Stop Two

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Turning around, Jennie looked at Rosé seriously. The blonde was surprised to see they weren't moving and gave the brunette a questioning look.

"What's wrong?" asked Jennie.

"Nothing," said Rosé wide-eyed and the brunette pursed her lips.

"What's wrong Rosé?"

Jennie waited as the blonde sat and thought. Sighing Rosé blew up her cheeks and then released the air in a huff.

"Our research session was really bad today. Well for me atleast. Kobe, the guy we were talking about earlier didn't even let me finish my sentences. And even called me "just another star-sign reader" because I told him some of his calculations were wrong," she said and Jennie nodded.

"Are you guys working on something specific?" asked Jennie.

"Yes and no. We have all been put on a special project together but we also have our own research interests. Every other week, we have someone present their research to the department. You know, to get advice or feel how their research is seen by a wider audience. Today, Kobe was presenting for us but he didn't want to take any constructive criticism. When I gave him a suggestion he just insulted me," said Rosé.

"I see," said Jennie, " How old is he?"

"I think, maybe 54, 55," said Rosé.

"That makes sense. He probably views you as a much younger researcher, who has no place to tell him what he should do better. When you spoke, he let it hurt his ego instead of actually taking in what you said to help him with his work. I'm sure what you suggested could help him a lot," said Jennie.

"I think it could," agreed Rosé.

"Mmm, sometimes that's how older people react to younger people who actually have some wisdom. It's always an unnecessary issue of respect instead of the truth. On top of that, you're a young female. From my basic knowledge I know it hasn't been smooth sailing for women in science," said Jennie.

"It hasn't and it still isn't," smiled Rosé, " I think you're right, because when some of my older colleagues spoke he atleast pretended to listen to them."

"Yeah, no shocker there. Anyway, don't let his bruised ego, ruin your mood. Don't let it get to you, he doesn't deserve the energy. It's not worth it. You're far too good for his tired ass to darken you're day," said Jennie and smiled at her. Rosé's eyes widened at how sincere Jennie sounded.

"Thank you," said Rosé as she looked down and smiled. Jennie's stomach buzzed slightly at the blonde's display of shyness.

"It's a pleasure. What is you're research interest?"

"I'm an astrophysicist's, so basically I'm interested in the stars, objects in space. But more focused on what they're made of or how they came to be, rather than their movements," said Rosé.

"That sounds so interesting," said Jennie with a big smile, she'd never met anyone who's studied that before.

"It is," laughed Rosé, "What about you?"

"What about me?" asked Jennie.

"You seem down today, what's wrong?"

"I just got a lot on my mind," shrugged Jennie.

"Well tell me one thing atleast. I think it'll make you feel a little better," said Rosé and Jennie looked off to the side. Rosé saw her mind thinking. Jennie shook her head.

"It's okay, don't worry," said Jennie. Rosé noticed her eyes got darker.

"What did you do before you got this job?"

"I uhm," Jennie's eyes darted. Her heart was beating a little faster.

"It's okay, Jennie, take your time," said Rosé and moved forward to place a hand on the brunette's cheek. She moved her thumb lightly up and down, hoping it would calm the driver. She could see the stress on her face.

Jennie looked down and bit her lip. Rosé liked the way it made her look. Dark eyes moved back up to stare at her and she knew what they were saying.

"I won't judge you," whispered Rosé. Jennie sighed as she closed her eyes and enjoyed Rosé's touch. It was so soothing. But before she got lost in it, she moved back.

"Okay," she said, " I, uhm," she looked at the blonde and only saw patience.

"Well before this, I was in prison," she said.

"What for?" asked Rosé

"I got caught up in a bad situation," said Jennie.

"I understand that," nodded Rosé and Jennie was glad to see no judgment in her eyes.

"Was that on your mind today?" asked Rosé

"Yeah it was," sighed Jennie, her mind flashed back to the clear blue sky.

"Whatever happened, one day it's going to stop haunting you. But for now, while you're working through it, try not to bottle things up ok. I know we only met like yesterday but I feel like I've known you for a long time," chuckled Rosé, " Anyway what I'm saying is, I'll listen if you need someone to listen."

"I don't think anyone's ever said that to me before. I think haunting is a pretty good analogy," said Jennie, as she wondered how the blonde read her so well.

"I appreciate it. Thank you, and yeah I feel the same. Like we've known each other before," said Jennie smiling. Rosé looked at her seriously.

"You have a really beautiful smile, Jennie," she said softly her eyes focused on the brunette's lips.

"So do you," said Jennie and saw a small grin appeared on Rosé's face as she looked down. She's so...cute, thought Jennie. Turning around, she started the car and pulled out. They drove in a comfortable silence for a bit.



"Why did you stop the car? We could've just spoken as you drove," said Rosé tentatively. Jennie, looked at her through the mirror.

"I wanted to give you my full attention," said Jennie

"Oh..." said Rosé as a smile spread across her face.

"Yeah, I wanted you to know that I'm listening," said Jennie as she saw the blonde smile. Rosé, nodded in appreciation and turned to look out the window. Jennie, herself found her lips spreading happily as she saw Rosé's cheeks turn a shade of red. 

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