What you see...

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The crows cackled as the blood dripped down her face, shaking her head, she breathed unevenly. The clanging of swords could be heard all around her and the screams ripped the air apart. Getting up, she picked up her sword and headed towards where she last saw them.

Swiping her sword through the men in her way, she looked around feverishly. The flames were spreading and some of the village's men were trying to escape with their children in their arms. But she saw her officers slice through them diligently. The children's heads fell off their bodies in silence.

"COMMANDER!!" she ducked to her left as she saw Lalisa cut open the villager who attempted to stab her.

"Thank you," she breathed, the blood still dropping.

"Don't worry about it. Come, we need to end this," Lalisa helped her up and they fought their way through any villagers who tried to stop them. The smoke of the fire was increasing her dizziness but she ignored it.

As they ran towards the hut, she saw some of her men force themselves on the women of the village. Her heart fell, but the orders were by any means necessary. They made it and the fighting was even worse on this end of the village.

Some men rushed to them and Lalisa flung her sword in protection.

"Go, I'll finish this lot," she pushed her forward. Rushing into the hut she saw a group of guards attempting to run away, their eyes fell on her and she sensed their fear. Gliding, she pierced their skins effortlessly, their screams ringing her ears. She had no respect for the cowardly.

Pushing past the door, she watched as the flames surrounded the fight scene. Their weapons echoed viciously against each other and it was clear who was the better fighter. Her golden locks burned brighter than the fire around them, and her movements flowed like water bending. Her jabs danced lightly, where the katana in her hands was her willing partner.

Gulping, she knew her best friend was no match. Because this woman was unreal...a god.

"KILL HIM!!" the scream broke her reverie as she heard her best friend's instructions. The goddess flinched with hesitation as she realized there was an extra person in the room. Seeing the prince on the floor, she rushed towards him.

The golden hair warrior tried to get to him first, but it was too late. She had him in his grasps. His breaths were shallow, but they were still there. She held him up, knowing what this would cost her.

"Don't," the whisper was clear and the eyes that gripped her said that years of trust would be broken if she moved her sword anywhere near him. She was about to drop him back to the floor, not ready to lose the other woman.

"KILL HIM!" screamed her best friend and her mind blanked. 

 Closing her eyes, she screamed in agony aware her loyalty to the oath she made to her friend meant more than her own feelings. Her sword moved of its own accord. The prince's throat gushed out his blood relentlessly. Eyes wide the golden-haired woman was made frozen. The fire had spread around the hut and the roof was falling in.

She turned to see the purple streaks of her best friend rush towards her, a triumphant smile on her face. But this did not feel like a victory. She was about to reach for the golden-haired woman, urge her to follow them but a shadow swooped her up first.

"We need to go," he urged her, his dark eyes staring daggers at her and her best friend.

"My brother," murmured the golden-haired women but the man picked her up and they fled out. She wanted to run after them, tell him he can't take her. That she needed her...

The hut's roof fell further in and the smoke was near paralyzing. Her best friend took her arm and led them out. The smoke felt endless and as she felt her chest begin to choke, she knew she'd just broken her own heart...

Arms stretched out Jennie jumped up as she tried to breathe. Coughing, trembling fingers moved up to her temple. But there was no blood coming from her head and as the bright flashes in front of her eyes disappeared she saw she was in a normal room. Rosé's room.

Breathing in and out slowly, she turned to her left and saw that the blonde was still lying asleep next to her. Her heart began to beat erratically as she took in Rosé's face. That dream felt far too real...

Wiping the sweat from her face, she laid back down and pulled the blonde closer. In her sleep Rosé opened her arms and Jennie snuggled up to her greedily. Her heart was still beating fast, but she found comfort in knowing Rosé was still here, safely in her arms, where no shadows could steal her.

Lisa had decided to make Somin and Jisoo breakfast since she'd woken up way earlier than either of them. Also, she knew after the incredible night they had, they needed to regain their energy. Finishing up the pancakes, she took out the orange juice and set up the table.

Impressed with herself, she smiled on her way to the bedroom. Pulling the handle, her eyebrows furrowed as the door didn't open. Pulling on it continuously, she was about to bang on the door. But then it opened and Jisoo stepped out, with a tight smile.

"Hey baby," she kissed Lisa's cheek.

"Why was the door locked?"

"It wasn't. Think it just jammed," Jisoo scratched the back of her neck.

"I made brekkie, let me tell So," she was about to go in but Jisoo pushed her gently away from the door.

"Why don't you head back to the kitchen, start the coffee while I get So," Jisoo's lips were still in a tight line and Lisa's wasn't far behind.

"Jisoo, let me get Somin, so we can have breakfast," repeated the model but Jisoo's grip on her arm tightened, still directing her back to the kitchen.

"Lisa, just go make us coffee so long. I'll get Somin, don't stress," she persisted, and Lisa felt that familiar sense of unease return. Not wanting to fight, she turned back and walked to the kitchen. Seeing her disappear around the corner, Jisoo sighed in relief and went back into the room.

Somin was trying to sip on the bottle of water but it wasn't helping. Her chest was closing, and she could feel a coughing storm coming. Jisoo rushed to her side as the coughs rippled through Somin's body.

Rubbing her back gently, she helped ease her through the episode. As the coughs stopped, Somin could feel her eyes begin to sting, this was becoming worse and as she moved her hands back from her mouth her eyes went wide.

"Chu," she whispered and Jisoo nearly fell apart herself as she looked at Somin's hands. Helping her up she guided the other woman to the bathroom.

"Come, Lisa's waiting for us," said Jisoo as she tried to remain calm. Somin nodded weakly as she let Jisoo take her to the bathroom to wash the blood off of her palms. 

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