister's and her girlfriend's relationship. More than I'm comfortable with," chuckled Jennie.

"Lisa's my best mate and they're not in a relationship," said Rosé.

"They're not?" the image of Jisoo furiously honking the steering wheel made Jennie feel otherwise.

"Yeah, it's not like that with them," said Rosé as she looked to Jennie.

"So they just fuck each other," concluded Jennie.

"No, there are certainly very strong emotional feelings there," said Rosé.

"So they're friends with benefits?" Rosé shook her head.

"Friend's with feelings?" Jennie tried again.

"That's a thing?" asked Rosé

"For some people yes. Okay, if they're not any of those then what are they? Non-exclusive, mutually exclusive, parallel lines, pie squared," rambled Jennie and Rosé stopped, buckling over in laughter.

"Oh my gosh, that's the best thing I've heard in a while," she chuckled, "ha, parallel lines," Rosé wiped at her eyes with a smile still plastered over her face. Jennie had really liked the sound that had escaped from the blonde woman, and seeing her wide toothed like that was brightening.

"I'm glad I could entertain you Rosé," she grinned.

They smiled warmly at each other, as crowds of people passed by them. Jennie's hands were still in her pockets, and Rosé's was clutched to the straps of her backpack. Jennie's gaze didn't break away from her and such full focus of attention made the taller woman's stomach buzz.

There was a warmth in the darkness of the brunette's eyes and Rosé wondered why it was flowing so freely towards her. Was Jennie doing that on purpose? She shifted her weight on to her right leg and turned to the left. Smiling, she turned back to the brunette.

"Can I hold your hand again?" asked Rosé quietly as her head bowed. Jennie saw a small smile on her lips.

"Uhm, sure, I guess," shrugged Jennie as she revealed one of her hands and Rosé grabbed on to it.

"Thank you. Now I'm going to take you out for ice-cream," said Rosé as she dragged Jennie closer towards her.

"What? I thought we were getting you home?" she readjusted her hat as they walked.

"After I get you ice-cream," said Rosé. Jennie laughed from the pit of her stomach and its echoes travelled in to Rosé's body. She watched in amazement has Jennie's face transformed in to the happiest thing on earth. She smiled in admiration.

"It's not like you gave me a choice Rosé," said Jennie as a few last laughs escaped her. This was not how she expected her first day to do. But she didn't really mind either. They reached an ice-cream vendor and had to wait in a line.

"You didn't get to telling me about Jisoo and Lisa," said Jennie.

"Oh yeah. Well how should I say. They cater towards each other," settled Rosé with a nod.


"Well, there are things that Lisa caters for in regards to my sister's needs and vice versa. It works for them," said Rosé, they inched a few steps forward.

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