Drive Forty One

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Having finished writing up her target notes, Jennie went to take a long and very necessary shower. Her mind was buzzing with all kinds of thoughts, but none were more dominant than wanting to kiss Rosé again.

Stepping out of the shower, she dried herself quickly. Heading towards her closet, she thought it would be a good idea to dress nicely for the blonde. No, she chastised herself, she was going to dress up for herself.

Having a small internal argument with herself, she conceded in wanting to dress nicely for the other woman. Clicking her tongue, she looked over her wardrobe. It had been a while since she had dressed up. Let alone with the intent to get lai....

Jennie cut the thought immediately. That wasn't why she was doing this. It was just dinner. It was just dinner, she repeated to herself. Biting her lip, she didn't know what she should wear. Your overthinking this, she told herself.

And she knew she was. Her eyes moved to a short black ensemble. You can't wear that, the skirt is too short, said her conscious. But that was the purpose of the outfit, to be a little more revealing than necessary.

You're not trying to seduce her Jennie, said the voice in her head.

"Maybe I am," she replied out loud. Eyes widening, she realized what she just said. No, I'm not. I'm not trying to seduce her, she told herself and her conscious agreed.

Deciding to go with a simple tight fitted jean and white blouse, she reckoned it be best to not overdo anything. Heading over to her desk, she sat down and began to do her hair and make-up. Placing on the red lipstick, she popped her lips to cover them fully.

Looking towards her shoes, she chose a pair of black ankle strap heels. They were comfortable on her feet and she knew she'd be able to drive easily with them. She heard a door shut and voices followed.

Picking up her phone, she saw that it was just past 19:00. Taking one final look in her mirror, she pursed her lips. Pulling the blouse down slightly, it left one of her shoulders bare. Satisfied, she gathered her purse and placed on some perfume.

"Holy Fuck!" exclaimed Moonbyul as Jennie made her way to the living room. Turning to see what the fuss was about, Irene and Kai's mouths dropped. Jennie continued walking ignoring them.

"EXCUSE ME!" Irene jumped in front of her, stopping her in her tracks.

"I need to go, Bae," Jennie gestured for her to move.

"Hold up," said the older woman, "Where are you going?"

"I have dinner plans," shrugged Jennie.

"Yeah but you look fine as fuck. Shit Jen, I haven't seen you glow up like this since before you went to prison," said Moon.

"Moon's right, you looking like the baddest bitch in town," laughed Irene.

"I guess I just am," grinned Jennie flicking her hair and all the women laughed.

"Who are you having dinner with?" asked Kai as he looked at her attire.

"Just someone," said Jennie. His face shifted unhappily, not liking that answer.

"Clearly someone you want to impress," Moon loved to instigate shit.

"Is it one of the Park sisters? We can follow you. For safety purposes," said Kai.

"We're going to do what now? Kai we just got back from drinks with Lisa," Moon looked at him confused.

"It's for Jennie's safety," he whined.

"I don't need it. And yes I'm seeing Rosé," said Jennie.

"Then we should follow you," urged Kai.

"She's harmless Kai. I won't need it," said Jennie.

"How would you know?" he looked at her seriously.

"Kai, I just do okay," Jennie gritted through her teeth.

"Yeah but," Irene cut him off, seeing Jennie's agitation.

"It's cool. Let Jen go alone," said Irene, ending the discussion.

"Thank you, now please excuse me, I'm already late," said the brunette as she dashed out the front door, ignoring the hurt look in Kai's eyes.

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