What you see isn't always what you get

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It had been three days and Jisoo was still missing. The news had given non-stop coverage of the Park Incorporations Scandal with the incident that occurred at the Sage Modelling work party painting both Jisoo and Rosé's characters even worse. Lisa was lying on the couch, in complete darkness other than the light of the television flickering over her eyes.

There was a knock on the door. It sounded faint as if it wasn't real. Was that the same one as last time? Lisa wondered if she's been imagining the knock. It got louder. A commercial came on, interrupting the news. It was a KFC ad. Blinking slowly, Lisa realised she hadn't eaten anything since coming back from the hospital. When was that? What day was it?

Thinking of the hospital brought tears to her eyes again. Did that really happen? The tears fell silently. Jaehyun tumbled inside as he kicked the door open. The noise didn't even make her flinch. Dusting himself off he hurried inside and found her in the living room.

"Lisa!" he ran to her and pulled her into a tight hug. She just let him hold her. 

"Are you okay?" he asked as he leaned back. Taking a good look at her he saw that her face was pale, slightly thinner and her eyes were blood red. Giving her an empathetic look, he gently wiped some of her tears away.

"Why are you crying Lis?" seeing him a little more clearly, she burst into further tears. Clutching on to him as she sobbed, Jaehyun pouted sadly as he sat down on the floor. Pulling her into his lap, he remained quiet tenderly rubbing her hair, and let her cry as much as she needed.

"Fuck, I'm losing my mind," sighed Jimin as he slouched on the couch. Jisoo kept looking out of the window.

"What's taking them so long?"she said and took a sip of her coffee. They'd decided that Jaehyun and Dahyun should continue acting as normal while Jisoo and Jimin hid away. In the mean time, Jaehyun would get Lisa and Somin and then they would figure out what to do about Rosé.

"Chu, have you ever thought, that maybe what we've been doing is wrong?" Jimin laid himself out on the couch, turning to him she frowned.

"In what sense?" she leaned against the wall arms crossed.

"Us jumping into different narratives like this? Taking over our other versions bodies," he held his hands up.

"We don't take over their bodies Jim."

"Or however it works," he flopped his hands down, "Just invading their lives like this. Is it right?" he asked. Jisoo's eyes flickered slightly, she knew what he was trying to say.

He turned to her expectantly. The sunlight blocked out her face from him and as he lifted his hand, he saw she'd turned her back to him. Looking out the window Jisoo finished her coffee, leaving the question unanswered.

Jennie's mouth turned down sadly as she scrolled through her photo's. She'd just clicked onto one of her and Rosé smiling happily together at the beach. Her heart dropped. Her mixed emotions were all over the place. Over the past couple of days she'd wake up from her ever-increasing vivid dreams and call out for Rosé desperately. And then reality would sink back to her and she'd get up blankly, stare at Taemin's room and then go back to her room and cry herself to sleep.

Taemin had gotten her out of prison. Taemin had taken her in after her mother couldn't get over the shame she brought to the family. Taemin had gotten her to be a part of this investigation with the chance of becoming a special agent again. Taemin was the only one who knew...that her feelings for Rosé wasn't an act.

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